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UK Occupy Everywhere Newswire Archive

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Police Harass Occupy Liverpool at Legal Squat

09-01-2012 14:34

Police and occupiers outside the back door of the squat
Earlier today Occupy Liverpool posted an urgent message on their Facebook wall calling for support at their new location as it had been surrounded by the police so I decided to go down and show a little solidarity.


- Occupy Liverpool

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#Occupy and the Church

09-01-2012 14:13

“What would Jesus do?” asked a pithy placard at the Occupy the London Stock Exchange protest recently. It seems rather obvious in a way. For some the answer was given in another St Paul’s placard, carried by a man dressed as Jesus “I threw out the money-lenders for a reason”. Of course we’re not in Jerusalem, nor are we technically in a temple.

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Police raid on Occupy Lancaster

09-01-2012 00:29

Tonight there was a police raid on Occupy Lancaster and 4 were arrested.

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Public squatting in the U$A on the up

08-01-2012 15:30

Although it is hard to hear what is really happening on the ground in U$A, it appears that recently there has been an increase in squatting in cities across the United States. Obviously, squatting is often a covert activity, but it seems that a few factors have dovetailed to facilitate the emergence of a new, public squatting movement. This short article will provide a background to these events and a report of the actions which we have heard about. Hopefully these are merely the tip of the iceberg....

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The links between Occupy, El Barrio and the EZLN

08-01-2012 13:25

Los de Abajo (the Underdogs)
The links between Occupy, El Barrio and the EZLN
Gloria Muñoz Ramírez
Originally published in Spanish in La Jornada

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How Police branded @OccupyLSX and @UKuncut as “Terrorists”

07-01-2012 18:07

Is this City of London Police ‘Terrorism/Extremism update for the Business Community’ genuine or some sort of unsubtle hoax? After viewing the picture – courtesy of @HeardinLondon – I realised why this pressing question was being asked.

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Bank of ideas reopens for 2012

07-01-2012 02:49

Bank of ideas reopens for 2012

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The Crisis of Civilization January Screenings

06-01-2012 23:30

The Crisis of Civilization Poster by Abby Martin

Details of January screenings of The Crisis of Civilization: a documentary feature film investigating how global crises like ecological disaster, financial meltdown, dwindling oil reserves, terrorism and food shortages are converging symptoms of a single, failed global system.

We will be adding yet more screenings as they are confirmed, so keep an eye out for further details!

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Swedish hippies and revolutionaries in Guy Fawkes masks: films for 2012

06-01-2012 15:43

V poster
OARC Sunday Screenings is back for the New Year with two great films in January and February: the Swedish film Tillsammens showing this coming Sunday, and the excellent and inspiring V for Vendetta showing in February.

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Occupy Nigeria: Civil Society, Labour Unions To Engage In Series Of Mass Action In January 2012

04-01-2012 09:01

A coalition of Civil Society in Abuja said that it would begin a mass protest come January 2012 tagged (Occupy Nigeria) over the controversial fuel subsidy removal.

This revelation was made today by the National Convener of the group ,Jaye Gaskia, at a press briefing. Gaskia said that the group would mobilize all Nigerian and other organized bodies for permanent street protest which would cut across the country if Government go a finally go ahead with the removal of the fuel subsidy.

The group which comprises of Action Aid , United Action for Democracy (UAD), Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Legislative Advocacy Center (CISLAC).

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The Occupy Movement Is In Danger From Within!!!

04-01-2012 00:43

CIA funded "Informants" or "New World Order Facilitators" who specialise in sophisticated intelligence gathering techniques, are working as informants within Occupy groups worldwide!!!! OR NOT as the case may be.

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The not so occupy newcastle goes home

03-01-2012 17:54

Occupy newcastle today ceased and went home today occupy newcastle had turned into a joke full of druggies and homeless dossers.

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#Occupy Nigeria Has Begun!

03-01-2012 11:57

Call it the Nigerian Spring if you like. but whatever you choose to call it, Nigerians have begun to come out against the government’s unpopular decision to remove the subsidy on fuel. Reports reaching us indicate that protest pockets are beginning to form all over the country, and the momentum is beginning to build. Might the government have understimated the will of its citizens this time? We’re keenly following the developments. A huge portion of this action is being coordinated via social media, especially on Twitter, where the hashtags to follow are #occupynigeria and #fuelsubsidy. You can also view our curated Storify feed of Nigeria’s reactions to the fuel Subsidy removal.

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Jeremy Clarkson insults Asians

02-01-2012 16:18

Not content with broadcasting Anders Breivik style calls for the shooting of public sector workers and saying the remains of suicide victims should be eaten by wild animals, BBC presenter Jeremy Clarkson has been accused of racism after insulting Indian people in a Top Gear Xmas show, just two days after Indian student Anuj Bidve was shot dead in Salford.

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Which way forward for the 99%? General Strike 1st May 2012!

01-01-2012 12:30

Build Power & Show Power through Mass Participatory Bold Action

To show our power, on May 1st, 2012, we will be organizing for such a mass participatory and bold collective action: a national general strike, mass boycott, student strike/ walk-out and mass day of action. We will be organizing within our unions- or informal workplace organizations where there’s no union or the union isn’t supportive- to hold a one-day general strike. Where a strike is not possible, we will be organizing people to call in sick, or take a personal day, as part of a coordinated “sick-out”. Those who are students will be walking-out of their schools (or not showing up in the first place). In the community, we will be holding a mass boycott and refusing to make any purchase on that day.

We, the 99%, will build our power and show our power until we've occupied our workplaces, our communities, our schools, our lives, our world... until we've occupied everything!

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Unsustainable Israeli Politics of Exclusion in Jerusalem

31-12-2011 16:45

While the history of the world is moving decisively toward a culture of inclusion, diversity and pluralism, Israeli politics seems to challenge history by moving in the opposite direction of exclusion and unilateral self - righteous monopoly of geography, demography, history, archeology and culture, especially in Jerusalem.

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Longshore Workers, Truckers: Shut the Ports, Coast to Coast!

30-12-2011 01:23

Ports up and down the West Coast were blockaded, from Seattle to San Diego. Despite a barrage of hostile propaganda in the media, opposition from union bureaucrats and heavy police repression in some places, overall the blockade was successful – this time. The blockade was called in solidarity with longshore workers fighting a union-busting assault in Longview, Washington and with port truckers seeking union recognition in the ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach. This support should have been greeted. Instead, the union bureaucracy attacked the port blockade, although longshore workers respected the picket lines. But now the class war on the West Coast docks is coming to a head, and it can’t be waged from the outside. Bay Area labor has called for a caravan to Longview. The goal should be a real occupation of the terminal by the workers to prevent the loading of the scab cargo. Longshore militants have called on the longshore unions to shut down every port on the West Coast, and the East and Gulf Coasts, to smash EGT’s union-busting. Can it be done? Yes, but only though sharp struggle against the pro-capitalist labor bureaucracy.

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Occupy Northwood Military HQ

29-12-2011 14:44

Occupy Northwood Military HQ- Catholic Workers Blockade Entrance to Base

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Brent council can`t be trusted

29-12-2011 14:09

The court ruling was that Brent council wouldn`t move books from the closed libraries while the legal process was still active.

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Occupy Sheffield Statement on the occupation of the Citadel Of Hope

29-12-2011 00:20

Citadel of Hope Auditorium
Occupy Sheffield have issued the following statement regarding the occupation of the former Salvation Army Citadel in Sheffield City Centre.
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