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London SOCPA Newswire Archive

29-10-2006 23:51 | 5 additions

SOCPA - report and a few pics from 'no more fallujahs' demo today

who lies
around a hundred protesters took part in today's demonstration which began at midday with a reading of names of the dead of both british troops and iraqi civilians in the iraq occupation. police arrested five people during the afternoon, but at eleven this evening, the majority of people and twenty seven tents remain.

29-10-2006 18:38

A few more Peace Camp pics.

Tents abound. Never in the field of Parliament Square have so many been arrested by so few. What happened to the 800 police this time? While I was there they were only arresting people who refused to give name and address but those who did give ID could expect a summons. Read more >>

29-10-2006 17:51

Peace Camp-No More Fallujahs - Pt4

the Peace Camp infront of big ben
As part of a weekend of Nonviolent Resistance to the Occupation of Iraq on the 2nd anniversary of the November 04 US/UK massacre in Fallujah, a peace camp was formed on Parliament Square. Read more >>

29-10-2006 16:39 | 3 additions

Five arrested so far as one hundred defy anti-protest law

- Police intervene to dismantle Parliament Square peace camp
- Anti-war events to continue through to Monday lunchtime
- Camp continues all night, solidarity appreciated!

21-10-2006 05:20


the baby-clothes washing line - offensive?
in a very suspicious sequence of events, brian haw has been arrested in the darkness of the night and some of his display has been removed by police. the arrest follows what may have been a staged incident where a woman (who has been seen before around the square) attacked the display saying that she found it offensive. brian has apparently been arrested under a public order act part IV, and some of his display has been removed.

19-10-2006 23:24 | 1 addition

SOCPA - more police harassment

the harassment of peaceful protestors associated with brian haw continues. allegations of psychiatric problems, unlawful stops and searches, intimidatory surveillance, dodgy court hearings. on and on it goes. the police still haven't tried barbara tucker in open court for any of her alleged 60+ socpa offences, instead relying on constant intimidation to try and wear her down and remove her by other means. Read more >>

19-10-2006 16:25

SOCPA - brian haw legal update

brian has won the right to petition the lords to challenge whether his five-year non-stop protest outside parliament can be controlled under the new serious organised crime and police act legislation. he also has leave to appeal to the high court over the legality of police conditions restricting his current protest. no dates have been set yet for these hearings. meanwhile supporters are warmly welcomed in parliament square. Read more >>

15-10-2006 19:33

SOCPA - is superintendent terry mad?

superintendent peter terry - mad or bad?
desperate to keep the ever more bizarre and crazy actions of charing cross police from being discussed in a court of law, superintendent terry seriously tried to have a peace protestor sectioned under the mental health act yesterday rather than charge her with an offence where real evidence could be scrutinised in a court of law.. Read more >>

12-10-2006 16:25

a few more sack parliament photos

a few photos, taken on a broken fisheye lomo so please forgive their quality Read more >>

12-10-2006 00:06 | 3 additions

a few photos and some thoughts and ideas on sack parliament

brian's extended display
even armed with the mighty socpa (serious organised crime and police act) it would appear that police ended up seriously abusing their powers in many different ways on monday. i hope their cases can be seriously undermined by collected evidence of their unlawful actions. Read more >>

11-10-2006 22:17 | 1 addition

On the Ground: eye witness reports from Sack Parliament

By Friday October 6 in this foul year of our Lord 2006 it was already labelled a riot across nearly every Rupert Murdoch freebee newspaper and every copy of the Evening Slander in the city. In the spirit of the war on terror fearful names were back in the mainstream headlines again. No, not Al Qaeda. Not even the IRA. Nor the Fathers for Justice gone rabid or militant pro-fox hunting farmers armed with fire works and tweed jackets. No. This time it was the Wombles. Violent anarchists. Masked anti-capitalists intent on destroying parliament and pulling the plug on UK democracy. Read more >>

11-10-2006 13:00 | 7 additions

reflections on sack parliament

The following is a summary of what me, and the group i was with at sack parliament felt about the day Read more >>

10-10-2006 00:45 | 2 additions

Police treatment of journalists in parliament square on monday

Aside from assulting and hospitalising NUJ photographer, Marc Vallee, fairly early on in the day, the police dished out some pretty uneven and dodgy treatment to other members of the press who had come to cover the events at parliament square.

09-10-2006 22:03

Sack Parliament - More Photographs

Outside Parliament
Pictures from this afternoon's demo in Parliament Square, London, and some brief comments. Read more >>

09-10-2006 19:19 | 1 addition

Media Pics From Sack Parliament Protest

As anti-war and other campaigners gathered to give a P45 to the MPs, the MET police also gathered, outnumbering those brave enough to turn up and protest. Of course protests are now effectively banned under SOCPA legislation, and the police used force to both disperse and corral protestors. Several have been arrested and several injured including an NUJ photographer taken to hospital with worrying injuries,

Below are some thumbnails of pictures published by some of the main picture agencies to give you an idea of the event and the media reporting. Higher size and resolution pictures are available online, Read more >>

09-10-2006 19:05 | 2 additions

PHOTO: Police Hospitalise Photographer at Parliament Protest

Photo of Marc Vallee

09-10-2006 15:45 | 2 additions

Sack Parliament Photos

Sack Parliament.

09-10-2006 14:12 | 2 additions

Around 60-80 people arrested at Sack Parliament - please confirm

I've just heard that around 60 - 80 people arrested at Sack Parliament. Can someone confirm this?! Read more >>

06-10-2006 17:59

chris coverdale case adjourned as judge refuses to consider war legality

anti-war campaigner chris coverdale appeared at marylebone magistrates court this morning intending to argue that british and international law prevents him from paying a court fine arising from a conviction for 'unauthorised protest' and 'use of a megaphone'. the judge became the 21st who has refused to consider and uphold war law that chris has faced over 3 years in a variety of different cases. Read more >>

05-10-2006 17:58

"No More Fallujahs" weekend of mass civil disobedience, 28-29 October

A weekend of nonviolent resistance to the occupation of Iraq on the 2nd
anniversary of the November 2004 US/UK attack on Fallujah ( Read more >>


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