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UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive

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Catholic Workers Jailed in U.S. as part of the Occupy Movement

31-01-2012 12:04

Des Moines (iOWA/ USA) Catholic Worker founder Frank Cordaro was sentenced to 30 days in Polk County, Iowa early this morning, after he and 10 other members of Occupy Des Moines were arrested for criminal trespass at "People's Park" at the Iowa State Capitol at 11pm last night. Des Moinies Catholic Worker Eddie Bloomer was sentenced to 14 days.

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Richard Murphy Talk on UK Tax from Occupy Conference

28-01-2012 23:56

Audio Richard Murphy via Skype
On 21st January 2012 Richard Murphy addressed the 3rd National Occupy Conference which was held in Sheffield at the Citadel of Hope.

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Eviction at St Paul's delayed while Court of Appeal considers the evidence

28-01-2012 00:49

The Court of Appeal has ruled there can be no eviction at St Paul's protest camp until Tuesday 31 January at the earliest while the judges consider the evidence presented by Occupy London and the eco-warriors.

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Eco-warriors propose turning St Paul's Cathedral into Extinction Eco-Village

27-01-2012 23:35

With eviction at St Paul's protest camp apparently imminent some of the eco-warriors are proposing that the anti-capitalist protesters should take sanctuary inside the cathedral and transform it into the Extinction Eco-village to avoid being violently attacked by the police.

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Eco-warriors are appealing against St Paul's protest camp eviction

27-01-2012 15:35

Occupy London and the eco-warriors are in the Court of Appeal RIGHT NOW applying for a stay of execution on the order to evict St Paul's protest camp and we have until 4pm to get an injunction otherwise the eviction can legally begin almost immediately.

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#15MGlobalStrike – Italian Grassroots syndicalist general strike on 27 January

27-01-2012 02:00

We recognize that the strike on 27 January called by the USB, Unicobas, Orsa, SICobas, Snater and USI unions is an opportunity for this renewal of the ability to mobilize of the workers’ movement in Italy and as anarchist communists, we declare our solidarity with the workers of all kinds and with all those who join the strike and participate in the demonstration in Rome on Friday 27 January.

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Occupy Sheffield: High Court Judge decides protestors have a case

27-01-2012 00:11

Occupy Sheffield attended a High Court hearing this morning, defending the Cathedral’s attempt to obtain a possession order to evict the camp. The Judge decided that this was not a straightforward matter of trespass and the case should be heard in full at a later date.

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Stratfor Intelligence Leaked by Anonymous that Reveals Spying on Occupy Movement

26-01-2012 23:36

Internet group Anonymous has leaked information from October and November 2011 suggesting that private intelligence firm STRATFOR has been working with Texas law enforcement to infiltrate the Occupy movement and spy on the Deep Green Resistance movement.

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Sheffield Cathedral vs Occupy Sheffield - hearing set for 21-22 Feb 2012

26-01-2012 13:42

At the court hearing held on 26th January 2012, where Sheffield Cathedral was seeking a posession order on the basis that Occupy Sheffield was trespassing on their land and they were also seeking over £8k in costs against Occupy Sheffield. The judge ruled that a two day hearing was needed for the case and set the date for this hearing -- 21st and 22nd Feburary 2012.

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Occupy the High Court to support the St Paul's Cathedral protest camp

26-01-2012 12:15

Eco-warriors are calling on large numbers of people to occupy the High Court and apply to the judges in chambers for a stay of execution on the imminent eviction of the St Paul's protest camp.
Grounds for a retrial are the fact that some defendants were refused admission to the court to hear their own case, the land is not a public highway and does not belong to the City of London but was originally gifted to the Church of England, and the City of London is a criminal organisation which is not entitled to possession of the site.

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Sheffield Cathedral vs. the 99%

26-01-2012 00:10

At 10.30am on Thursday 26th January 2012, Occupy Sheffield will attend a trespass hearing in Sheffield District Registry Court.

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Stay of Execution Sought for St Paul's Protest Camp

25-01-2012 18:20

Urgent messages proposing that a stay of execution for the St Paul's protest camp should be sought tonight from the emergency High Court duty judge have been forwarded to some of the eco-warriors camped outside the Cathedral.
The High Court in the Strand in London has a procedure which is available to all defendants in court cases to seek emergency injunctions and stays of execution on court orders from 7 o'clock at night until 10 in the morning and all through the weekends.

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Please Help Stop the Eviction of St Paul's Protest Camp

25-01-2012 09:04

Desperate last minute efforts are being made to stop the IMMINENT EVICTION of the St Paul's protest camp as the eco-warriors are seeking an injunction on the grounds that the City of London Corporation LIED TO THE HIGH COURT about the ownership of the land.

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Market solution is the crash - prospects for March 2012 Euro settlement?

24-01-2012 23:52

Continual attacks & attrition from markets against politicians and civil servants suposedly representing sovereign nations - prospects for crash or solution of Euro crisis in March 2012

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Cooperatives, Credit Unions and Experience of a Social Care Coop

23-01-2012 23:45

Audio John Halsted
On Saturday 21st January 2012 John Halsted spoke at a session on Cooperatives, Credit Unions and Experience of a Social Care Coop at the 3rd National Occupy Conference in the Citadel of Hope in Sheffield.

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Fat Cats Lose Fight To Occupy City Of London

23-01-2012 21:14

Occupy LSX
The long-awaited verdict in the case of the City of London Corporation against the British people is in.

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Occupy the Class War

22-01-2012 23:05

A member of Wild Rose Collective writes about how Occupy's '99% vs 1%' rhetoric is problematic and who in reality in doesn't include and does include.

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Occupy Sheffield's Rally for the 99%

21-01-2012 15:17

Occupy Sheffield held a rally for the 99% outside Sheffield Town Hall on 21st January as part of the 3rd National Occupy Conference.

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Occupy London publicly repossesses empty nine-storey building in the Barbican

21-01-2012 10:42

Roman House
Occupy London this morning publicly repossessed Roman House, an abandoned nine-storey office building in the Barbican in the City of London which previously housed companies from the financial service industries. [1]

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A Tank of an Idea (Part 2)

20-01-2012 20:51

Joginder Sanger shakes hands with another freeloader.

Heh - in Tank of an Idea (Part 1) we told you there was more to come on the dodgy relationship between Occupy Justice and Mastcraft Limited. Our friends at Corporate Watch have been digging about and what they have found, leads them to ask What would Mastcraft gain from agreement with Occupy Justice?

It seems that ideas of turning the old court house into a centre known as the Community Courthouse Iniative, ran into trouble when Hackney Council applied strict planning conditions on the listed building. The project felt it could only attempt to meet these restrictions, which added to already costs, if they were given a written commitment by the Metropolitan Police Authority to sell them the building should they clear Hackney's hurdles. The MPA refused to play and the innovative scheme was duly scuttled. This lead to the building being placed on the market, and duly snapped up by Mastcraft, with plans to turn it into a luxury hotel.

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