As a result of this outrageous paranoia and persecution on the part of the US administration, James Yee resigned from the US Army and received an
Honorable Discharge on January 7, 2005. Perhaps to atone for its mistakes – or perhaps in an effort to keep him sweet – the Army awarded him a second Army Commendation medal for “exceptionally meritorious service.” This did not, however, prevent him from writing a highly critical memoir of his time at Guantánamo, "For God and Country: Faith and Patriotism Under Fire," which was published, to great acclaim, in 2005.
In association with the British human rights group Cageprisoners, James Yee is undertaking a UK tour over the next few weeks, and several of the events also feature released Guantánamo detainee (and Cageprisoners spokesman) Moazzam Begg. Other dates have been arranged with FOSIS (The Federation of Islamic Student Societies), SACC (Scotland Against Criminalizing Communities), the Brighton-based Save Omar campaign, established to secure the release of British resident Omar Deghayes, and various other organizations. See below for details.
I’m pleased to report that, as well as copies of James Yee’s book "For God and Country" and Moazzam Begg’s book "Enemy Combatant," copies of my newly released book "The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison" will also be available at the Cageprisoners events.
James Yee Itinerary
Wednesday 21st November 2007
Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2, 6 pm
Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales, legal meeting
With Moazzam Begg, Tim Otty QC, plus William Kuebler and Rebecca Snyder, US military lawyers for Guantánamo detainee Omar Khadr
Wednesday 28th November
Lancaster University, Department of Politics and International Relations
Thursday 29th November
King’s College, London WC2, 5 pm
Friday 30th November
FOSIS, University of Sussex & University of Portsmouth
Saturday 1st December
FOSIS, University of Kent
Sunday 2nd December
FOSIS, University of Bristol & University of Exeter
Monday 3rd December
FOSIS, Midlands
Tuesday 4th December
FOSIS, Manchester Metropolitan University & University of Leeds/Bradford
Wednesday 5th December
Cageprisoners, Hidden Detainees and Q News, London Muslim Centre, Whitechapel, London E1, 6:30pm
With Moazzam Begg
Thursday 6th December
Cageprisoners and Birmingham Guantánamo Campaign, Birmingham, 7pm
With Moazzam Begg and the Tipton Three (released Guantánamo detainees Rhuhel Ahmed, Asif Iqbal and Shafiq Rasul)
Friday 7th December
SACC, Glasgow
Saturday 8th December
FOSIS, Dundee University
Sunday 9th December
Cageprisoners, Dallow Community Centre, 234 Dallow Road, Luton, LU1 1TF, 5:30pm
With Moazzam Begg
Monday 10th December
Save Omar, Brighton
For further information: