Going into the the Royal Exchange
Into the Bank of England
On Cornhill
Capitalism isn't working
A French guest with the CIty police
Excessive force in a choke grip
Marchers push through the police line
Rally at the end of the protest
Apart from a few instances of individual tempers being lost (and some of the press covering the event had a few tricky moments - I got a few bruises by being pushed by police and my glasses were damaged) the atmosphere generally remained relatively calm, often resembling more a rather rough body-contact game such as a rugby scrum than anything more confrontational.
Eventually a short rally with speeches was held on the corner of London Wall and Bishopsgate, after which the demonstrators slowly dispersed. I didn't see any arrests and the police seemed fairly relaxed at the end of the event.
Contrary to reports elsewhere on Indymedia and some blogs, the demonstrators - perhaps surprisingly - were at no time anywhere near the Stock Exchange, around half a mile away in Paternoster Square.
More pictures on My London Diary http://mylondondiary.co.uk in a day or two.
Hide the following 5 comments
I thought you leftists wanted to nationalise the banks?
11.10.2008 09:40
because you're a liar
11.10.2008 09:42
bailout to underwrite losses of fictious capital = extortion
12.10.2008 02:52
This bailout is to bailout the financial capitalists - it's a drop n the ocean in terms of the outstanding debt - it won't stop global meltdown. It's extortion.
"If the (American) people ever allow PRIVATE banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks will deprive The People of all property until their children wake-up HOMELESS on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to The People, to whom it properly belongs".
--- Thomas Jefferson
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation RIP
Please don't show people's faces
12.10.2008 17:25
In case you haven't heard about this, recently the London Paper published four pictures of people sought by the police in relation to the anti-bush demo last June. People in Scotland got their doors kicked in just for having attended a Smash EDO demo. Someone got four years in jail simply for advertising protests on a website.
By publishing pictures of people in direct confrontation with the police, you are putting them at risk of reprisals.
Indymedia moderators : could you edit those photos and blur out the faces ?
conflict with police...
06.04.2009 05:33