Sunday 27 Octomber 2013 at 02:00 p.m
Join AAfG - discuss the rise of fascism in Greece and what actions we should take as a collective.
Meeting point: Behine Queen Anne's statue, towards the shops and roads, and away from the Cathedral steps, to ensure we are not trespassing on Cathedral property.
Why we decided to form AAfG
The murder of the Greek anti-fascist activist and hip-hop artist Pavlos Fyssas (“Killah P”) by neo-Nazi ‘Golden
Dawn’ thugs sent shock waves throughout Greece and the Globe. It revealed the true colours of fascism in Greece,
its infiltration into many layers of Greek society and the establishment (e.g. the Police and other parts of the
State), as well as its capacity to attack, terrorise, and murder, both the most vulnerable as well as the most
progressive parts of Greek society, and finally its will to physically eliminate its political enemies. Understanding
the deeper causes of this phenomenon, disseminating information and facts about fascist attacks and anti-fascist
actions in Greece along with coordinated joint action by anti-fascist forces here in the UK is more crucial than
In light of the above, on Saturday 21st September 2013, many of those who took part in the demonstration outside
the UK Greek Embassy, called by various Greek and British antifascist/anti-racist organisations and other groups,
gathered in Holland Park and agreed to issue a call for the constitution of a broad anti-fascist network aimed at
developing a course of action to help combat fascism in Greece and the UK. Despite the recent Golden Dawn
party MP's arrests and the criminal charges against them (including those setting-up and operating a criminal
paramilitary-style organisation) the deeper causes of fascism in Greek society remain largely unaddressed. The
unprecedented austerity policies, which have been enforced by the Memorandum governments in Greece during
this devastating economy crisis under the directives of Troika (IMF, ECB, European Commission), as well as the
intensified anti–immigration laws, the demonisation of immigrants by the media, and the extreme repression by
the State and Police of any form of resistance against these measures, have provided fertile soil for the growth of
fascist ideas in Greek society, and an open space for fascist organisations to operate.
Future initiatives of AAfG will focus on all possible options for anti-fascist action, such as raising awareness of
the anti-fascist movement and the danger fascism presents, and sending the message across the public through all
available platforms. Initiatives shall include (but not be limited to):
• Social and informational/educational events (e.g., public discussions, film screenings, university talks).
• Group mobilisations (e.g., protest assemblies/demonstrations).
• Linking up with the members and leaders of other British anti-fascist/anti-racist groups
and organisations in order to join forces and to take collective action.
• Inviting journalists to AAfG activities, and building a relationship with the Press.
• Developing our (AAfG) social media presence (fb, twitter, blogs, mailing lists).
We aim to get our message across the Greek communities in Britain, as well as to the broader British public, other
UK anti-fascist groups and organisations, trade unions, political parties, journalists and the Press, community
leaders, immigrants, ethnic minorities, and people of all ethnicities and backgrounds who also struggle and take a
stand against fascism and racism, and to anyone interested in defending social and democratic rights in our
Call to action
We are calling for the joint effort of all anti-fascist forces in the UK, in order to form the widest possible antifascist
front. The rise of Golden Dawn in Greece during the last 3 years of economic austerity, its deadly
campaign and entry as a political party in the Greek Parliament since the 2012 elections, the threat of similar
organisations in the UK such as BNP, EDL, and others, which are gaining support and are increasingly becoming
acceptable political forces, all raise serious questions about the rise of fascism, the purposes and interests fascist
organisations serve, and the increasing adoption of the far-right agenda and rhetoric by mainstream parties across
Europe. We call upon people of all ages and backgrounds, as well as individuals without particular political
affiliations, who are interested in our cause, to join the AAfG, to take part in our meetings, and activities, and to
contribute with their ideas in our efforts to fight fascism and the extreme right in our countries.



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