The squatted warehouse
>> Bowl Court Squat
Three weeks since we entered the abandoned warehouse on Bowl Court, we
opened on Saturday with not only the esentials like floorboards,
stairs, running water and flushing toilets but also an art exhibition,
cinema, squatters estate agents and a ping pong table. If you didn't
get down there you can find photos on indymedia or come down next
saturday to see for yourself and hear more about the days of action
(see below).
>> Meetings meetings meetings
With the new Bowl Court space open in Shoreditch we've decided to
alternate rampART monday organising meetings between the venues. Next
monday, (21st April), the meeting will be at Rampart Street. Events
proposals for either space should be made at a Monday meeting. However
it seems we just can't get enough of meetings and we're having a house
meeting at Bowl Court tonight (Tues 15th, 7pm) to discuss and decide
practical issues relating to the use of the space.
We're also organising a London wide autonomous spaces network meeting
for next saturday, see below for details.
>> Popular Uprising in Oaxaca, Mexico, 2006.
April 18 at 8pm
Please join us at the Bowl Court Squat on Friday, for a screening of
the film "Brad, One More Night at the Barricades" (55 min).
Brazilian filmmaker and media activist Miguel will be on hand to
discuss his documentary tribute to a fallen friend and will also show
another one of his films.
When Mexican paramilitary forces shot Brad Will

his camera fell from his hands. But it didn't stop recording. It
continued moving from hand to hand, telling Brad's story, as well as
the story of the movement of movements that he was a part of. From the
squats of New York to the forests of Oregon, from the
anti-globalization protests in Seattle, Prague, Quebec to the popular
uprising in Oaxaca, Brad's camera paints us a picture of what his life
was about, and what so many of his friends continue to struggle for.
Donations will go to help Miguel continue his tour. DVDs will also be on sale.
Venue: Bowl Court off Plough Yard, off Shoreditch High Street
>> Days of Action Followup
Saturday 19th from 2pm
After this last weekends decentralised actions for squats and
autonomous spaces we'll be having a followup event at the new Bowl
Court social centre. It will be a chance to hear about what went on in
other cities in the UK and elsewhere in the world. There will be
videos and slide shows of actions and exhibitions of photos and
artwork. The squatter estate agents will also have been updated and
open for business again. Additionally there will be a london wide
autonomous spaces network meeting and a meal. Doors open 2pm . More
details on indymedia.
Venue: Bowl Court off Plough Yard, off Shoreditch High Street
>> The Film They Tried to Ban - On the Verge
Monday 21st at 7pm
Police have intervened across the country to censor 'On the Verge' an
independent documentary about the Smash EDO campaign to shut down the
Brighton's weapons manufacturer EDO MBM. So far establishments in
Southampton, Chichester, Bath and Oxford as well as Brighton have come
under police pressure to cancel film showings. In Brighton police
intervened to prevent a showing at the Duke of York's Cinema, just one
hour prior to the scheduled premiere.
Cos lots of folk missed it's first London screening at Housemans
(couldn't fit any more in) there's another chance to see this
important movie at LARC next Monday.
Venue is 62 Fieldgate Street, nearest tubes Aldgate East and Whitechapel
>> Keep Informed
Those of you south of the river may be especially interested to know
that the 56a Infoshop ( have started doing an irregular
email newsletter to let you know what's been happening and what's
going to happen at the Infoshop as well as bits and pieces from
elsewhere. If you would like to recieve their newsletter then send an
email to :