Are Beenie Man, Elephant Man and Bounty Killer secretly gay?
London Mayor Ken Livingstone condemns “homophobic lyrics”
Activists mock Beenie Man, Bounty Killer, Elephant Man and Buju Banton at London
The Placards
Four of Jamaica’s top dancehall music stars were mocked and ridiculed as “Killer Queens” in today’s Gay Pride Parade in London, UK, which was dedicated to the memory of murdered Jamaican gay rights campaigner, Brian Williamson.
Poster-size photos of Beenie Man, Bounty Killer, Elephant Man and Buju Banton – retouched with pink lipstick, blue eye-liner and red nail polish – were carried by gay rights group OutRage! and black gay Jamaican friends of Brian Williamson.
They marched at the head of the parade, immediately behind the lead banner and the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone.
Speaking to reporters at the start of the Parade, Mr Livingstone condemned “homophobic lyrics that incite violence against lesbians and gays”.
Mayor Livingstone later told the BBC: “As the murder of Brian Williamson shows, homophobia continues to have tragic consequences all over the world”.
Each OutRage! placard featured a camped-up photo of one of the four homophobic Jamaican singers, captioned with the words “Jamaica’s Killer Queen”. The plackards also carried a quote from singer’s lyrics which incite the murder of gay people, and the catch-line “Stop Murder Music” (see attached sample Parade photo and the four placard images.).
OutRage! says it has received information from Jamaica alleging that “some of the dancehall artistes who sing homophobic songs are themselves secretly gay”.
“It is time Beenie Man, Bounty Killer and Elephant Man came clean and told the people of Jamaica the truth about their sexuality”, said OutRage!
Speaking at the Gay Pride rally in Trafalgar Square, Peter Tatchell of OutRage! said:
“Lesbian and gay Jamaicans are being beaten and murdered. The Jamaican government and police are doing nothing serious to stop homophobic hate crimes”.
“We demand an end to the murder music that encourages violence against lesbians and gay men – both here in Britain and in Jamaica.
“Let’s make a noise for queer freedom in Jamaica”.
In response, the whole of Trafalgar Square, filled with thousands of people, erupted into a huge, deafening roar.
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