Reindeer caught by the daming of the Jokulsa a Bru river, Karahnjukar, Iceland
Funeral of the Wild - Trinidad and Iceland
1pm, Sloane square, London, UK.
Please dress in black.
Organised by
Set in one of the financial capitals of todays Empire, this protest will mark the beggining of the joint struggle against the heavy industrial invasion of both Iceland and Trinidad.
The four wildernesses in the Eastern Highlands of Iceland whose cheap death will power one aluminium smelter by the summer of 2007, are now either in the process of being flooded or are soon to be drained. The Cedros Peninsula of Trinidad will have much of its tropical rainforests cleared and houndreds of local residents outed to make way for two gas powered aluminium smelters.
If we are to be successfull in saving our lands from their plunder we must mobilise against the aluminium industry wherever it goes, wherever it destroys land, wherever it displaces peoples, wherever it mines, wherever it smelts, wherever it makes money; our struggle in Iceland is against the same beast as the struggle in Trinidad and Tobego.
Please bring musical intstruments, anything appropriate to read out about the Iceland or Trinidad situation (a poem or a passage, etc), your family and friends, and of course your energy!