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London Repression Newswire Archive

01-10-2007 17:26

Blog strike for Burma! No blogging on 4th Oct: Burmese Bloggers Without Borders

Following the lead of the fabulous Medicins sans Frontieres and Reporters sans Frontieres, the ever-fabulous Burmese People established Burmese Bloggers Without Borders on 30th September 2007. They are asking for a strike of supportive bloggers on Thursday 4th October, 2007.

01-10-2007 15:03

Burma: Thousands dead in massacre of the monks dumped in the jungle

I am still shaking, having trouble believing this. Read more >>

01-10-2007 11:52

London demo against deportation of Iceland's Eco Activists - 2/10

A demonstration against Iceland's persecution of environmental
activists will take place in London on Tuesday 2nd October 2007,
meeting at Sloane Square (nearest tube: Sloane Square) at 1pm. Read more >>

01-10-2007 06:30

Burma: ask embassies in Rangoon to set up WiFi for photographic evidence

The Junta have successfully cut off internet access to the outside world; some landlines are still working but mobiles can only pick up signals near the borders and are in any case rare at $1800 purchase price. The resistance have issued the following call for assistance via WiFi and the embassies in Rangoon. Read more >>

01-10-2007 03:09

URGENT: Burma petition, e-signatures and forwarding requested

To Chinese President Hu Jintao and the UN Security Council:

We stand alongside the citizens of Burma in their peaceful protests. We urge you to oppose a violent crackdown on the demonstrators, and to support genuine reconciliation and democracy in Burma. We pledge to hold you accountable for any further bloodshed. Read more >>

30-09-2007 22:04

Peace March for Burma in London

The march from Trafalgar Square to Battersea Park Peace Pagoda starter around 12 this after with a wide aray of banners and placards being waved by marchers bearing their solidarity with the monks and the people of Burma in their hour of need. Read more >>

30-09-2007 16:46

Tasers for the TSG

Now the Met's riot squad will try out Tasers. Read more >>

30-09-2007 12:26

London demo against Iceland's deportation of eco-activists

A demonstration against Iceland's persecution of environmental activists will take place in London on Tuesday 2nd October, meeting at Sloane Square (nearest tube: Sloane Square) at 1pm.

29-09-2007 21:48

Demo- in Solidarity with Miriam Rose and Persecuted Saving Iceland Activists

1PM Tuesday 2nd October, Icelandic Embassy meet at Sloane Square
Come and show Solidarity with Miriam Rose, a Saving Iceland activist from the UK facing deportation from Iceland where she lives for being: "a threat to public order and security and fundamental societal values" also to show solidarity with Olafur Pall Siggurdson an Icelandic activist being framed for "Obstructing a Police Vehicle" following an attempt to run him over by a senior policeman. Read more >>

28-09-2007 22:37 | 11 additions

Burma is Free! It has to be

As you may know, the Junta have now cut internet links out of Burma so there is a near news blackout. Information is still getting out via mobile phone signals near the borders.

The latest news is reported here:

28-09-2007 19:31

Protest at Burmese Embassy.

Some pictures from yesterdays lunchtime demo. Mostly Burmese dissidents, many of them survivors of the last massacre 19 years ago. Read more >>

28-09-2007 19:22

Dear Sir Richard Branson

N.B. I also need to clarify, in open court, as to whether bollocks may be uttered in connection with the word Brown as I am not terribly fond of his idea of dealing with pension and education funding and thievery. Justice must be seen to be done.

27-09-2007 18:58 | 2 additions

Large turnout at Burmese and Chinese embassies in London

Large numbers of protesters rallied outside the Burmese embassy, before marching to the Chinese embassy to demand China's support for the pro-democracy uprising in Burma.

27-09-2007 13:25 | 4 additions

Policing the No Border Camp

There was nothing all that unusual about the policing of the Gatwick No Border Camp last week: intimidation and harassment, spin and lies, unlawful arrests.. all too familiar to those who've been around enough to realise that the police are not only about stopping crime and fighting terrorism. But it is always worth knowing the details of exactly what happened, how and why. Read more >>

26-09-2007 16:07

Cleaning House : the dodgy functionaries in whitehall . . . .etc

. . . . the people that leave MOD procurement to join US-based arms corporations seem to have got very little publicity in comparison to the MPs or political appointees that put a foot wrong to the tune of getting a couple of extra trips out of expenses . . . . the "rotten burrough" of westminster that threw poor people out of theit homes to install influential friends was checked out, but this creeping petty criminal coup of " you scratch my back i scratch yours" is asking for much sharper enquiries - despite the large amount of sacrificial patsies it has got waiting, "pseudo-group" omertas, or old pre-"cyberbullying" scams it twists. Read more >>

25-09-2007 21:28

Another woman prisoner dies in HMP Send.

Another demo following another death at HMP Send.
Lisa Doe aged 25 died in HMP Send on September 11th. Like the previous death of Emma Kelly in Send last April, Lisa was also on so called 'Suicide Watch'. At her trial two forensic psychologists said Lisa had a 'brain abnormality'. The demonstrators outside Send on Thursday insist that Lisa should have been in some kind of hospital rather than a prison.

Her aunt and cousin arrived to lay flowers and pay their respects.

Bereaved mother Pauline Campbell blocked a prison van taking a prisoner into the prison. She has done this many times before. The Police arrived and eventually she was persuaded to let the van proceed. She usually sticks it out until she is arrested but on this occasion it was not convenient. Read more >>

25-09-2007 20:53

IRAQ: Now we have Article 41

Now we have article 41.In brief, it says go to your cleric and he will deal with whatever issues you have. Read more >>

25-09-2007 14:58

Dispatches: Politicians: is it one rule for us and another for them?

Last night's Dispatches (repeated Thursday 3.45am) exposed the extent of MPs' perks, the lack of transparency into expenses and top-level collusion to quash attempts to improve standards. Read more >>

24-09-2007 19:38

Just doing your job, officer

Taking part in the NoBorders camp near Gatwick, this short piece reflects on two assaults, one robbery and a security alert all witnessed within the space of two short, but exciting hours as a trainee Legal Observer for the camp's action in Crawley town centre, raising awareness. Forget being a special copper, try legal observing. It's far better, and you get to choose your own notebook. Read more >>

24-09-2007 00:15

Stop Genocide of Baloch People in Iran and Pakistan

Baloch Society of North America
APPEAL TO WORLD : Stop Genocide of Baloch People in IRAN and PAKISTAN Read more >>


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