From the start there was a police presence, though they were not popular with the locals as they were blocking the church entrance. Animal rights gathering have taken place at this sanctuary several times in the past and there has never been any bother bar the usual police overreactions.
This time, desperate to justify their presence they told the camp on Sunday that if they were not let in voluntarily they would get a warrent to search. Naturally they were told they were not welcome, so off they went to get a warrent on completely spurious grounds - they were looking for drugs. Police misleading magistrates.... never.
Anyway, the gathering comes together and makes a decision about what to do. We cant be that bothered by what is clearly posturing on their part. So the camp got on with workshops, waiting for the announcement of their arrival.
When it came, chairs were taken out and a good section of the camp sat in a semi-circle in the main part and watched the police tramp through all the mud. Up went a good natured cheer and clapping, laughing at them. The stern faces of the 40 cops, who came from Thames Valley, Hampshire and Kent, broke into their own laughter and embarrassment as this was not the reaction they were expecting.
It was noticable that they refused point blank to pay attention to the bio-security measures relating to foot-and-mouth. When challenged about it they said their advice was that the risk was minimal. Odd, that's not what your letter said.
They searched a long abandoned caravan and a live-in vehicle and after vast amounts of videoing, found nothing. In fact, as the operation grew more farcial and muddy, various police officers were clearly realising that the joke was on them and tried to distance themselves from it (yea, we noticed them creeping off to hide and clean their boots).
After an hour they all marched off again, to more cheering and clapping, and the gathering got on with business, all highly amused by the police's failure to intimidate and disrupt.
All in all, a good and positive gathering. See's ya next year.
Photo & Kent messenger report:

Short You Tube video of activists welcome of police:

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