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Crashing Through Capital: An Introduction to Economics

06-02-2012 08:09

The Space Project presents a course in economics in Leeds.

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Paul Lafargue - The Bankruptcy of Capitalism

06-02-2012 00:22

written in 1900

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Protest Play TONIGHT!!!

05-02-2012 19:37

Protest Play TONIGHT!!

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Remembering Auschwitz

05-02-2012 00:08

A talk from the Leeds Antifascist Film Festival held on 4th Feburary 2012 in Leeds.

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Battle of Saltley Gate 40th Anniversary Commemoration

02-02-2012 17:08

Friday, 10 February 2012
Time: 11:00
Where: Gate St off Saltley Gate roundabout opposite Alum Rock Rd

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This Weekend - Leeds Antifascist Film Festival!

01-02-2012 11:44

Only a few days to go until No Pasaran! - Leeds Antifascist Film Festival. It'll be a great weekend with films, talks, food, books, a quiz, raffle, even some comedy! Get yourself along!

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Remembering the Battle of Saltley Gate

27-01-2012 23:59

Militant strike action that brought down the government.

On November 30th last year millions of workers went on strike across the country, the biggest general strike since 1926. Earlier in the year there was a similar one day mass strike on June 30th and there have been smaller strikes happing throughout the year,,, all fighting against cuts and austerity measures. February 10th will be the 40th anniversary of the Battle of Saltley Gate, an event which important lessons and inspiration can be taken for anyone fighting austerity and cuts today. Then as now a Conservative government were resolute on destroying the working class, who respond with the first national coal strike since 1926. Crucially they were supported by other workers, in Birmingham 30,000 engineers walked out in a solidarity strike. 15,000 of these engineers then marched to join 2000 striking miners who were picketing Saltley coke depot (the last remaining open fuel depot). This forced the police, who had kept the gates open until this point, to close the gates. This was the straw that broke the camels back, around the country tens of thousands of miners had been involved in strikes, shutting down coal depots, docks and even power stations. But the closure of Saltley though solidarity action untimely led to the collapse of the government.

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On the qestion of the Denial of the Armenian Genocide.

25-01-2012 05:02

French government has just voted in favour of a law which criminalises the denial of the Armenian Genocide. Fourty thousand Turks have marched in Paris attempting to challenge this development. This article exposes the French Government's sheer hipocracy in shamelessly exploiting the suffering of the Armenian Nation. It also exposes the Turkish appologists of the Armenian Genocide and their national chauvinist agendas.

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Market solution is the crash - prospects for March 2012 Euro settlement?

24-01-2012 23:52

Continual attacks & attrition from markets against politicians and civil servants suposedly representing sovereign nations - prospects for crash or solution of Euro crisis in March 2012

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Cooperatives, Credit Unions and Experience of a Social Care Coop

23-01-2012 23:45

Audio John Halsted
On Saturday 21st January 2012 John Halsted spoke at a session on Cooperatives, Credit Unions and Experience of a Social Care Coop at the 3rd National Occupy Conference in the Citadel of Hope in Sheffield.

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A short analysis of the Cretan Independence Movement

22-01-2012 14:52

A warning for all independence movements.

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Search for audience members from re-enactment to attend unique film screening

19-01-2012 09:38

My research is trying to find out what art works like Jeremy Deller's 'The Battle of Orgreave' - mean to the people who were directly affected by the events portrayed and I would very much like to reach them to invite them to the free screening on 28 Jan in Leeds.

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Leeds Antifascist Film Festival Programme

18-01-2012 10:51

Never mind the bollocks, here's the programme.

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TAOBQ Press Release: Missed Opportunity of UN initiative prompts campaign on Afr

17-01-2012 06:10

Missed Opportunity of UN initiative prompts campaign on African identity. TAOBQ campaign highlights issues around African identity and postulates that people of African heritage in Britain should be called African, instead of black

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Leeds Antifascist Film Festival

14-01-2012 17:10

Coming in February...

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“From now on the bankers will rule”

11-01-2012 23:16

Extract from Karl Marx's, “The Class Struggles in France, 1848 to 1850”

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Witnessing the Ron Paul Campaign Humanise the Face of White Supremacist Politics

09-01-2012 21:20

'White domination is so complete that even American Indian children want to be cowboys. It's as if Jewish children wanted to play Nazis.'

-- Ward Churchill

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The murder of Stephen Lawrence & institutional racism - an overview

05-01-2012 13:18

The deeper exploration of the facts surrounding the murder of Stephen Lawrence & the expose of institutional racism in the UK, most particularly the revelation that whilst the original prosecuting officers were knee deep in association with criminal activity with a father of one of the accused (David Norris), one can also question how at the time of the non-investigation into Stephen Lawrence's murder, a public trial into the death of young David Norris' uncle also called David Norris who was a police informant which was happening at the same time may have threatened to expose criminal cartels operating in 3 specialist police squads operating in south-east - one of which included association with gangster Kenneth Noye (who is/was also a freemason).

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2011 Video montage

03-01-2012 20:03

A short video of some of the memorable stuff that happened over the past 12 months

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How Artists Can Work Against & Be Critical of Gentrification

02-01-2012 19:19

At Southwark Notes website, we have been writing a lot about the gentrification of Southwark in London for over ten years. As part of our active research project, we have spent some time looking at the role of art, artists and notion of the 'creative class' as it fits into the different models of gentrification.
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