By Andy Archives
Adam and Eve faced a major dilemma when tempted by a Biblical “serpent” in the Garden of Eden to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Both were told they could become “like” God and be immortal if they ate of that tree (which stood out because Yahweh made it plainly clear they were “not” to taste thereof). This strange story, and its sketchy depiction as to any dubious motive by Yahweh, appears very early in the Genesis chapter of the Old Testament (or Torah), and has been interpreted in several different ways (but mostly rationalizations moralizing why God’s subjects “who already had everything under the sun!” as provided by this God, still found desire within themselves to disobey His singularly, ostentatious rule—avoid crossing the line of thee “stigmatized” tree). If only Adam and Eve would have just accepted their lot of mortal naiveté then things would have been hunky-dory and eternally blissful in their paradise for all humanity (or at least early Hebrews)?
Yet there is something highly patronizing in this human predicament to a higher power that could lay the foundation for all kinds of potential power politics blackmail. This scene is not that dissimilar to a CEO of a major corporation making it executive policy to promote and pay certain key “company men” vice presidents paradisiacal salaries and bonuses in an expectation they don’t question certain accounting practices or challenge what shareholders are actually told. “Hell you already have paradise so just shut up about it.”
Early on we also note in this Pentateuch writing Yahweh makes the claim to “His” right to absolute Monarchical powers (further reinforced later by Moses and the Ten Commandments). Whereas according to feminist theory, this now ancient religion “institutionalized” male gender dominance over women. But it also institutionalized the idea that the human race can use the entire rest of the creation (that is the rest of the web of evolution, as in all other life form species and all inert materials) for his egocentric benefit (similar to the laissez faire style of capitalism that expects no laws regulating corporate men so they can, in essence, operate like anarchistic criminals—anything goes including all form of exploitation).
Plus the “religious literature” of the Old Testament also sanctioned the notion that it is ethically OK to kill, and go to war, with other human beings—that is engage in massacre—just so long as who you kill is not of your own tribe of people (and especially it seems OK if those designated others worship some other religious belief system and supposedly “false” God who can be equated to a demon).
If Bradley Manning showed the U.S. Military’s indifference to arbitrary slaughter by U.S. personnel well that is how the Old Testament lays out the ground rules in the Middle East—it is NOT the Pentagon’s fault the New Testament had some other ideals that claimed all of mankind was part of God’s family. And heavy civilian casualties are tolerable because drones are operated by the Manifest Destiny of American Christians, as well as sloppy intellectuals like Hillary Clinton and Samantha Powers, and the fact that Afghanistan’s opium trade is back in full swing (see: “9/11: Who Really Benefited” by Captain America” at:

This notion of being OK with murder of war on other peoples is a form of institutional ethnocentricity and hyper-nationalism (as not only did Yahweh approve such measures of massacre he was the head cheerleader to such killings, for example killing all those tribes already occupying or surrounding Canaan back in Moses’ day). And that is the problem with cultures of war—they corrupt every other form of human morality—including religion and government.
So it is no wonder that religious followers of Judeo-Christianity continue to emphasize how “forgiving” the God of the Bible was, for example when Cain, the farmer, killed his brother Able, the animal breeder, (after Yahweh rejected Cain’s gift of grain as supposedly too stinting, over Able’s more ample gift of first sheep, that apparently sewn Cain’s rage and envy to murder his own brother) as nice guy God merely condemned Cain to wonder the earth with hard labor—rather than having him killed as well.
Still it seems somewhat apparent why there was so much adamant secrecy about sharing God’s State secrets—since it seems kind of obvious Eden was not the psychological paradise it was purported to have been by the propaganda powers-that-be back then. Because there is more than enough evidence to show the God of the Bible was not especially fair or just on many occasions. Rather “he” (anthropomorphized) often seems petulant, petty, arbitrary, and even at times a tyrannical bully. More importantly despite there being religious precepts too often leaders of countries do whatever they want irrespective of what legal or moral codes should apply—and this goes for both Israel and the United States—so maybe the knowledge is that leaders can act like arbitrary Gods while expecting their subjects to follow rules? What Pentagon official got a trial for the torture at Abu Graib, etc.?
Still some historians of religion claim it was primarily the gift of the Jews that gave the rest of humanity a sense of moral ethics—thereby implying most other societies or civilizations prior, or concurrently, had any intrinsic need to create norms, social values, laws, morals etc., which is a preposterous claim. Even the mythical deities of ancient Egypt, that predated the Bible by eons, had stories that reinforced norms of a social order, such as punishment—in the sense of weighing the heart against the feather of truth in the hall of Ma’at after one’s death.
I digress.
Forbidding mere mortal humans the right and freedom to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil makes claims as to who has the power to control knowledge and awareness and who does not. Apparently someone, for some secret reason, classified some information or idea? And it does matter if scholars now interpret Eden as a place in Mesopotamia with Babylonian-like gardens. Nor does it matter if this Torah myth shares facets with other regional religions of an older hue.
Surely there is argument for governments to obtain and protect classified information; but what about governments that do not respect its own citizens’ right to privacy or the Bill of Rights? What about a government that routinely puts dictators in power such as the Shah Peza Pahlavi of 1950s Iran—which the U.S. and Israel did? The fact is there are a lot of criminals in the Executive Branch of the government.
Why, for example, do so few interpretations of the Adam and Eve story, that is this mysteriously suspicious story, not see it for what it appears—an act of censorship—by some God who has penchant or need to hide aspects of reality, or play games such as power games with his subjects?
Because every sane human being, in any society, wants and needs to know those things labeled good and evil—as every society, and equally most loose communities, reinforce norms and regulations on what is thought to be appropriate or not. There is always pressure on people, in many forms, that are used to shape behavior. Even prisoners in penal institutions have codes to punish and ostracize informers, and there is a blue wall that enforces police peers protecting their own. So the centuries-long questions about being punished for human curiosity continues to beg for more direct answers on why would any “authority figure” claim absolute power that only “he” (or the State) has a right to knowledge about good and evil—that is when “all” society, at least to some degree, is invested in related and inevitable outcomes?
The United States Government, via the George W. Bush Administration, along with much of the mainstream media then, deliberately lied to the American people, when they orchestrated a chorus that claimed Sadden Hussein had weapons of mass destructions and he and his kind needed to be attacked. Those lies (one of many lies by our Leviathan U.S. Government and the mainstream media), too often supporting right-wing Israel’s goals of having the United States attack “their” enemies in Iraq (who were supporting, as sympathetic, the Palestinians), and other related unstated goals such as supporting neo-liberalist economic policies of Western foreign oil ownership again in Iraq. War as earthly Hell still plays out its chaos from those officiated lies to this very day—as more people are freshly killed, bombed or tortured in this human hell (not so much Eden-like today)?
See related Revised: U.S. Government Plays Yahweh with Gulag Gitmo:

Many of us citizens of modernity have been preached messages about equality before the law, and that all people are equal before God as he cares about all people (if not the other species). We have also been taught we have a right to share power and free speech (and assembly), etc.
“Who” then exactly has the right to decide what is morally right and morally wrong or just versus what is considered evil (or what and who is to be labeled “terrorist”)?
Bradley Manning apparently comes from the school of law of Military Code that claims individuals should not follow orders that are illegal by law and international agreement—even if some at the State Department think they can step on anybody for ant reason—because their delusion as to how they act boils down to Might Makes Right (and they have far less power than their crippled egos can deal)? The United States (and its culture) has become one of the most hated nations in history. And it does matter if such animosity is justified or not—the fact is by our constant sucking up to Israeli demands of having a war on terrorists that equates to Israel’s enemies, and our catering to powerful corporations, we have alienated too much of the rest of the world.
Its not just that wealth owns much of America and our political process, but corporations need to continue to profit off taxpayers’ allocations to defense contractors, surveillance contractors, and a constant need for instability and threat around the world so as to sell even more armaments, and the fact the U.S. Pentagon budget went off the charts years ago (before 9/11) that burden the Treasury.
Why would Pentagon and related hydra-headed Intelligence Community, such as the National Security Agency, want to share any Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil with the rest of mankind, let alone Americans, when it classifies millions and millions of records a year (even as our Government has outsourced 70% of the National Security budget—meaning there is no National Security since any mediocre foreign government can likely gain access or buy information, as if on some Stock Exchange, from companies or individuals who are highly profit-driven).
Nevertheless some people have figured out how excessively corrupt the American Empire has become and a few have been whistle blowing. The current Bradley Manning trial (more or less kept under wraps by the MSM) is merely one of many examples of people finally waking up (and likely there will be more). Yet intimidation tactics are becoming more aggressive as the United States culture, and its two major political parties, are finally being exposed for what they are—rotten to the bone, that is quasi-criminal organizations that falls back to the equivalent of Biblical styles of propaganda of Authoritarianism in order to support its Holier-Than-Thou Department of State fraudulence (ironically still working for a Zionist delusion willingly demanding the deaths of many of its neighboring peoples).
And yes it matters if those other neighboring countries are willing to decide to agree to abide to certain values—but the conflicting ideologies of religious factions will not lead to anything but more corruption.
All three Abrahamic religions need to be analyzed for using terrorist tactics—primarily fear—to steal liberty away from people. Any religion that claims a right to sentence souls into an eternal torture of hell is not a Holy or Sacred religion. Any religion or political system that claims its God or FBI can create demons or devils to tempt others to engage in evil or terrorist plots is not likely respectable (especially when focusing on certain profiles as forms of ethnocentricity). Any religion that has to scare people with the likes of the Book of Revelations and all its grim prophesies is not a sane or sacred religion—rather it is a religion based on fear, paranoia and oppression.
Leaks by whistle blowers are a response to America’s corrupted foreign policies and political elite. PUT THE PRESIDENT, OUR SENATORS, AND U.S. REPRESENTATIVES, AND THE TOP BRASS OF THE PENTAGON, CIA, NSA, ETC. IN GUANTANAMO FOR 35 YEARS (along with mainstream media moguls like Murdock and the NeoConArtists)! We can then slowly have kangaroo courts as show trials, plus some real justice trials for that minority of their kind who are actually innocent.
P.S. Israel, you and your God, are coming down your mountain.