My name is Danielle Willmott, I am a 22-year old, senior in college, and descendent of the Choctaw tribe. I am seeking support from abroad. I am founder of an unofficial non-profit organization, called IndiRec. Our purpose is to end the ignorance about Native Americans (issues and non-issues) that are embedded in American culture. We are in the process of organizing a National Walkout to bring recognition to a Native American holiday, scheduled for April 11th. I've heard that the UK is much more knowledgeable than the U.S. on the reality of Native American genocide, and the true history, of which is barely spoken of in our primary public schools -essentially causing an amalgam of ignorance in this country regarding the diverse elements of Native America's history.
If you are interested in learning more please reply. If you can steal a moment, for more information check out this article with the Toledo Blade at

As well as tune into to hear a one-hour special with me -callers welcome- broadcast throughout the country and in parts of Canada, on Friday, April 8th 1 p.m. EST
Danielle Willmott