The Independent Media Centre Network has gone from strength to strength over the past 5 years in a bid to provide an alternative media outlet. But now, as IMC UK heads towards its own 5th birthday, a crisis is looming...
So, in order to to survive, IMC UK has decided that "if you can't beat 'em - join 'em." The current crisis is, of course, fiscal - threatening not only our ability to provide any kind of media service during the G8 protests, but may also mean we have to make cutbacks and axe participants from the project. This we would hate to do. Consequently, we are negotiating premium contracts with Ronald McDonald and Starbucks (for pop-ups, banners and promotional videos) to provide targeted marketing opportunities into a new sector. We hope that this will sustain IMC UK for the foreseeable future.
How to make a donation
If you are working, please consider setting up a regular donation of £10 a month, or whatever you can afford depending on your circumstances...
Just write down these details, take them to your bank and ask to set up a monthly or quarterly standing order.
Account number: 03194700
Sort code: 16-58-10
Triodos Bank NV
Brunel House 11
The Promenade
Bristol BS8 3NN
To make a one-off donation you may use PayPal which is quick and easy but please note that they will deduct 4-5 percent.
So if you can donate using your bank's Internet Banking service, or plain old pen and paper, that would make the donation go a lot further.
If using cheques, write them to: The Independent Media Centre (IMC) UK
In the UK, cheques or cash can be paid in over the counter at all branches of the Royal Bank of Scotland at no charge. This is preferable to sending them to Triodos which costs us 50p per cheque.
Postal address for cheques or postal orders:
The Independent Media Centre (IMC) UK
P.O. Box 587
London SW2 4HA
To transfer money from outside the UK
Account Name: Triodos Bank
Account number: 10000856
Sort code: 16-00-34
IBAN Number: GB11RBOS16003410 0008 56
BIC Number: RBOS BD 21
Reference: 03194700
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