camera shy
trying to hide their faces
mingling in the crowd
aided by the stewards
making notes about us
Neil Williams!
Neil runs for protection from his FIT mates
running away after FITwatch attention
no number - maybe he's on work experience
perhaps they'll give him a number when he turns 18
CO 5494
CO 5029
CW 2073
EK no number?
EK 148
Neil with suspected undercover cop
another photographer
KD 54
LX 637
K 332
A particular highlight came chasing Photographer Neil Williams through the demonstration just by calling his name, taunting him and taking his photograph. Apparently, this was scary enough to make him return to the safety of the pack of FIT outside the demonstration; perhaps next time he'll think twice about entering the crowd all alone.
Doing FITwatch might sound like something that takes a lot of nerve, perhaps only for the 'seasoned activist' – but in fact it feels much less scary than ignoring the FIT; knowing they're there without confronting them, pretending to each other and ourselves that they don't affect us. They do affect us, and they will continue to do so unless we stop them. That's a much more scary prospect than doing a bit of FITwatch. Doing to them what they do to us feels like taking some power back. Particularly when, like on Saturday, they show that they feel vulnerable too.
And FITwatch must be doing something right – the ludicrous charges given the FITwatchers who were nicked suggests (see

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