The Old Barn Hotel tollbar road marston grantham Lincolnshire ng322ht WEDNESDAY 04TH SEPTEMBER 2013 0900AM to 1800 Give the voices back to the children give parents their rights back..
Confirmed Guest Speakers
Mr David Gale Independent social worker Charles Pragnel Charles J Stecker Jr Robert Honecker Maggie Tuttle Grandma Belinda Mackenzie Florence Belone Journalist Richard Roper Pain Sarah Goodley Counsellor Paul Manning Dad Jan Loxley Blount Jayne Johns Brian Clare
This Year We are concentrating on The Evidence Linking groups together & The Professionals Role In Safe Guarding Children And Helping Parents/Grandparents To Keep Their Children.
Via Skype MP John Hemming Ian Joseph Bob Honecker Charles J Stecker Jr Charles Pragnel
Grandparents/Parents Very Welcome and the public we have space only for 300 so please say you are going only if you are.
We Need You Parents/Grandparents Who have Lost Their Children/Grandchildren To The Care System to bring your evidence as we will have top solicitors and barristers we need at least 100 people with evidence to lodge a class action.
Professionals Needed such as Midwifes Social Workers Firemen Police NH's Whistle-blowers Doctors Teachers Solicitors Care Workers Health Visitors NSPCC VICARS THE PUBLIC YOU ALL CAN CHANGE THE LIVES OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES BY ATTENDING AND MAKING A CHANGE.
Children Screaming To Be Be Heard The Silent Witness here lies the truth a registered charity so children can have a voice. Please sign this petition for a monument erected for

a) Died as a result of failures by the authorities or care system.
b) Died Abused as a result of failures by the authorities or care system.
c) Died Abused by the care system.