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UK Ecology Newswire Archive

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Romney's Abusive Record Re Cows, Sheep, Pigs, Horses, Cats, Dogs

13-06-2012 19:09

Please send this to animal rights groups

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'Fracking' - a protest song

11-06-2012 13:14

‘Fracking’ – a protest song.
‘Fracking’ is a song written in opposition to the industrial extraction of fossil-fuel shale gas by hydraulic fracturing, and aims to increase awareness of the many dangers that fracking presents. The protest song has a long tradition across all types of movements and struggles, and it is hoped that this recording can do its small bit to help build community resistance to fracking across the world.

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Technology Will Not Save US

10-06-2012 21:02

Michael Huesemann, co-author of "Techno-Fix: Why Technology Won't Save Us or the Environment" interviewed by The Extraenvironmentalist. Then "Alternative Radio" founder David Barsamian recorded in Vancouver: what should we do? Radio Ecoshock 120613

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'occupy windsor' eco-village attempt

10-06-2012 18:01

a group calling themselves 'diggers2012' have travelled overnight to windsor great park having identified disused land on crown estate. they are hoping to set up a sustainable camp, but have already had pre-emptive injunctions served on them, and threats from police

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Brighton solidarity for Marie Mason and Eric McDavid

10-06-2012 17:42

Solidarity night as part of the International Day of Solidarity for Long-term Anarchist Prisoners

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Report says ‘so-called’ NGOs are driving the “Commodification of Nature” in Chia

10-06-2012 12:44

** Attempts to appropriate the Lacandón Jungle by multinational corporations

** Indigenous communities of Montes Azules are at risk of eviction by federal authorities

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Current Opposition to Opencast Mine Applications in England

08-06-2012 12:16

This, the 1st press release from the Loose Anti Opencast Network list 12 sites in England where there has been expressions of interest about opencast for coal on the site. The press release also indicates why this will be a continuing 'itch' in the English planning system as up to 97% of the surface mineable coal in England is located within 500m of where people live. England unlike Scotland or Wales does not operate a system where policy normally prohibits mining is such circumstances.

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Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist

03-06-2012 03:26

If environmentalism has failed - what now? UK green Paul Kingsnorth with reading a critique from feminist Lierre Keith and Gaian David Abram

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Declaration from the dispossessed

01-06-2012 22:55

To Windsor we go to make the wasteland grow.

On June 09th a group of dispossessed people will be walking from Syon Lane Community Allotment in Isleworth, West London to Windsor. Our aim is to start a community on a piece of disused land on the Crown Estate. We have written the following declaration to express our intentions. For more info on the project, please visit:

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What If the Permafrost Thaws?

29-05-2012 21:53

There is more carbon frozen in far North than in all living things & the atmosphere. It has begun to thaw. Interview with Prof. Antoni Lewkowicz and Academy of Science speech by Dr. Charles Koven of Berkeley Lab.

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European activists link up to draw the line against GM - Take the Flour Back

28-05-2012 16:45

More than 400 growers, bakers and families from across England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France and Belgium marched against the return of open air GM field testing today. Take the Flour Back linked arms with their European counterparts, notably France’s Volunteer Reapers and walked calmly towards the site, before being stopped by police lines.

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Cutting off the Financial Lifeline to Cruel Hare Coursing

28-05-2012 10:31

Hare Coursing: kept alive in Ireland through financial sponsorship
You can help us win a crucial battle in the ongoing campaign against hare coursing in Ireland.

As the campaign to persuade the Irish government to ban hare coursing continues, financial sponsorship is keeping this horrific practise alive.

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Bristol VegFest 26-27 May Ready to Kick Off!!!

25-05-2012 21:53

VON at Bristol VegFest 25-27 May

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Aborigines launch their own government

25-05-2012 06:27


Foundation Meeting of the Sovereign Union – National Unity Government

A meeting of representatives from across the continent gathered to confirm their intent to form a National Unity Government of the Sovereign Union of First Nations Peoples in Australia.
This intent was confirmed with representatives formally signing an Act of Sovereign Union between First Nations Peoples in Australia.

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Film on Murray Bookchin

24-05-2012 14:37

Spectacle productions need help making a film on the political thinker Murray Bookchin, the founder of the social ecology movement. Please visit

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Fossil Darkness Flourishes

22-05-2012 21:01

The BP Gulf oil spill coverup continues. Josh Tickell Director of new film "The Big Fix". Protests at giant Tata Mundra coal plant construction in NW India. S. Dutta reports. Plus more propaganda in the toxic legacy of the Canadian Tar Sands - scientist David Schindler.

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Berkeley's Bayer Bee Killers Stung by Critics

22-05-2012 16:14


This West Berkeley park was the staging ground for a self-declared human "Bee-in at Bayer." The goal: to call attention to the chemical maker's role in producing a pesticide linked to "Colony Collapse Disorder," a mysterious syndrome that suddenly turns once-healthy hives into empty shells devoid of bees.

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Take the flour back - final details

19-05-2012 09:00

Take the flour back!
Sunday 27th May, Rothamsted, Harpenden, Herts.

Stop the open-air release of GM Wheat that contains genes ‘most similar to that of a cow’

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Take the Flour Back defend Direct Action on Newsnight

18-05-2012 02:18

Jyoti of Take the Flour Back defends the role of direct action in defending farmers and our food system.... and cuts through all that GM 2.0 nonsense.
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