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London Repression Newswire Archive

20-04-2007 13:42

10 Downing Street E-petition to abolish the Local Government Ombudsman

Sir Geoffrey Chipperfield recommended abolition of the LGO because they were an unnecessary institution whose work could best be carried out by other bodies. His report was subverted by the interference of the then LGO and its allies. Since then the LGO has demonstrably failed to improve the system, and continues to exclude the public interest from their remit. Irrefutable evidence of its dishonesty and bias has been gathered by LGOWatch since 2003. The LGO is counter-productive to effective management in local government and a blight on the human rights of citizens looking to this publicly funded institution to act in good faith. On the rare occasions when it is found, the intervention of the LGO tends to entrench maladministration rather than put a stop to it. The continuance of this office is not in the public interest.

19-04-2007 10:26

The West Bank & Gaza: the largest open-air prisons constructed in human history

On the 4th April 2007 the Daily Telegraph published an article about the second-class treatment afforded to Israel's Arab citizens. Not normally known for daring to risk incurring the ire of far right Zionist extremists, it is wonderful to see the Daily Telegraph highlighting this important and often much neglected issue. Shocking as the treatment of Israeli Arabs is, it is of course just the tip of the iceberg. Read more >>

15-04-2007 13:53

DJ Snow - another one of Tony's political whores

Friday the 13th: 2:00 p.m. listing for court room 4.

Sorry, there are three lay magistrates in this courtroom who might be impartial... off you go... Courtroom 2 for me and Jago and that indignant, arrogant, asshole DJ Snowjob

The Ten complacencies of a bent bench:

13-04-2007 21:40

Uncertain East Timorese presidential election

Uncertain East Timorese presidential election outcome foreshadows further instability Read more >>

10-04-2007 17:33

SOCPA - farcical court proceedings today

demo opposite court
peace activists milan rai and maya evans were at westminster magistrate's court this afternoon to answer charges of organising an 'unauthorised' demonstration in parliament square last october. for failing to give their dates of birth at the start of the trial, they were both held on 'contempt of court', and now a new hearing will happen on friday 20th april at 9.30am. Read more >>

09-04-2007 16:30

SOCPA "organisers" in court this week

maya evans became the first person to be convicted for holding an unauthorised demonstration under the SOCPA laws introduced in august 2005. milan rai was the first conviction as an organiser.
their 'demo' was reading out names of british and iraqi people killed in the war. since then, they helped organise a further demonstration highlighting the massacre of civilians in fallujah. for this 'offence', they are in court tomorrow. Read more >>

07-04-2007 08:43

“Sack Parliament” cost Met £300,000!

What was the cost of “Sack Parliament” ? Read more >>

05-04-2007 16:13


The Police, the English Partnership and Royal Bank of Scotland
working in partnership promoting best fascism practice into regeneration Read more >>

05-04-2007 11:15

Coward Of Oz Bans Bilal Philips And Yvonne Ridley

Ridley, who was a senior reporter for Britian's Sunday Express, converted to Islam three years after she was captured by the Taliban while on an undercover assignment for the newspaper in 2001. Read more >>

03-04-2007 07:57

Video concerning SOCPA ban on Critical Mass sound systems.

This is an attempt at clarification from the policeman who usually cautions sound system people at the start of London's monthly Critical Mass. He also tries to get their names and addresses but does not insist on it.


03-04-2007 00:42

31/03/07: Video, report and a few home truth's - Reclaiming The Future

Late night phone calls and all I wanted to do was sleep. Riot police had turned up at the Reclaiming The Future party on Holloway Road in North London. So, exhaustion and a crippled mind be damned, Oscar Beard used his electric bill money to get a taxi to the area and cover the latest threat to society, probably greater than terrorism - people partying and having fun. Read more >>

02-04-2007 13:28

Newsflash: The Ant remanded2 Wandsworth 4 non-arrestable public order offence???

ANOTHER BENT JUDGE: Dj Tubbs sat in courtroom 1 for today's kangaroo court - 02/03/2007 Read more >>

02-04-2007 13:20

London Protest Over West Bengal Massacre

At 4.00pm-5.30pm on Monday April 2, environmental campaigners, anti-capitalists and South Asian activists in Britain will be picketing outside the Indian High Commission in London in protest at the massacre of peasant farmers in West Bengal by state forces earlier this month.

01-04-2007 12:20

Lets organise a demonstration at Islington Nick for RTF

The worst thing we can do after the agression by police at RTF is stay silent. Read more >>

01-04-2007 03:03 | 2 additions

RTF4 pics

cctv as seen from venue
what is it about the holloway road, anarchists, and cops? a year and a half ago the anarchist book fair ended in a ridiculous police operation that blocked holloway road for more than an hour, led to trials lasting several weeks for affray, assault, etc. and yet in the end the court decided no crime was committed - the police had totally overreacted. tonight's rtf4 party received the same ridiculous treatment. Read more >>

01-04-2007 03:01

Reclaim the Future...Riot vans at the gate.

RTF 4 -2.30am report and pix

31-03-2007 03:45 | 1 addition

Latest on police appeal against London's Critical Mass.

What if the police win their appeal? Could it be the end of this Critical Mass, after 12 years of monthly rides, or the beginning of a strategic rebellion? Read more >>

31-03-2007 03:01 | 1 addition

Democracy’s Last Stand Four: A bad case of COC

Oscar Beard returns to Horseferry Court with the Parliament Square peace campaigners for round 2000 of the twisted and debauched circus known as UK democracy. Read more >>

30-03-2007 20:32

DJ Wickham - guilty of contempt against humanity

Seeing is believing... for those who would question the veracity of events, a journey down Horseshit Road to Westminster Magistrates Courts is most illuminating when trying to understand why Tony has not yet been sent to the Hague. Read more >>

30-03-2007 01:12

SOCPA - stage managed trial of brian haw and barbara tucker

district judge wickham had clearly decided on a course of action before hearing any evidence in an 'inquisorial' hearing at horseferry road today. she found barbara tucker and brian haw in contempt of court and she set fines rather than imprisonment for explicitly stated political reasons. Read more >>


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