Press hysteria and propaganda around this years Mayday has been mounting over in Ireland, where the latest headline to hit the streets revealing that troops will be drafted in to "Put Down" EU protests!
All of the media reporting so far about Mayday in Dublin has concentrated almost exclusively on "violent" protesters, while no evidence has been presented of a real risk of violence, and barely a mention has been made of the reasons that people will be protesting.
Indymedia Ireland comments:
"The corporate media is creating the climate for repression. They are trying to drive people away from protests and creating the climate where the police can smash the protests with force."
See Indymedia Features, Analysis, and Reports:
Irish Independent Piles On The Mayday Hysteria Mar 27
Demonstrators Challenge Anonymous Smear Campaign Mar 26
What to do about 'Anarchist Menace' Corporate Journalists? Mar 23
Pre-EU Mayday Press Propaganda! Oh YES! - Associated Newspapers in Ireland
Requiring Army Deployment? Was her Editor Drunk Too?
The media madness will be familiar to those who have followed the sad excuse for journalism rolled out every year, for the last four years, ahead of Mayday protests in London, which has been riddled with factual mistakes, bare faced lies, so called intelligence from so called "intgelligence sources", and quite ridiculous claims.
So far this years coverage from this side of the Irish Sea has focussed on the "Mayday Cancelled" statement from some members of the Mayday Collective, which says that the usual large autonomous protest in London is not being planned this year by the Mayday Collective, and explains some of the reasons for that, citing increasing levels of police repression, and calls for a more open dicsussion of politics and goals. Thus far coverage from the BBC and the Evening Standard has failed to mention the Mayday EU events in Dublin (see reports 1, 2).
Events in Dublin framed as "Say no to Fortress Europe - A Mayday No Borders weekend", include a week of cultural events, exhibitions, screenings, workshops, and much street theatre and visual actions focussing on asylum seekers and refugees, housing, recycling, anti-war and public/private space. There's also a Critical Mass Bicycle protest, a Noise protest at the EU Ministers Dinner, a No Borders Camp, and a Reclaim The Streets Party (see Audio/Video).
The usual Dublin Mayday march by Trade Unions has been cancelled, making way for the official EU enlargement celebrations, however the Another Europe is Possible Coalition will still be demonstrating on May 1st with a carnival parade in central Dublin. Meanwhile the BBC/RTE 10,000+ "Beautiful Night" concert has been cancelled after the Irish Cabinet decided the closure of O'Connell Street and adjoining areas for five days before the event would be unacceptable.
Indymedia Ireland will be reporting the protests, as well as holding a series of events entitled "Another View of Europe" (April 23rd - May 3rd), including screenings, exhibitions and workshops from the European Independent Media network, with a major theme being Independent media from the countries joining the EU, as well as events at the Sustainable Living Convergence Festival.
In London plans for the traditional TUC backed Trade Union march are going ahead, assembling at Clerkenwell Green at 12 noon and marching to Trafalgar Square where there will be speakers from the Stop the War Coalition, Globalise Resistance and Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London. There has also been a Disarm DSEi Mayday Action call in London for April 30th [Flyer]. There are also plans for Mayday events in other towns and cities across the UK, including Lancaster.
See: Mayday No Borders weekend in Dublin (main site)
Indymedia Ireland EU / Mayday Section | Indymedia UK Mayday 2004 Section
Wombles Mayday Section | TUC March in London
The official EU 'Day of Welcomes' in Dublin will also see a huge fireworks display on 30th April, an outdoor, free 'European Fair', with themed welcome events in 10 other towns and cities around Ireland.
See Irish EU Presidency Official Website:
Mayday, May 1st, or Beltane, was originally celebrated as the arrival of spring, encompassing ancient festivals of renewal, hope and transformation, celebrated for thousands of years.
During the struggle for the 8 hour working day things came to a head with an enormous strike across the United States on May 1st 1886, after which several of the Anarchist organisers were executed, representing a turning point in late 19th century radical politics.
Soon after this and May Day was adopted as International Workers' Day, by the International Labour Congress and has been celebrated across the world ever since.
May Day has always been the people's day. Throughout history religions and governments have repeatedly sought to subvert and usurp the meaning of Mayday......
Indymedia UK Mayday Archive:
Mayday 2003 Features
Some Mayday 2003 Media Reports
Mayday 2002 Festival of Alternatives Features
Mayday 2002 Timeline
Pre Mayday 2002 Reports Roundup
Mayday 2001 Timeline
Mayday 2001 Media Watch Archive
nb: due to the move to the MIR codebase last year the archive of reports is still slightly scattered around in several places, but most is accessible
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Slight correction
01.04.2004 18:53
There has been no official commment yet on the method to be employed, with the government believed to be in favour of lethal injection whilst the gardai reportedly prefer gas...
Co-ordinate Resistance!
17.04.2004 13:47
The next Dissent! Network national gathering is taking place in Manchester on the 24th-25th April 2004. If you would like to attend (its open to all who work within the Peoples' Global Action (PGA) Hallmarks - see: email
Here's the invitation:
The G8 (Group of Eight most industrialised nations) Summit is coming to Britain in the Summer of 2005. In past years, everywhere they have tried to meet they have been met with a massive response from the world's social movements. Now, in Britain, a network of groups and individuals is emerging that hopes to resist the Summit, and build a lasting movement against capitalism.
'Dissent! A Network of Resistance Against the G8' was formed at the
end of November 2003. Local groups and working groups are now
forming to build a response to the G8, firmly rooted in local networking, which it is hoped will exist well beyond the summer of 2005.
Work has already started on producing publicity and information
materials and putting together road-shows to mobilise people for action. The 'Dissent!' network, is committed to taking a confrontational stance, calling for direct action. Nobody owns the network and it has no leaders. It is open to anyone who wants to work under the hallmarks laid down by Peoples' Global Action (PGA) - see end of mail.
The next Dissent! gathering will take place on the 24th/25th April. Come along and get involved.
Practical Information
The Gathering is taking place over a weekend, people are welcome to
arrive on Friday evening, as the meetings are likely to begin fairly early on Saturday morning (the exact timetable is to be worked out later). The Gathering will take place at the Manchester Environmental Resource Centre (see travel details at bottom of page), for more information about the venue look at our website at . It's a big place so all meetings and social things can take place here. We'll have some food, drink and music on friday evening and a proper do with music, films etc on the saturday evening.
If you want to attend the Gathering IT IS ESSENTIAL that you let us
know in advance so we know how much food and drink to get and if we
need to arrange accomodation. so please tell us asap:
* How many people you are
* If you have any special requirements (the NEED for a proper bed, for
Please email this address:
to: G8 Gathering, MERCI, Bridge-5 Mill, 22a Beswick St, Ancoats,
Manchester, M4 7HR.
The process group will be working out the the practicalities of the
meetings if you would like to get involved with the agenda and meeting
process for the weekend, or volunteering to facilitate, please e-mail
Please let us know as far in advance as possible if you require, or can offer, translation during the weekend..
Food will be provided by a newly formed cooking co-operative, we will be asking for £10 towards the cost of food and meeting and accomodation space. See you in Manchester!
PGA Hallmarks:
1) A very clear rejection of capitalism, imperialism and feudalism; all trade agreements, institutions and governments that promote destructive globalisation.
2) We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination
including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious
fundamentalism of all creeds. We embrace the full dignity of all human
3) A confrontational attitude, since we do not think that lobbying can
have a major impact in such biased and undemocratic organisations, in
which transnational capital is the only real policy-maker;
4) A call to direct action and civil disobedience, support for social
movements' struggles, advocating forms of resistance which maximise
respect for life and oppressed peoples' rights, as well as the
construction of local alternatives to global capitalism.
5) An organisational philosophy based on decentralisation and
Travel Details
Bridge-5 Mill is situated in Ancoats, a fifteen minute walk East of the city centre. It is situated on the corner of Beswick Street and Spectator Street on the Ashton Canal.
If you are travelling from Manchester City Centre, during the day walk
along the Ashton Canal since it is quiet and picturesque. It takes about 10-15 minutes. From Piccadilly Train Station (at the bottom of the ramp on Piccadilly Approach) turn right up Ducie Street. After the bridge on your right, turn right and drop onto the Ashton Canal at Paradise Wharf. Turn left, continue past Piccadilly Village and under Great Ancoats Street. Walk along the canal and up the steps at bridge no 5 onto Beswick Street. Turn right and Bridge-5 Mill is the grey building on the opposite side of the bridge on your right.
By Bus.
A bus leaves Piccadilly Gardens every three minutes for Ancoats - it takes about five minutes. Board bus no 216 outside Nobles Amusement Arcade, ask for 'The Mitchell Arms' pub. Get off just after you see the pub on the left, on Ashton New Road, and turn left. Take an immediate right turn up Beswick Street and continue up the hill. After the second road on the left (Spectator Street), you'll find the entrance to Bridge-5 Mill
Travelling by car from the city centre.
Make for Great Ancoats Street (the inner relief road) east of Piccadilly train station. Then travel out of the city centre up Old Mill Street (on the corner is an Argos superstore). Travel up Old Mill Street, past Ancoats Hospital on the right until you come to a set of traffic lights at the cross roads of Butler Street, Beswick Street and Bradford Road. Turn right down Beswick Street, immediately over the canal bridge is Bridge-5 Mill on the right. Access is required at all times by our neighbours on Spectator Street so please park on Pollard Street which is the next street on from Beswick Street.
Also see:
Why not mention what there is to celebrate
29.04.2004 05:37