Tony Blair has signalled that during Britains host year, he wants to focus the G8 on issues including Africa, climate change, and sustainability. All very worthy, but ironic given that since it's inception in 1975, the G8 has spectactularily failed to resolve these problems. For instance, the US has failed to sign up to the now outdated Kyoto agreement, Russia has only just signalled it's willingness to do so, whilst harmful emissions & global warming increase apace. In Africa, 20 years on from Band & Live Aid, approx 6 million Ethiopians face famine this year, the Sudan crisis worsens, and poverty across the continent has increased. The national & Bristol Dissent groups believe that aid, whilst well intentioned, is merely a sticking plaster across a failing worldwide socio-economic system, and that more fundamental social & economic change is required.
In response to Blair's 3 main issues, the Bristol group will in the coming months produe a series of fact sheets on these issues, as well as an introductory fact sheet on the workings of the G8. We will also highlight the alternatives to the failing economic programme of the G8. If you have ideas & information to contribute to these please get in touch.
Other upcoming Bristol Dissent events include:
4 November - benefit night at The Plough pub, Easton Rd, Easton, from 8pm, with bands/DJ's.
6 November - first in a series of monthly info street stalls around Bristol.
More details available at the meeting. You can contact Bristol Dissent at

Let's get busy - see you there!
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