7 Video portraits of radical climate activists
“Apocalypse is always easier to imagine than the strange and circuitous routes to what actually comes next.”
Rebecca Solnit, Hope in the Dark: The Untold History of People Power, Cannongate 2005.
Another End of the World is Possible is a series of captivating video portraits of people taking radical action against the root causes of climate change. Ranging from an activist who occupied an airport’s taxi way, to a teacher working with kids on a deprived housing estate, the portraits demonstrate the wonderful diversity of those who will be taking part in this years Camp for Climate Action in the UK : 14th –21st August. see the all at
The 7 - 5 minute long portraits are also posted on numerous video platforms including youtube,, daily motion,v-social - Quicktime copies can be downloaded from

Interviewees are: Catherine - Climate Camp; Duncan Law - Transition Town Brixton; Pauline - Rite2No; John Stewart- Airport Watch, Julie - Growing Communities; Leo - Plane Stupid; Kevin Smith - Carbon Trade Watch.