London Indymedia

London Anti-militarism Newswire Archive

20-03-2006 13:02

Anti-war, pro-human rights

No Foreign Occupation of Iraq. Don’t attack Iran.
No Islamist State, No Sharia Law
Stop Islamists killing queers and women in Iraq & Iran Read more >>

20-03-2006 11:30

London anti war march. Pictures

Sadly the IMC helicopter is still out of action so an accurate estimate of the numbers is tricky. The Police working as always to a government agenda said 15,000, the organisers said 100,000. The square (which holds 40,000) was full before the section of the march behind the samba band arrived. So I think its fair to say that 50-60,000 were in attendance. Read more >>

20-03-2006 01:22

Fool's Parade

The GOVERNMENT of Her Majesty the Queen, the Holy Subjects of this Land and All Her Minions and Terriertories has hereby decreed that in recognition and humungous AWE of the Fools of This Land on APRIL FOOL’S DAY (This First Day of April of the Year of Our Lord 2006), a Special Day of Celebration shall be laid on. Read more >>

19-03-2006 22:56

Anti-War Protest, London (18.03.06)

ISR members
Photos from Anti-War Protest in London (18.03.06)

19-03-2006 19:58 | 1 addition

Sights and sounds from stop-the-war demo, London, 18 Mar 2006

Audio Guantanamo solidarity
Three years on from the “shock and awe” invasion of Iraq, Stop the War Coalition, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the Muslim Association of Britain held a march and rally in London, as part of an international day of protest (see ). Here are photos, audio clips, and a report of the day. Read more >>

19-03-2006 13:04 | 1 addition

That it should come to this … fear and loathing on the swp march

should’ve known, I really should. I mean when it comes to cynical, piss taking of this merry band of useless marching muppets I’m the worst offender… but somehow, well the glorious events taking place in France, the line of mounted riot cops I saw leaving Islington nick on my way there, well it got my blood running, got my hopes up that this day would be more than the usual impotent trot through London, that perhaps, just perhaps this would be the day that something might happen.

19-03-2006 11:46


Personal account of the anti-war rally at Trafalgar Square in London and comment on the Stop the War movement. Read more >>

18-03-2006 23:06

Round up report of worldwide anti-war demonstrations March 18th

This is a 560 word round up of the main anti-war demonstrations of Saturday 18th March with 8 photos. Read more >>

18-03-2006 20:17

March coverage 18th from further afield

As people make their way home from the London march and rally today, over in Cities throughout the United States people are coming together to express their own growing anger at the continuing occupation of Iraq...

Protests are also being held in other cities across the world. They include Baghdad, Basra, New York, Madrid, Rome, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto and Dublin. Organisers said it was the first time there have been co-ordinated demonstrations in the US, Britain and Iraq... Read more >>

18-03-2006 16:15 | 2 additions

Early reports from Anti-war Demos 18th March - London

Disappointingly throughout this afternoon the BBC has been reporting only 12,000 people on the London anti-war demo. However folks on the scene say the turn out is MUCH bigger than that, maybe reaching towards 100,000. Read more >>

18-03-2006 15:33

Leaflet for Smash EDO Demo at ASI Arms Conference, London, 3oth March

Please distribute as widely as poss

17-03-2006 17:07

Cycle of Peace in 2006

The Peace Cycle began as a completely new initiative in 2004, and the inaugural ride that year proved to be a great success, making national headlines in almost every country it passed through. Whilst numbers fluctuated across the whole route, some 25 cyclists from around the globe reached Jerusalem together, in solidarity with one another and with all those working for a just peace in Israel and Palestine.

The group of cyclists included people whose ages ranged from 12 to 60, whose faiths included Muslim, Jewish, Christian and none, and whose nationalities included British, Irish, Swiss, German, American, Australian, Italian, Swedish, Greek, Palestinian and Israeli –
what united them all was their belief in a just peace.

One cyclist, Rebecca Tyrer (who has stayed on to work in the West Bank) proudly quoted, “There were so many times when I thought I wouldn’t make it, but we did it! More to the point people are still talking about us and everything we still represent. I think one of the most powerful aspects of The Peace Cycle for me was our reception in Palestine.”

Another cyclist, Khurram Yaqoob recalls The Peace Cycle 2004 as being, “… a great journey of adventure, self-realisation and tears. Be prepared for a fantastic challenge as you pass through a variety of countries on your bike! I mean, you are actually using your own energy and a metal contraption to travel to the other side of the globe!”This feature length film, narrated by acclaimed actress Julie Christie, follows their amazing physical and emotional journey - a journey which is to be repeated by more cyclists in 2006!

16-03-2006 04:09

Protest against Jericho prison raid - 14-03-06

Unauthorised demonstration outside Downing Street, London, against Israeli attack on Jericho prison in Palestine. Read more >>

15-03-2006 23:00

If you're not angry, you're not paying attention.

This weekend there will be massive demonstrations all over the world against the occupation of Iraq and the theatening noises being made against Iran. Many people doubt the effectiveness of such 'A to B' marches and lobbying, instead prefering direct confrontation with the companies that seek to profit from war and direct action aimed at putting a spanner in the works.... Read more >>

15-03-2006 20:35 | 1 addition

Rachel Corrie Readings at Parliament Square, Thursday 16th.

Artists Against the War are inviting everyone to the readings from Rachel Corrie diaries at London's Parliament Square and Hanover Square W1. Read more >>

15-03-2006 15:45

3 extra things to remember for march 18 . . . .

seeing the way the world is getting spun into this "war for news management" spiral, here are 3 things you can do to increase the sanity quotient . . . . Read more >>

14-03-2006 20:16

Public Meeting in support of British residents detained in Guantanamo

This Thursday evening at 7pm, there will be a chance to hear directly from the families (& children) of 3 British detainees held at Guantanamo Bay.

13-03-2006 23:15

Protest to be held at Air Weapons Integration Conference in London

On the 30th and 31st March EDO MBM, along with their buddies Raytheon RSL, are holding a conference on death and destruction at the Selfridge Hotel, Oxford St. Top of the agenda will be Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (UAVS). UAVs are unmanned bombing machines, the US army recently killed scores of civilians with one in Pakistan—another victory in the War on Terror!


11-03-2006 21:00


Free to rebroadcast
A review of news, opinion, and photography recorded, from the Indymedia Newswire. With times and freqs for tuning in anywhere you can, at your leisure. Free to rebroadcast. The world & recorded for the community archive! Read more >>

09-03-2006 23:05 | 1 addition

Global anti-war demonstrations March 18th and March 19th 2006

This is an announcement of the Global anti-war demonstrations on the weekend of March 18th and March19th. Read more >>


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