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UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive

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Take the flour back - final details

19-05-2012 09:00

Take the flour back!
Sunday 27th May, Rothamsted, Harpenden, Herts.

Stop the open-air release of GM Wheat that contains genes ‘most similar to that of a cow’

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Take the Flour Back defend Direct Action on Newsnight

18-05-2012 02:18

Jyoti of Take the Flour Back defends the role of direct action in defending farmers and our food system.... and cuts through all that GM 2.0 nonsense.

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Take the flour back! Transport details

15-05-2012 09:37

Take the flour back! 27th May, 12 noon, Harpenden, Herts.

Stop the open-air release of GM Wheat that contains genes ‘most similar to that of a cow’

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British Government Admits Lyme Disease is a Bioweapon

13-05-2012 21:14

Sufferers from Lyme Disease have been denied treatment for decades, even though it is a serious disabling disease. For years some activists in the patients' movement have highlighted evidence that the denial was due to a biowarfare cover-up. Now, finally, the British government has revealed that all Lyme blood testing is to be conducted from Porton Down, our top biological warfare facility.

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Video footage of GM wheat at Rothamsted

10-05-2012 11:48

Rothamsted Research have planted a field of GM wheat in Harpenden, Herts.

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Brazil: great President, Congress bad.

08-05-2012 18:35

The pic says: "do we have the right laws?
While Dilma Roussef hits each day more, "pulling" the leveling of interest of the Brazilian public debt to international levels and begins to devise an industrial policy firmly grounded in a serious exchange rate policy and in science and technology, in addition to important tax cuts, Congress is the scene of successive corruption scandals, all them originated in the corporate funding of campaigns and in "not very corporate" funding of campaigns, and approves, with a rapporteur funded by the agro-business, apocalyptic Forest Code: A million square KM to the devastation.

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Brazil: great President, Congress bad.

03-05-2012 18:53

The pic says: "do we have the right laws?
While Dilma Roussef hits each day more, "pulling" the leveling of interest of the Brazilian public debt to international levels and begins to devise an industrial policy firmly grounded in a serious exchange rate policy and in science and technology, in addition to important tax cuts, Congress is the scene of successive corruption scandals, all them originated in the corporate funding of campaigns and in "not very corporate" funding of campaigns, and approves, with a rapporteur funded by the agro-business, apocalyptic Forest Code: A million square KM to the devastation.

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Fences at GM wheat trial, Hertfordshire

01-05-2012 11:43

Rothamsted Research in Harpenden have planted a field of GM wheat.

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What is food sovereignty?

27-04-2012 07:49

Our current political system chooses to deal with world hunger through the model of “food security”, arguing that there is not enough food to go around and that we need techno-fixes to solve this. This approach ignores the fact that there is a global food surplus – many people just can’t afford to buy food. This problem is being amplified by land grabs- communities that used to grow food for themselves are being forced out of their ancestral homes, often by corporations expanding cash crop production.

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Take the flour back! Video

27-04-2012 07:21

Stop the open-air release of GM Wheat that contains genes ‘most similar to that of a cow’.

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Pull up the GM wheat, or we will, say growers

11-04-2012 11:51

With DEFRA security
Bakers, retailers, growers and grassroots food campaigners threw down the gauntlet today over the controversial trialling of Genetically Modified wheat in the open air this spring. Campaginers under a enormous banner made of toast, delivered an ultimatum to DEFRA (the government department responsible for the release of GM crops) 'pull up the GM wheat or we will'. This wheat is a massive contamination risk we will not allow it to flower!

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Take the flour back - meetup point announced

03-04-2012 10:49

Stop the open-air release of GM Wheat that contains genes ‘most similar to that of a cow’.

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Take the Flour Back! Mass action against GM wheat

28-03-2012 08:28

Take the flour back!
Sunday 27th May 2012

Public day of action against the Rothamsted genetically modified wheat trial.

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Johns Hopkins, 1 US University Cages 200,000 Mice and Rats

17-01-2012 03:21

US university, corporate, and pharmaceutical profiteers from animal torture
are upset about suggested new guidelines

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Breaking News Cannabis Science, Inc: Cannabis Shrinks “One Of The Worst” Cancers

11-01-2012 23:02

COLORADO’S pioneering biotech company Cannabis Science, Inc have released graphic photos of a patient, suffering with what their physician described as “the worst case of squamous cell carcinoma cancer” he had ever seen, being healed by cannabis oil administered at home.
For further details and photographic evidence visit

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Animal testing firms to be granted access to your NHS records

04-12-2011 02:21

Cameron is to announce plans that pharmaceutical and other life sciences firms are to be granted access to NHS patient data. For use in clinical trials and drug development.

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Newly Launched Renewable Energy Consultation met by Activist Fury

23-10-2011 15:35

Biomassacre - Don't subsidise it
Members of Action Against Agrofuels, dressed in Orangutan suits, climbed 10m up trees above The Mall 200m from Buckingham Palace with a vast banner reading “Biomassacre: Don’t subsidise it” as the government consultation on renewable energy subsidies commences.

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Biofuels and biomass protest outside DECC

23-10-2011 09:41

Protesters outside DECC from across the country
As different actions continue across London, campaigners from across the country joined forces outside the offices of DECC yesterday to denounce the government's latest plans to carry on subsidising destructive biomass and biofuels despite the fact that their use leads to human suffering across the globe, and increased carbon emissions.
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