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UK Energy Crisis Newswire Archive

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Anti-nuclear activists currently blockading EDF in London

11-04-2011 07:33


Photos available soon at:

Campaigners brought rush hour traffic to a standstill this morning to protest against EDF Energy’s plans to build a new generation of nuclear power stations in the UK. All four lanes of the A302 outside EDF Energy’s headquarters in Grosvenor Place – which runs alongside the gardens of Buckingham Palace – were sealed off shortly after 8am using 14-foot tripods. The cleared zone was then declared a ‘nuclear disaster area’.

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Fear & Loathing in Fukishima

10-04-2011 17:22

Will there be more explosions at the damaged nuclear reactors in Japan? What is reaching North America, or Europe? The Fukushima site leaks hi-rad waste while operators dump more into the Pacific. Sea food & sea life affected. Japanese government withholds vital information. News plus interviews with Dr. John Large in UK, and Dr. Krzysztof Starosta who measured emissions on Canada's West Coast (as UC Berkeley did in San Francisco).

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George Monbiot : State infiltrator

09-04-2011 14:00

Monbiot is the public-school son of two active ultra-right wing Tory extremists, and he has done his Nazi parents proud. He has subverted the environmental movement in the UK more than any other state infiltrator. He is the personification of green-washing, and anyone who still admires this obvious shit should be excluded from any genuinely progressive movement. Let's stick to facts.

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The Great BP-sponsored Sleep-in Flash Mob

07-04-2011 14:57

Sunday 17 April 2011, 2PM at Tate Modern, Bankside, London, SE1 9TG.
To mark the one year anniversary of the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill, join us for ‘The great BP-sponsored sleep-in’, a 4-minute flashmob art installation inside Tate Modern. Imagine the turbine hall of this former power station filled with BP-branded sleeping figures, who will soon wake from their BP-sponsored coma to sound the climate alarm.

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Nuclear plant will release 11,500 tons of radioactive water into the sea

04-04-2011 11:18

The electricity company TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) has said that it will release 11,500 tons of contaminated radioactive water into the sea.

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Shells road torn up!!

03-04-2011 10:45

Shell's bogmat compound
The 2nd National Day of Action against Shell in Rossport, Ireland involved part of Shells bog mat road being removed and rolled away.

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BP and Culture: Time To Break It Off!

01-04-2011 13:22

A week of action to kick BP out of our cultural spaces

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9-10 April: Fukushima Solidarity / No to Nuclear: A call to action

31-03-2011 16:32

Explosion at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Activities will be happening around the UK on and around the weekend of 9-10 April. Organise a solidarity activity in your area and let us know about it!

You could stage a vigil, die-in, demo, non-violent direct action, street stall, street theatre, public debate, film showing, gig… Whatever takes your fancy!**

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Earth First Summer Gathering: Update and Workshop Callout

31-03-2011 09:47

This year's Earth First Summer Gathering is currently being organised. If anyone would like to run workshops or have discussions around please get in contact.

To keep up to date with Earth First Summer Gathering news subscribe to

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Japan: Triple Meltdown

30-03-2011 21:50

Confirmation that 3 reactors damaged, melting down in Japan. Civil defense info to protect yourself. Plus investigation into California reactor built on quake zone. Remember, a nuke accident anywhere in the world can arrive where you live.

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26/4 01:23 25 years on - a visual shocker

30-03-2011 15:36

A visual journey through, the valley of the gods of science. A garden of treason.

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4 Actions against Shell in their first day of work in Rossport, Ireland

30-03-2011 13:32

Protester under van for 14 hours!
Yesterday Shell started work on the final section of their gas pipeline in Co. Mayo Ireland. The Community have already fought back with 4 actions and are asking for people to come up this weekend to help them.

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Legal challenge to nuclear power stations launched

29-03-2011 15:57

Oldbury is due to stop generating electricity at the end of 2008.
Yet it continues!

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Plutonium Found - Fukushima Update

28-03-2011 21:24

Japan Atomic Emergency Bulletin #5 March 28 in North America. Government scientists found plutonium outside the Fukushima nuclear complex. Damaged reactors are the suspected source. More radiation found in soil outside the plant, and by Greenpeace 40 kilometers away - far outside the 20 k evacuation zone. Japan's gov't forbids residents from going home. May become a giant no-go zone bisecting Japan. A continuing risk to the Northern Hemisphere.

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Helen Caldicott on the Nuclear Disaster in Japan

26-03-2011 04:42

World-famous anti-nuclear campaigner and physician Dr. Helen Caldicott in a major interview on the multiple reactor accident at Fukushima Japan. How to read through media misinformation, what this means for the nuke industry, including Europe, which may be severely damaged by a similar accident (or even radioactive pollution from "normal" operation of these plants. A historic interview.

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Switch your lights ON for Earth Hour!

24-03-2011 11:14

Earth Hour is a piece of trivial, symbolic greenwash, designed to make us think those corporations and political bodies involved actually care. It needs to be undermined once and for all.

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Helen Caldicott on Japan Nuke Disaster

24-03-2011 05:19

World-famous anti-nuke campaigner Dr. Helen Caldicott talks the Japanese nuclear disaster with Radio host Alex Smith of Radio Ecoshock. Is it the death knell of the nuke power industry? How much of Japan will be uninhabitable? Plus implications for U.S., Canada, and France. 28 minute interview March 23rd, 6 MB.

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Green Investment Banksy decorates the entrance of the Treasury

23-03-2011 12:18

Five artists from Climate Rush were arrested last night after taking stencils and green spray paint to the Treasury on the eve of the budget. Osborne’s face was painted – in green – next to the Treasury’s entrance, along with the slogan 'WTF has happened to the GIB?'

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Shells Work Stopped for 4 hours

22-03-2011 22:21

This morning 5 members of the Rossport solidarity camp blockaded Shell Oil from accessing thier proposed compound in Glengad Co.Mayo.

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JAPAN Nuke Emergency Continues!

21-03-2011 16:17

Several Fukushima Reactors, and their spent fuel pools are still out of operator control, some are still emitting dangerous radiation, and a more serious accident could still occur at any time. Full run-down for March 21st from Radio Ecoshock.
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