Pictures © Peter Marshall, 2008, all rights reserved.
Outside Shell in York Road
The pipeline is refused entrance to Shell's offices
"Shell sells suicide" was a popular song at the event
Some of the people from Mayo celebrate St Patrick's Day in the pipeline
Smiling police and protestor
'And the people of Mayo say "No, no, no, no, no,"'
Even worse the people in Mayo will suffer from the pollution around an inland refinery and a high pressure pipeline that will endanger local communities. Protests in Ireland have led to innocent people being jailed, and Gluaiseacht decided to bring the protest, including a rather large pipeline, to the Shell HQ in London on St Patrick's Day.
Around 30 Irish protesters along with some local supporters held a good-natured and lively protest, with a great deal of singing and dancing as well as that giant pipeline, watched by a number of Shell security men and a small group of police - including FIT and the inevitable photographer.
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