SATURDAY 3rd APRIL from Midday
@ Deckspace, in the tower at Greenwich Borough Hall
entrance opposite Greenwich Police Station, buzzer next to the Greenwich Dance Agency entrance on the corner of Peyton Place and Royal Hill
Hey social centre folks,
Please send this on to your colleagues if they are not already on the elist.
The next London Social Centres Network meeting is:
SATURDAY 3rd APRIL from Midday
@ Deckspace, in the tower at Greenwich Borough Hall
entrance opposite Greenwich Police Station, buzzer next to the Greenwich Dance Agency entrance on the corner of Peyton Place and Royal Hill
If you get lost ring Laura on: 07761 770 997
For info on Deckspace have a look at:

Below is a draft agenda. Please note that Laura will be passing on the responsibility of sending out email reminders of meetings etc. so other folks will need to volunteer at this meeting.
1) What is LondonSCN?
2) Who are Deckspace and what can they do for social centres?
3) The LondonSCN poster and brochure
4) The LondonSCN website
5) What is going on in your social centre?
6) Who wants to co-ordinate LondonSCN meetings, emails etc?
7) A constitution for LondonSCN?
8) Next meeting – who wants to host it?
9) Any other business
All social centre activists are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to take advantage of the London Social Centres Network e-lists:
Discussion list: to join send a blank email to:

Events list/newsletter: to join send a blank email to:

If YOU are from any of the following please get in touch and let us know whether you want to be included in LondonSCN listings, publications, websites etc:
Limehouse Town Hall
Kingsley Hall
491 Gallery
142 Lea Bridge Rd
Poison Club
laura (Use Your Loaf and Emmaz Club)
0845 345 0266