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UK Energy Crisis Newswire Archive

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Natural Gas Drilling Rig Stormed by Anti-Fracking Protesters

02-11-2011 07:29

This morning nine people, from the national anti- fracking network from Frack Off, have halted work at Cuadrilla Resources drilling site in Hesketh Bank, Lancashire. They ran on to the Fracking site early this morning and scaled the drilling rig using climbing equipment. They aim to sit on top of the drilling rig for as long as possible to stop the drilling.

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Durban Conference of Polluters 1

01-11-2011 17:21

From South Africa, Professor Patrick Bond lays out the awful truth, where climate talks have gone into the dead zone. Will it be safe to protest in Durban? Bond is from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, and director of the Centre for Civil Society in Durban. A wide-ranging interview on how UN talks became the "Conference of the Polluters" - and the world-wide climate justice movement pointing us in the direction of survival. From Radio Ecoshock 111102

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Biofuels and biomass protest outside DECC

23-10-2011 09:41

Protesters outside DECC from across the country
As different actions continue across London, campaigners from across the country joined forces outside the offices of DECC yesterday to denounce the government's latest plans to carry on subsidising destructive biomass and biofuels despite the fact that their use leads to human suffering across the globe, and increased carbon emissions.

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Dance Party Shakes Bank of America

20-10-2011 06:46

Zombies Against Coal
Protesters from Occupy Portland and Portland Rising Tide confront Bank of America with a dance off in the lobby of their corporate office tower in downtown Portland. Thirty five protesters entered the building and kicked off a rowdy dance party in the lobby, playing on bucket drums and rhythm sticks. The Bank of America branch immediately locked its doors, preventing protesters from bringing the dance party inside. As this debauchery disrupted business as usual in the tower lobby and the bank branch and mortgage center, a small group of individuals took the elevator to the seventeenth floor to deliver letters to corporate employees demanding that Bank of America cease and desist its funding of coal mining across the country and coal export projects in the northwest.

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Greedy Lying Bastards - The Movie

17-10-2011 00:01

How do big oil companies frack the world? Let me count the ways in this interview with film-maker Craig Rosebraugh. For his new movie "Dirty Lying Bastards" Craig went to more than a dozen countries, filming the victims of oil spills, pollution, and poisoning. From the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf to Uganda and beyond. Cutting through the PR and the BS, a disturbing look at major oil companies behavior. From Radio Ecoshock Show 111012 21 min

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Anti-Frackin Music Sample

13-10-2011 16:53

A quick sample of great anti-frackin songs from a new Australian CD. Find them and use them - from

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Campaigners Tell Cuadrilla to Frack Off

13-10-2011 14:27

Frack Off Banner Outside DECC
Anti-Fracking protest outside DECC, where Cuadrilla Resources presents the results of its own study into earthquakes

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Pics from Hinkley anti-nuclear mass blockade, camp and demo, Somerset

06-10-2011 13:19

Camp at Hockpitt Farm, Nether Stowey
Images from the Stop New Nuclear alliance's Hinkley action weekend: camp in Nether Stowey (30 Sept to 4 Oct), march and rally in Bridgwater town centre (Sat 1 Oct) and 9-hour mass blockade of Hinkley Point nuclear power station (Mon 3 Oct), all in West Somerset, south-west England.

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How A Far Away Island Can Rock Your World

29-09-2011 18:15

The peat fires have returned to Indonesia. Last time that happened, a carbon burst larger than car emissions staged the hottest year on record (1998). Peat and forest fires in this one country can help tip climate. Plus Indonesia is world's largest shipper of coal for electricity generation. Interview with Dr. Florian Siegert from the GeoBio-Centre of the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich. India has huge coal scheme and is the biggest buyer of Indonesia coal. We talk with Shankar Sharma, electricy expert. With 173 new Indian coal plants approved this year, is it a Ponzi scheme?

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Nuclear power station to become target for mass blockade

28-09-2011 19:51

Campaigning against EDF Energy's greenwash
Protesters from all over the UK are converging on Hinkley Point nuclear power station to say no to 'new nuclear'.

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No to Road-building

25-09-2011 19:28

Anti-Bexhill Bypass Protest
75 campaigners sent a message to this pro-road building Tory government - Don't trash our countryside. Meeting at three rail stations on the south coast on Saturday (Sept 24 '11) - the three groups converged at the threatened Combe Haven Valley in a protest against the proposed £100m Bexhill Bypass.

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Youth Climate Event "Power Shift" Returns to UK

24-09-2011 23:46

So many inspiring campaigns are taking place at the moment in the climate change movement: Moving Planet (a global day of climate action), campaigns on gas fracking and tar sands, and new climate campaigning films. Now is an exciting time to get involved.
That is what many young people will be doing this October at Power Shift: coming together to build the youth climate movement and take action on issues surrounding climate change. Power Shift will bring together hundreds of young people in Salford, Greater Manchester, for a weekend of workshops, inspiring speakers and cutting edge bands. It will give them the skills, inspiration and knowledge to campaign and communicate around the youth climate movement, and transferable skills for use in other social action campaigns.

For more information and to book tickets (from £10) please go to

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Extreme Rain, Dengue Fever, R.F. Kennedy Jr.

24-09-2011 03:24

Pakistan is flooding again, millions more homeless. Panic about Dengue fever. Dengue in the Caribbean now, 12 cases reported this year in Florida. Learn what Dengue is, what to do. New diseases with global warming. Then a powerful speech by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., at the Commonwealth Club of Calif. How coal poisoned us all, & fish too. How corporations control media, stifling Progressive radio. Plus a vision of fossil-free America.

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Why does Cuadrilla own an old gas well near Elswick in Lancashire?

17-09-2011 23:07

Simulated Fracking in British Isles
The Elswick-1 gas well was completed and stimulated by Independent Energy in 1993. The gas field, which was commissioned in 1996, produces gas from a low permeability sandstone reservoir at a depth of around 4000 ft and is used to generate power which is fed into the electricity grid. It has generated around 1 MW of power from a reciprocating gas engine since 1996.

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Growing Through The Storm

12-09-2011 17:12

How can we prepare for challenging times? 3 interviews: "Peak Oil Shrink" Kathy McMahon from Vermont on unexpected lessons from Hurricane Irene. Urban homesteader Jules Dervaes - food self-sufficiency on a city lot. Richard Heinberg on coping with the End of Growth

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PHILIPPINES: High price of electricity is anti-women, anti-poor

12-09-2011 10:32

MANILA, Philippines – In a society where women are mostly in-charge of managing the household budget, higher electricity rates mean additional burdens and deeper indebtedness for Filipino women, especially those who already find it hard to make ends meet.

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Finally…It’s Critical!

07-09-2011 12:11

Loads of bikes
Critical Mass rides in Birmingham are seeing a huge increase in popularity.

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“Friends of Libya” meet in Paris for imperialist carve-up

02-09-2011 08:37

The “Friends of Libya” conference held in Paris Thursday signaled the beginning of the imperialist carve-up of the oil-rich North African country.

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Polish nuclear program and the protests against it

19-08-2011 21:02

Shortly after the end of 1990 moratorium the Polish pro – nuclear lobby, based around National Atomic Energy Agency (state institution of nuclear safety) and academic institutions involved in development of nuclear technologies, supported by international nuclear lobby has started to work on the new plans of building the nuclear power plants in Poland.

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Huntington Lane Coal Site under eviction!

19-08-2011 12:41

Urgent Eviction call out for Huntington Lane Anti Open Cast Coal site in Telford, Shropshire
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