The concerts on July 2nd will be used to encourage hundreds of thousands of people to then make the journey up to Scotland for the start of the G8 Summit on Wednesday 6th July.
The Live8 website has gone live today:

While these concerts, including the Hyde Park London gig, take place on the same day as the predicted massive Make Poverty History Demonstration in Edinburgh - another protest is now being outlined to take place in Edinburgh on the first day of the actual G8 Summit on Wednesday 6th July, and what's more this will be followed by another massive pop concert in the evening in Edinburgh.
Geldof said "massive fleets of trains, trucks, planes and private boats" would move towards Edinburgh after July 2nd for the eve of the G8 summit on July 6.
Many other protests are scheduled around the G8 summit including a blockade of Faslane nuclear subarine base. On the first day of the G8 Summit, July 6th, there are also plans by groups to blockade the Summit itself, as well as a march expected to attract at least 10,000 people which seems set to defy police attempts to ban it from taking place at Gleneagles train station.
Extract from Live8 website:
"2nd July is just the beginning.
The five LIVE 8 concerts taking place around the world mark the start of "The Long Walk To Justice"
Ahead of the G8 Summit, hundreds of thousands of people from across the globe will make their way by land, sea and air to the Scottish capital, Edinburgh, to show the leaders of the world's richest nations that they must act to stop the scandal of extreme poverty.
The event will culminate on the eve of the G8 Summit on Wednesday 6th July with the final mass moment before the eyes of the world turn to those 8 men in that 1 room – one final chance to say now is the time, this is the year, YOU can make poverty history..."
Other refs:

Geldof's Band Aid partner Midge Ure is co-ordinating the protest. He said plans were being made for a convoy of planes, cars, trucks, ferries and private boats to take people to Scotland.
"We don't care how you get there. But you have got to get to Edinburgh and let them know what we think," he declared.
"Give up home and school for a week. It will be just like the Ban the Bomb protests in the sixties - something special.
"You may never have this opportunity again. These people are on our shores and we can do something. Stand up and be counted."
Every householder and religious institution in Edinburgh was urged to offer hospitality to the protesters.
"We want every church, chapel, synagogue and mosque to open their doors and let them in," he went on.
"Scotland has an amazing history of being hugely big-hearted."
The people of Scotland should have a right to influence the G8 summit, according to the musician.
"Scotland is a little miffed that this is happening on their own doorstep and they are not invited."
The "party" will take place four days after the Make Poverty History march previously announced for Edinburgh on 2 July.
Lothian and Borders assistant chief constable Ian Dickinson said the force understood the motivation of those who wanted to eradicate poverty in Africa and officers would help them to achieve their aims.
"Public safety is my over-riding concern and that requires consultation and planning," he pointed out.
"We need to know the realistic scale of events and work with organisers to achieve what is possible.
"We were already planning for more than 100,000 people to take part in the Make Poverty History march which would have been the biggest event ever in Scotland.
"Now there has been talk of up to a million people coming to Edinburgh but frankly it is difficult to conceive how they could all get to this area in the first place and where they could assemble in safety.
"No-one wants tragedy to distract world attention from the real aims of the campaigners."
Mr Dickinson said the force could not allow the policing capability or any infrastructure to be overwhelmed and compromise the safety of those involved.
By Jane Hamilton

SCOTS rugby bosses told stunned Live Aid organisers they would have to fork out £330,000 to stage a concert because 'charity begins a home.'
Bob Geldof wants to hold a massive gig at the home of Scottish rugby on July 6 - four days after his Live8 concert in London - under the banner A Long Walk to Justice.
Geldof wants a million to march on G8 summit

Bob Geldof wants a million people to take part in a protest in Edinburgh to coincide with the forthcoming G8 summit.
The protest, part of the Making Poverty History campaign, will follow a second Live Aid concert to be screened worldwide and known as Live 8.
Bob Geldof: applying preassure to the G8
Geldof wants protesters to begin the journey to Scotland immediately after the concert on Saturday July 2.
The proposed demonstration in Edinburgh a week later will alarm the police and security forces protecting the world's leaders at the summit at Gleneagles.
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