Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS: World AIDS Day 2004
The Mayor of London in association with Zimbabwe Women’s Network UK and the African HIV Policy Network, are pleased to invite you to a half-day event on:
Monday 6th December, 9.30am - 1.00pm followed by lunch
City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London SE1 2AA
In the Living Room, top of building, ten minutes walk from London Bridge station. This is a FREE event supported by the Mayor of London. No need to check for spaces, Yvonne who co-ordinates the Zimbabwe Women's Network will not turn anyone away, all welcome just turn up or you could book a place by calling Simi on 020 7983 4984, thanks
Cheikh Traoré
Health Inequalities Programme Lead
Policy Support Unit
Greater London Authority
City Hall
The Queen's Walk
London SE1 2AA
Direct Tel: 0207 983 4641
A day of Reflection and Action
World AIDS Day is a day in the year for civil society, policy makers and people living with HIV to reflect on the current impact of the epidemic and our collective responses to stop its negative impact. This event is for all organisations with an interest in African women’s health and welfare - Women’s organisations - HIV/AIDS Service organisations - Refugee Community Organisations - Health professionals - Women living with HIV – Policy makers with an interest in women’s health. Participants will have an opportunity to:
• Hear the voices of women living HIV in London
• Reflect on the current ‘state of play’ on gender and AIDS in London and worldwide
• Commemorate the UN theme of ‘Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS’.
• Devise personal and organisational strategies to mitigate the negative social, psychological and economic impact of HIV in London.
women in london, an internet directory of london based women's groups and other groups working for women in london

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