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UK History Newswire Archive

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2011 - A year of action in pictures

31-12-2011 20:23

Its been a busy year from anti-cuts & anti-fees demos to riots, evictions, blockades and strikes

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Leeds Antifascist Film Festival

30-12-2011 15:34

Coming in February...

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Occupy and the meaning of Christmas

25-12-2011 01:16

As the world awaits the celebration of the birth of the Christ child -- and as, on the eve of this celebration, municipalities around the United States clear out Occupy encampments, pepper-spray peaceful protesters, and threaten them with felony convictions and two-year jail sentences -- it is worth remembering what the historical Jesus actually told people to do: he told them precisely to behave like Occupy protesters.

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26-11-2011 08:38

The Workers to support all!

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Black Flag 234 released and 233 set free

23-11-2011 17:35

A bit belatedly, Black Flag would like to announce the free online release of issue 233 of the magazine, along with our customary teaser article for the most recent issue - the one we need you to buy to keep us printing!

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On the Murder of Gareth Williams of Wales

22-11-2011 17:48

In his new article, CIA analyst Trowbridge H. Ford writes about murdered Welsh intelligence man Gareth Williams.

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Radio 4 programme on squatting tonight

22-11-2011 12:16

8pm Radio 4 - Robert Elms on history & future of squatting

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Prof. Anthony J. Hall: Syria next scalp demanded in the '10th Crusade'

19-11-2011 13:42

BCfm’s weekly politics show
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris

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Occupy Movement: where next?

18-11-2011 11:48

Now is a critical time for 'Occupy', as repressive forces bear down on them. This article puts out a few ideas to help us regroup, in order to carry the struggle forward.

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10-min film that'll persuade others why they should support the Occupy movement

07-11-2011 02:45

Crisis of Capitalism explained, by David Harvey
How to explain to your friends and family members why it is important to support the Occupy movement for the 99% in a town or city near you? Get them to watch this 10-minute video of a lecture by David Harvey (with excellent accompanying snapshot annotation with cartoon illustration)

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Occupy history: Luddite uprising began in Nottingham 200 years ago last night

05-11-2011 13:00

BCfm’s weekly politics show
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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St Pauls used to be ACTUAL stock exchange...

01-11-2011 14:50

Whilst reading a book on the english civil war recently, I found an interesting piece that explained the the st pauls cathedral was actually used as the stock exchange in the years immediately prior to the english civil war breaking out. the practice of using the cathedral for this capitalistic venture was eventually stopped by some body or other (cant recall his name) and then the war broke out. with the current protest happening outside st pauls, i believe this information to be very relevant today, especially as the bods that control st pauls now are trying to persist in stating that there actions against the camp are not politically motivated. also, below, is a quote about st pauls taken from wikipedia:

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Historical Materialism Conference

31-10-2011 18:28

Historical Materialism Conference

Spaces of Capital, Moments of Struggle

10-13 November, SOAS, London, WC1

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NATO-Assassination of Muammar Gaddafi

23-10-2011 21:05

The ‘Rebel’ Assassination of Muammar Gaddafi: a NATO Operation from A to Z ... Muammar Gaddafi – revolutionary leader of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya – was assassinated on Thursday 20 October, 2011, in the Libyan city of Sirte. The precise circumstances surrounding his death have been clouded with mystery and contradicting reports, but the media consensus is that NATO’s ‘rebel’ stooges captured and killed him. This has lent the unelected and universally despised NTC occupation government a decisive propaganda victory in the war on Libya. However, a picture is emerging as to the actual circumstances of his death, one that puts NATO special forces – likely the British SAS – in the centre of the frame.

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NARM BHM 2011 Programmes Highlight British Civil Right History

21-10-2011 11:52

Brent based, pan-London voluntary organisation BTWSC will be delivering a number of Black History Month (BHM) events across London this year, using information from its ‘NARM (Naming And Role Model) Highlighting African British Male Role Models 1907-2007’ book. The NARM British African Civil Rights History programmes aims to show that there have been numerous African-led civil rights movements in Britain, and not just in places like the US or South Africa.

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uk human rights bill artwork

12-10-2011 20:00

graffiti art seen in exeter

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The 2011 Jarrow March: A Long Walk To Nowhere

01-10-2011 10:53

The original march, three quarters of a century ago
This month marks seventy-five years since two hundred men marched three hundred miles in the depths of the Great Depression but the heights of the Spanish Revolution, in protest against mass unemployment in their north-eastern town of Jarrow. At noon today, supporters of Socialist Party front group Youth Fight For Jobs will start to follow in their footsteps. But while there are parallels to be made with the 1936 event, there are also important differences - and it's worth remembering that all the original 'crusaders' got was train fare home.

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What Is Nationalism? Part I

24-09-2011 11:18

The beginnings of a short historical analysis of what nationalism is, exploring the various philosophers and historical conditions which lead to the birth of many different parties, separated by history, like the National Socialists, Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionario and English Defence League. Only by understanding these things will we be able to triumph against the real menaces in Nationalism and build a truly borderless society - but the trouble is, the problem may not be what it seems at first sight! There is a man, who may be ignorant, but history and his mother made him. He might beat us, he might cause much suffering, but this does not mean he understands why he causes it. We must defend ourselves physically, but the defence of the Truth is another thing. If we defend against the wrong aspects of any ideas, we may find in the end that lies, and therefore suffering, triumphs.

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New World Order? 9/11 truths & new documentary: '7/7 Crimes And Prejudice'

16-09-2011 23:05

straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Tony Gosling

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Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair: Iran is the real enemy

11-09-2011 14:16

The Times, 9 September 2011
Unlike George Bush, who kept a low profile since leaving presidency in 2009, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair (1997-2007), the other war criminal-in-chief, is still at the forefront of war propaganda efforts.
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