After the recent victory against Heathrow's repressive injunction in the High Court, it remains our basic right to leaftet the aviation industry, and we are calling for a day of leaftleting against these companies on 16th August, leaving from the Climate Camp to distribute materials in the area. It is vital that we take this chance to explain to the many workers in the area what is wrong with aviation and the terrible damage climate change is causing the planet and its inhabitants. We also want to expain to them what the Climate Camp is about and to welcome them along to learn more about the sustainable alternatives we are promoting. It is our right to inform and be heard, and if we do not make use of our rights and stand up for them then we will lose them.
Our intentions are to draw attention to ourselves, to hand out leaflets and to remain entirely lawful. This will be an activity for all the family, and we will be informing the police that it is our intention to leave the camp to leaflet.
Please bring banners, colourful outfits and other things which will make sure you can be seen and heard.
For further information come to our meeting at the Climate Camp:
Meeting: 7.30pm, Wed 13th, Yorkshire Neighbourhood. Discussing what our rights are, what we intend and where we can go with an overview of the industries supporting Heathrow.
Leafleting: meet at 10.30am to leave at 11.00am, Yorkshire Neighbourhood.
If you are able to be a legal observer at the leafleting please email

For more information on companies in and around Heathrow please visit