Challenge Car Culture! - The banner opposite Bucks County Council Offices.
The aim of the protest was to show opposition to the construction of the Linslade bypass and secondly to encourage the council to develop a transport policy based upon increased support for public transport and local facilities. For example new housing (if really necessary) could be based around a reopened east-west rail link and express inter-town bus routes. It is hoped that the protest will also give encouragement to the more Eco-minded members of the Council to put across their views more strongly.
The banner was visible to anybody working within the main council office tower and would have would have been visible to anybody working within the council offices. Unfortunately as the banner was tied to the side of a private car park it was taken down by security within about 20 minutes, however those present felt it was there long enough to make a significant impact. The protest also got good local press and was covered by the Bucks Herald, Mix 96 Radio and BBC local radio.
4 security guys turned up to remove the banner and escorted the two protestors from the car park. Although technically within their rights as the protest was on private property, they were slightly mob handed in their actions. Where as the police on facing a situation like this will usually politely ask what you are doing and give you a chance to take down a banner yourselves, these guys moved in with little preamble and started to tear down the banner. Fortunately pleading with them worked to a small extent, as we were able to rescue the banner from their knives for use on another occasion.
Also to be fair to them they are probably paid very poor wages and are unlikely to be given training as to what to do in such situations.
Watch this space – more protest against the bypass will follow!
More people willing to get involved in action against the road always wanted. See road alert for contact details.

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