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UK Policing Newswire Archive

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London cops attempt another murder of African

06-03-2012 16:47

London police haven't learned from August Rebellions: police shooting leaves another African fighting for life

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Informal Anarchist Federation cell bombs law court (Argentina)

04-03-2012 19:17

communique from Indomitable Nucleus for the Spreading of the Fire / FAI claiming the March 1 bombing of a Buenos Aires criminal court

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Boat Dwellers in Oxford under threat

04-03-2012 14:27

Information to help boat dwellers whose homes are threatened by the Unlawfully Moored Boats Enforcement Group

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Riot cops evict Occupy London camp

28-02-2012 07:18

A Cop Awaits Breakfast

BRITISH authorities moved in to evict the Occupy London tent city outside St Paul's Cathedral over Monday night.

There were reports of people being arrested and dragged off by riot police, shouting: "Long live #occupy !"

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Witness Bahrain - Interview with Medea Benjamin

26-02-2012 13:23


Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK was recently deported from Bahrain. She travelled there with Witness bahrain, an international solidarity movement that was set up to monitor and report on human rights abuses, collective punishment and suppression of Arab Spring democracy activists in the Kingdom, as the struggle approached its first anniversary.

In this interview she discusses the 'samud' (steadfastness) of the women she met, the arming of the Kingdom by Western Imperialists, and the need to take action against the companies who sponsor and promote the F1 Grand Prix which is set to take place in Bahrain in April. Also worthy of note is her account of how policing is undertaken by foreigners, who are loyal to the king and not the people.

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Theresa May and Al-Qaeda's "Assurances"

26-02-2012 10:35

The following article discusses the current approach of the British Government in dealing with terror suspects.

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Trial Collapses in Farce As Judge Throws Out Case After 10 Minutes

22-02-2012 17:54

Last year three people were arrested for displaying a banner on the bridge connecting the Hyatt hotel during the Lib Dem conference in Birmingham.

One of them was then held in prison for ten days and suspended from his job for three months. Yesterday the case went to trial but was thrown out of court after only ten minutes.

The following statement is taken from the Banner Drops are not a Crime website:

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Fascists score a win on the streets of Liverpool

22-02-2012 14:01

On Saturday, , a mob of between 150-250 fascists ran free on the streets of Liverpool. As well as hounding a tiny demonstration against police brutality out of Derby Square, they were able to turn an Irish Republican march way from the City Centre. Yesterday was a definite win for the far-right and underlines the need for a serious re-evaluation of anti-fascist organisation.

I've said on numerous occasions before that we're seeing the return of the traditional fascist tactic of controlling the streets. The British National Party is in electoral decline, whilst the English Defence League's limited strategy of having people shout in a police kettle has disenchanted followers in much the same way as the left's penchant for A to B marches. However the splinter groups, in particular the Infidels, offer those up for it a more genuine chance to run amok whilst being free to be as violent and racist as they like due to the lack of electoral ambition as a moderating force.

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Food is a right not a privilege – statement of solidarity

22-02-2012 00:08

The first arrest for sharing food in Orlando, Florida
Birmingham Food Not Bombs would like to issue a statement of solidarity to all groups and people around the world who have been arrested for sharing food with the hungry. There’s been a worrying trend recently in America of new laws being introduced to prevent free food being given out to the hungry which has resulted in many people being arrested and held for days in prison. There has been a call out for people around the world to consider sharing free meals in celebration of our right to food on Sunday 1st April. Food is a right not a privilege.

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Business as Usual

21-02-2012 18:49

Leicester Kettle 4.2.12
Appeasement of the EDL in Leicester 4th February 2012

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Anti-Prison Gathering 2012

20-02-2012 16:27

This year on the 28th and 29th of April there will be an Anti-Prison gathering
in Nottingham.

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Special Sitting in Ireland for Rossport Campaigners

20-02-2012 00:11

Stop criminalising our community
On Monday February 20th the Belmullet courthouse in Co. Mayo, Ireland will be full of campaigners opposing the Corrib Gas Project. Nineteen people are facing 80 charges between them for civil disobedience, and this week has been set aside as a special sitting for the campaigners.

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Burlsem trotters have nothing better to do

19-02-2012 22:47

I write on behalf of myself and all others in this country and around the world who suffer harrasment for their political beliefs.

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If not the governments, people around the world do speak: protect Khader Adnan

19-02-2012 03:28

I have heard of Israel’s “men of peace” and “democracy” from the news since I was a child. I, however, have never felt or seen anything that could relate to such false, and indeed, useless allegations. As I write this, Gaza drowns in darkness. I write as a frenzied power generator roars upstairs causing not only an irritating noise but further damage to the environment too.

One cannot but fear death. On his sixty fourth day of going on a hunger strike, Khader Adnan insists to look death in the eye and refuses to submit to an Apartheid regime that continues to find interest in upholding laws that blatantly contradict the internationally recognized humanitarian law.

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John Catt’s Judicial Review of ACPO and the Met on 9th February 2012

18-02-2012 12:53

A diverse range of ‘domestic extremists’, including comedian Mark Thomas, braved the cold on 9th February to greet and support John Catt at the start of his epic legal challenge against ACPO and the Met and their secret domestic extremist database. The Aldermaston Women’s Group brought a large banner bearing the words “Domestic Extremists At Work” which took pride of place over the railings of the Royal Courts of Justice. The air was brimming with excitement and some extremely domesticated “grime-busters”, with cleaning materials to the fore, soon set about giving the fatigued looking Royal Courts of Justice a deep clean and a breath of fresh air!

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Unlawful detention, false imprisonment & assault of London anti-fur protesters

16-02-2012 17:28

After arriving for an anti-fur protest yesterday, activists from London Animal Rights were confronted by the MET at their finest. The activists were subjected to unlawful detention, false imprisonment and assault, simply for turning up for a legal, peaceful demonstration against the cruel fur trade.

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G4S get bigger role in policing.

13-02-2012 11:18

The FT reported yesterday that G4S has won a contract to build and run custody suites in Lincolnshire. This is hailed as a new thing, but actually G4S have been running custody suites for a while, including all those in South Wales.

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Bob Lambert talk disrupted

11-02-2012 21:30

Ex-informant turned academic, Bob Lambert, faced heckling and embarrassment in St. Andrews during his first public engagement since news broke regarding the son he fathered with an activist.

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Hedges' Hypocrisies: The Surgeons of Occupy

10-02-2012 19:14

The non-violence of Tahrir

In his February 6 article entitled, “The Cancer of Occupy,” Chris Hedges attempts to analyze the political beliefs and practices of the black bloc, a group he characterizes as the scourge of the Occupy movement. Although Mr. Hedges evidently conducted at least a little to research his article, he does not quote a single proponent or participant of a black bloc, neither within the Occupy movement nor from any of the many other black blocs that have been organized in the United States. Such research would not have been difficult. There are a plethora of anarchist blogs, websites, newspapers, and magazines that discuss Occupy, the black bloc, and even the use of the black bloc within Occupy protests.

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Fitwatch to support fellow domestic extremists outside High Court on Thursday

08-02-2012 14:28

Fitwatchers will be joining fellow domestic extremists at the High Court on Thursday when anti arms trade campaigner, John Catt will be bringing a judicial review against the domestic extremist units for holding data on him.
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