pose as a platform for sharing our knowledge, skills, and experience in all
the tasks related to opening and maintaining a healthy and happy squat!
These are all the areas that we've thought of so far, but more ideas
are always welcome:
* Electricity
* Plumbing
* Gas
* Security- doors/locks etc
* Barricading
* Legal
* Dealing w/ cops/owners- talk about experience/share tactics
* Women/Trans squatting- open discussion on experience of squatting
from a women/trans-perspective.
* Sustainable energy
All levels of experience in any of the above areas are welcome, and even if you have no experience in any of the practical, diy-related areas, we hope to have a platform to share
experiences, stories and advice related to all aspects of squat-living from a trans/woman's perspective.
Please get in touch if you'd like to help out at all in organising this weekend - We'll need help finding a suitable space and preparing it for the weekend, publicising the gathering,
and then running workshops on the weekend itself, as well as collecting and preparing food.
We also hope to provide childcare (on a rota-basis), so please let us know if you can help with that.
This gathering will be held on the weekend of the 28th - 29th June.
You can e-mail us at

Please spread the word!
**Let us know if you would like to be sent leaflets**