These images shot on good old fashioned film (hence the lateness) - digital pictures to follow soon.
On The Steps #1
On The Steps #2
On The Steps #3
Looking Out...
Flag Post Man...
Jewellery Pitch.
This set of pictures is from the this location, at the end of the march.
The whole event was a peaceful and good natured one, with the exception of a rather antagonistic pro-Zionist counter demo about half way along the route (pictures of this soon).
I didn't see anyone proffer a violent response, although the cops were a doing pretty thorough job of keeping us all apart, even telling me to move on whilst just taking pictures.
However, there was a distinct lack of musical accompaniment, as many of the usual itinerant musicians were in Germany for the G8 protests!
Also happening on the same day were a Nude pro-green cycle ride (missed it - must be losing my touch), and later that same afternoon, along the Embankment I also witnessed an Orange Men's march, something I thought would never be seen in the times change!
Alas, by this time, I had exhausted both my film and digital cameras!
Maybe next time...
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