190 Warham St
Off Camberwell New Rd
London SE5
Check the website for the full April/May calendar.
CAFE + BAR Benefit for Elba Squat, Warsaw
Food and drink, live music and Warsaw BikePunk Fest films
8 - 1pm
SECONDAND BOOK SALE and other junk
12 - 4pm
Revolution you can dance too! Food + Dancing + having fun to disco music and other variations. Get down on it!!
8 - 1pm(ish)
MAYDAY preparation workshops: costumes, banner making, maypole making etc. Bring stuff!! Midday onwards. This is to get stuff ready for the MAYDAY South London Picnic in Kennington Park.
Practical D.I.Y
STENCIL and STICKER making workshop
MAYDAY (Tuesday 1st May)
We are in court at LAMBETH COUNTY COURT, Cleaver St SE11 from 10.30. Come and see the legal farce in action....
Later, we will making a street procession from the Centre around 2pm towards Kennington Park.Brief flags, banners, drums, instruments etc. Picnic and Maypole at 3pm in the park.
Happy Mayday!!!!
Troubles To Those That Touch Us
Solidarity to Copenhagen, Barcelona, Trento, Warsaw and everywhere