22 February 2007
1. Join us on the Stop the War demo, 24th February 2007, to leaflet for 3rd March abortion rights protest and in support of Iraqi and Iranian women; banner-making at LARC
2. Abortion rights march, 3rd March 2007
3. Support Iraqi and Iranian women in International Women's Week
1. 24th February Stop the War demonstration and banner-making at LARC
On Saturday 24th February, activists from Feminist Fightback, ENS Women and other groups will meet on the anti-war demonstration called by the Stop the War Coalition. We will be leafleting for the 3rd March abortion rights protest and in support of Iraqi and Iranian women and workers' organisations.
Please come and help us! This is an important opportunity to build for 3 March as well as to raise awareness about the struggles of Iraqi and Iranian women and build a feminist anti-war movement. We will be meeting from 11.45am by our stall at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park. Or, if you'd like to help but are coming later, give us a call or a text on 07890 209 479 or 07815 490 837.
We will also be making banners and placards for the abortion rights march from 4pm at the London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London E1 1ES (Aldgate East tube). Come and help, whether you're artistic or not!
2. 3rd March abortion rights march
The 3rd March abortion rights demonstration called by the Feminist Fighback conference is gaining momentum. For regularly updated information including our demands, speakers at the rally, a supporters list and downloadable leaflets and posters, see

Meet 6.30pm, outside University of London Union, Malet Street (Russell Square, Euston or Goodge Street tube)
What you can do:
- Officially support the march. If you, your women's group or other organisation would like to do so, just get in touch. (There is also a model motion on the website.)
- Advertise the march as widely as possible by putting the information on websites, email lists etc, putting up posters, distributing leaflets (which can be downloaded online).
- Bring a delegation on the march (if you can let us know in advance, that would be helpful for planning, but of course you can just turn up on the day - the more, the merrier!)
- Invite a speaker to your women's group etc to tell you more about the march, Feminist Fightback, ENS Women or feminist activism generally!
- Come early on the day to help us leaflet other events.
Get in touch:

3. Support Iraqi and Iranian women in International Women's Week
There are a variety of events connected to solidarity with women in Iraq and Iran taking place around International Women's Day. In London, these include:
- A march in support of Iranian women during the day on Saturday 3rd March.
- A vigil in support of Iraqi women on the evening of Thursday 8 March.
- A meeting on women's liberation, the veil and religious law with high profile international speakers later that evening.
- A conference in support of Iraqi women during the day on Friday 9 March.
For full details about all these events, see the front page of the ENS Women website: