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London Repression Newswire Archive

10-08-2006 10:00 | 1 addition

G8 Summit, St Petersburg, Russia - On the ground 4

I woke late. The sun was up and the head of a large and round-faced Russian policeman was poking through the tent entrance. He said something in Russian. Read more >>

10-08-2006 02:47

Hackney Critical Mass (Lebanon Action)

Sick of constant wars being fought over greed, racism and control for the world's dwindling natural resources? Disgusted that the government in this country sits back while a murderous, oppressive state brutally attacks another country, just because the UK government wants to keep its ally in an area it's helping rip apart to guarantee the supply of the last few drops of oil? Read more >>

09-08-2006 10:45

latest rampART news, films, meetings, debate, get involved

Last week we reported that the block of buildings that includes the rampART social centre had been put up on the market. There is no further news on the sale of the building or any way to forcast the eventual eviction of the rampART but there are plenty of things going on in the building and plenty of opportunity to get involved... Read more >>

06-08-2006 15:39

Democracy is becoming a dirty word

Smile nicely for the camera
How the concept of democracy is being used by neofascist leaders in order to justify a capitalist system that is falling apart at the seams. Read more >>

06-08-2006 02:58

Lebanon London peace demo pics

huge crowds at start
With the psychopathic Israeli regime carrying out ethnic cleansing and mass civilian murder in Lebanon on an industrial scale, another A to B march would never seem enough. However the turnout was fantastic for such a short notice demo - must have been 100,000 but predictably the now blatantly pro-israel bbc is claiming a downright insulting 20,000.

06-08-2006 00:49

heavy-handed policing at stop the war demo in london (pics)

bush and bliar
between 8,000 and 150,000 people (depending on who you believe) marched in london on saturday afternoon, calling for a ceasefire now. police seemed often heavy-handed and out of control, and there were at least a dozen arrests. Read more >>

06-08-2006 00:40

Parliament Street Die In protest about Israeli Aggression

Death outside the gates of Downing Street
Protestors took part in a sit down, and dead, protest outside Downing Street. With a group of demonstrators lying down as dead, with many stopping to sit and join them. The protest ended with members of the last groups of activists being arrested. Read more >>

04-08-2006 00:28

V for Vendetta screening @ Everything 4 Everyone

This weeks E4e Cinema screening at Everything4Everyone will be V for Vendetta. Read more >>

01-08-2006 23:21 | 2 additions

Direct action against the war: London, Thursday lunchtime

Tonight's direct action planning meeting at the LSE attracted a wide cross-section of people, and was not without difficulties (as posted by someone at, but a plan for immediate action did emerge, and the machinery to facilitate further direct action was initiated. Details of an action called for this Thursday follow: Read more >>

01-08-2006 05:22

Police impede Critical Mass.

Police try to manage the July 2006 ride of London's Critical Mass. Read more >>

01-08-2006 02:03

G8 Summit, St Petersburg, Russia - On the ground 3

Saturday 15 July. My English contacts were nowhere to be found in the camp. After some searching and chasing I contacted them by phone only to find they were holed-up somewhere in the city, too fearful of a complete police lockdown of Kirov stadium, which would put a serious damper on any actions they were planning. Read more >>

30-07-2006 23:08

pics from sunday trafalgar square rally

highlight for me was bill patterson reading harold pinter poems - very powerful, and not your usual nice and cosy speeches telling you to write letters to your mp Read more >>

30-07-2006 21:32

Protesters Rally in London in Outrage over Qana and continued Israeli Crimes

Over 1,000 protesters came together in Trafalgar Square to protest Israel’s continuing mass slaughter of the Lebanese and Palestinian people and the British government’s complicity. Read more >>

30-07-2006 21:21

Syriana screening @ Everything4Everyone

This weeks film screening at Everything4Everyone will be Syriana. Read more >>

30-07-2006 09:51


We begun a critical mass of cyclists, together with a bicycle-run mobile sound system, to take our message to the streets of Hackney, through pre-recorded messages we transmitted the sound of wars, through protest/ lie-ins in targeted spaces, street performance, through fliers and through our voices.


30-07-2006 09:50

SOCPA - anniversary sleepover in parliament square

each sunday afternoon, a group of anti-socpa campaigners have an open picnic (all are welcome - bring food and ideas to share) on parliament square. socpa is the serious organised crime and police act, part of which bans protest around parliament unless authorised and controlled by police.

30-07-2006 09:37

pics from friday downing street lebanon demo

this ineffectual demo has been covered elsewhere on indymedia, but here are a few pics for anyone interested Read more >>

30-07-2006 06:43

G8 Summit, St Petersburg, Russia - On the ground 2

“I wish you success in your professional activity and expect the world’s leading media to provide a detailed, reliable and objective coverage of events taking place in Russia’s northern capital.”

Vladimir Putin

29-07-2006 10:18

CEASEFIRE NOW protest, video and pictures

Video A good turnout
One of many demonstrations in support of the Paletinian and Lebanses people. Thanks to the organisers and fellow participants. Read more >>

28-07-2006 23:36

SOCPA - crown court appeal could open doors to mass civil disobedience

supporters outside the court on thursday
chris coverdale appeared in front of southwark crown court judges on thursday morning to appeal against his conviction under the new serious organised crime and police act for holding an 'unauthorised demonstration in parliament square (the designated area)'. rather than offering a human rights defence, he is challenging the legality of the Iraq war and the mass murder of 100,000 innocent Iraqis, claiming that in law the killings are an act of genocide and that he and every adult citizen has a duty in law to prevent the prime minister and members of the british government from committing such heinous crimes. the outcome of this case could have massive legal implications. Read more >>


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