Sat 25th .. occupation continues, with activists at the roof.
Local media picks up the story
The occupation of the Labyrinth Theatre and the two buildings opposite is continuing and gaining in strenght. The buildings are being cleared up and getting ready to open to the public as a social centre and a community resource. The theatre itself is still illegaly 'occupied' by workers from Hackeny council's contractors, which intend to demolish it, and it is being defended by an activist that has been on the roof continuously since Monday morning.
Many local people, fed up with the continuous gentrification of the borough, are now showing support with the occupiers. Local shops bring food and drinks, a firm of local lawyers is willing to defend the occupation in court, whilst local groups and campaigns, such as the Open Dalston campaign, are visiting the place and offering support and advice.
The activists maintain the call for people to go down there to show solidarity with the occupation, as well as to help clearing up the building and getting involved in the poject. People are also welcome to just drop by and have a chat and share ideas for the project. There is also a call for people to help resist any fruther attempts of eviction. The address is 4-14 Dalston Lane, London E8.
For further updates and information see the feature in London-IMC and these reports with pics 1 and 2.
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