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UK Ecology Newswire Archive

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Anti Roads resistance continues at Dalkeith protest site

23-01-2006 13:47

Monday morning sees the Dalkeith anti road protestors still occuppying the main protest site, with all the tree houses and tunnels intact. Spirits have been boosted by the many picnicers who visited the site on Saturday, showing their solidarity with the battle to stop the A68 by-pass being put through the beautiful park south of Edinburgh.

Despite seven days of eviction attempts by the specialist National Eviction Team and police, the spectacular tree houses and aerial constructions still tower into the sky by the River Esk. Today Monday 23rd an assault is expected on this main camp, bottom site.

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January 28th Critical Mass in Sheffield

22-01-2006 11:08

A critical mass bike ride is planned for Saturday 28th January.

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Year of the Tree

22-01-2006 10:56

The UK Permaculture Association are appealing for people to get involved in the year of the tree activities

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Irish protest camp to restart in March

19-01-2006 22:41


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Acting for Animal Liberation

19-01-2006 19:00

A new animal rights group has been launched to take action for animal liberation. The Western Animal Rights Network (WARN) will act as an umbrella group for local grassroots animal rights groups in the West of England and South Wales.

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Greanpeace drop dead

19-01-2006 15:31

The anti-whaling wars moved to europe today...

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Ask me about my hunger strike.

19-01-2006 04:41

So first off, I am hungy.

Secondly, let me explain why all this is here.

We are talking about the future, now mind you I know that there are people out there who would say "well the future is unknown so why bother?". So I must say at first that we are talking about projected futures, based on current information.

We, Me, I, the 20 something generation are in a delicate position. We can offer our children avenues down which to travel that lead to a bright and sustainable future. Or we can offer them the dust pan and broom and ask that they clean up our mess.

The choice is up to you.

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The big freeze. over 24 dead and rising

18-01-2006 22:04

Remember at the beginning of the winter when our obliging mass media did our governments bidding and warned us that this winter would be the coldest in living memory and that due to gas shortages we'd have thousand of extra people freezing to death and industry having to shut down to conserve energy? The cynical among you might think it was just part of a government scare story aimed at paving the way for Blairs new nuclear energy plans and indeed so far the UK has enjoys a pretty mild winter. However, things are much much bleaker over the other side of the planet...

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Residents angry as council closes recycling centre in Southwell

18-01-2006 21:25

Plans to close a Nottinghamshire recycling centre have provoked an angry reaction from nearby residents.

Hundreds of people living around Southwell have signed petitions against the closure, but environmental officers have said the site is not used enough.

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18-01-2006 13:01

The hidden threat to all planetary life from US use of depleted uranium weapons in 4 wars

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Leasowe Community 'Swap Day'

18-01-2006 11:50

Saturday 4 February 10am-12.30pm

Leasowe Millenium Centre

Come along with any unwanted household items and take away things you need - FOR FREE!

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Will the energy crisis cut aviation?

18-01-2006 00:12

Today, the highest oil prices in more than three months led to the largest drop in the stock market in over six weeks and knocked back big consumers such as British Airways Plc. But will increasing oil prices help to temper the increased demand for air travel, the fastest growing contributor to greenhouse gas emissions?

If air travel were to grow at the predicated rate it would soon become the biggest single obstacle to curbing climate change and put all other efforts to cut greenhouse emissions in danger of being swamped by aviation emissions.

The UK, for example has set a target of cutting carbon dioxide emissions by 60 per cent by 2050. But it also predicts a quadrupling of air travel by the same date. If the predictions are accurate then air travel would use up every last tonne of British emissions entitlements.

But as we reach the peak of world wide oil production, can the air industry survive until 2050 anyway? In fact can the economy and indeed civilisation as we know it survive until 2050 or even 2020 for that mater...

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Saving Iceland Gathering in Shefield

17-01-2006 15:33

A meeting to discuss the catastrophic environmental effects that Heavy Industry is having on Iceland and the rest of Europe and what we can do about it is being held in Sheffield this coming weekend the 21st and 22 January.

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Leave or die say protesters

17-01-2006 15:22

Protests escalate after decades of struggle in the face of Shell OIl...

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The CommonPlace Friday Night Social, 27th Jan: Venezuela talk, bar, film, food,

17-01-2006 13:47

The first of the CommonPlace Friday Night Socials, 27th Jan, The CommonPlace, Leeds, 6 pm 'till late. Recommeded donation, £3 incl. 2006 membership to the CommonPlace.


*First-hand report on indegenous resistance to coal mining in Venezuela (8 pm)
*film on venezeula (6 pm)
*food & licenced bar (from 6 pm)
*DJs into the night (from 9 pm)

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Greenpeace Ocean's Campaign

17-01-2006 12:22

From Greenpeace HQ:
We've carried out a study of UK supermarkets, ranking them by their seafood policies. ASDA comes bottom of the league, while Tesco and Morrisons also fare poorly, revealing that Britain's biggest retailers are responsible for the destruction of fish stocks. Marks & Spencer and Waitrose top the scorecard thanks to their implemented sustainable seafood policies, but nearly all of the UK's major supermarkets are selling endangered and threatened varieties of fish.
Tell ASDA to sort out their seafood!

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Pictures of Dalkeith Park Top Site Eviction

17-01-2006 11:00

middle camp: still intact
Here some pictures of the eviction of the top site. There are four sites in total with tree houses and tunnels. The eviction is anticipated to last about two weeks and cost £1.4m. The route of the new road leads directly through the Dalkeith Country Park, a site of specific scientific intrest, and home to herds of sheep, cows, and over 100 horses grazing there on wide fields. It is also part of the Edinburgh Green Belt and inhabitants of the park include deer, bats, birds, foxes and other wild anilmals. It is also used as a recreation area for people from alkeith and Edinburgh, and has an enormous adventure playground, folleys and old houses in the Park.
A lot of people cycle, do walking and train their dogs in the park, too.
Dalkeith town is crossed by the A68 leading to Jedburgh and the Borders.

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Demand EU-Initiative against Japanese Pirate Whaling

17-01-2006 09:53

Starting from Jan. 1, Austria has taken over the presidency in the EU. Send protests against the inactivity of the EU to the Austrian minister of foreign affairs, Ursula Plassnik and the chancellor. Demand an official protest from Austria against illegal whaling of Japan.

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Shell to sea solidarity critical mass

17-01-2006 08:15

Saturday 18th Feb - Shell to sea solidarity critical mass - to coincide with the call out for international solidarity actions in support of the shelltosea campaign.

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Warning to SE Asian countries about Iran war and monsoon

17-01-2006 03:04

This is a deadly message to Southeastern Asian Countries about the upcoming IRAN War and the monsoon rains depositing deadly radiation in the environment. The message is from Leuren Moret, a world famous geoscientist and radiation expert and myself, Bob Nichols, newspaper correspondent and writer. I request that you send this to everyone in your address book and that you "Be the Media". Help us stop the Fifth US Nuclear War in 15 years from even starting.
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