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UK Policing Newswire Archive

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More photos from Barclays occupation in Newport during NATO summit

06-09-2014 11:53

No profit from war
Here are some photos from outside the bank while the two hour die-in/occupation was taking place inside.

Background & pics from inside/arrests:

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NATO banquet at Cardiff Castle Thursday 4th September 2014

06-09-2014 11:15

A report of the demonstration against NATO at their banquet in Cardiff Castle on Thursday September 4th 2014. 20 photos included.

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NATO summit: More photos from Newport march on Celtic Manor

05-09-2014 09:07

Marchers hurry to catch up after cops delay them by an hour
Here are some more photos taken during the march on Celtic Manor as it passed through the suburbs of Newport.

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20 photos of build up to NATO conference 2014

04-09-2014 10:13

20 photos from Newport and Cardiff and the Tredegar Park peace camp in the build up to the 2014 NATO summit in Wales.

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Claim for Fire at BAE Arms Development Centre

30-08-2014 12:38

We mounted our attack against the BAE Systems arms factory in the Filton area of Bristol by setting a fire against the fuel tank outside the onsite Advanced Technology Centre (Impact Facility - High Power Electro Magnetic Facility section) on August 29th. Today we now announce carrying this out in the context of the NATO summit in Newport in five days. Britain is rife with military industrial complex structures all year round and everyone can draw her or his own conclusion.

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Snitch-jacketing in our movements: time to stop destructive rumours

27-08-2014 10:28

Unfounded rumours are destroying the reputations of activists without good reason. In the following statement the Activist Security collective is saying that not only do we need to check this behaviour, but that people who continue to spread unfounded rumours about individuals after they’ve been asked to stop will be publicly named.

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Leaked docs expose cosy relationships among corporates, Rotarians and frackers

26-08-2014 15:15

Copies of documents apparently leaked from North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce illustrate the role they play in promoting corporate interests and networking among the upper classes.

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Support the Socpa 7

21-08-2014 15:16

Help us to support 7 protesters who are facing up to 5 years in prison for fighting animal testing.

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Reclaim the Power: 13 actions, 0 arrests - repression and the climate movement

20-08-2014 11:46

This year's Reclaim the Power action camp took place near Blackpool in solidarity with locals (Operation Mothers and Grandmothers - OMG) occupying a proposed fracking site. A brief report of the actions and some initial thoughts on the climate movement and its relationship to state repression.

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A Way Out of the Embassy for Julian Assange?

19-08-2014 19:23

Ricardo Patiño and Julian Assange
Report on Monday's press conference at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London called by Julian Assange of WikiLeaks and the Ecuadorian Foreign Minister that triggered wild speculation that Assange was about to surrender to the police outside the embassy on account of ill health. Read on....

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When did we give the police permission to patrol our communities while armed?

12-08-2014 19:58

In a little-noticed move, a small number of police officers are now routinely carrying sidearms while on patrol in parts of the mainland UK. How did this come about, and does it alter the relationship between the constabulary and the public?

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What give SPCC Katy Bourne the right to remain silent?

06-08-2014 09:59

Katy Bourne under pressure to resign.
Katy Bourne was elected with by just 15% of the voters, whom voted for her for no other reason that she was the Conservative candidate.
Costing the tax payer over £1.1 million a year she was tasked to hold the Chief Constable to account.
To date she was failed to do so and in defiance of my questions, remains silent.

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Katy Bourne's Conflict of Interest.

28-07-2014 11:28

Mark Streater must go now
Serious questions are being asked of Katy Bourne's decision to employ an ex-Sussex Policeman as her £82K a year Chief Executive Officer.

The obvious fact is that Mark Streater is a conflict of Interest.

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KRONOS - Global Paymaster

23-07-2014 01:22

KRONOS - Global Workforce Management Solutions - operates in: Americas, Canada, México, Brasil, Caribbean, United States (Corporate Headquarters), Europe, Belgium, Deutschland, España, France, Nederlands, United Kingdom, Other Europe, Middle East/Africa, Africa, Middle East, Asia/Pacific, Australia, ASEAN, 中文, India, China

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High Court rules against Met's 'Neither Confirm Nor Deny' policy on spy cops

05-07-2014 21:28

Women’s statement: High Court ruling: Met Police cannot maintain blanket ‘NCND’ to cover up “gross abuses” of intimate relationships while undercover.

On 2 July, in a devastating blow to the Metropolitan Police’s attempts to cover up gross abuses of women by undercover police, the High Court ruled that the Met could not use ‘Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ as a blanket response to all the fully pleaded claims of women affected.

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Freedom Incorporated

03-07-2014 16:17

Church Publishing's "Freedom Incorporated" by Cosmo Starlight
Promoting the release of a novel about food, water, shelter, and love by author Cosmo Starlight titled, "Freedom Afrika." This novel will be released on July 11, 2014 but is available for pre-order today. The book is this authors sequel to his debut titled "Freedom Incorporated" about bombs, bullets, powders, and policemen. For more information read this analysis and visit Enjoy!

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Put your hands up and slowly step away from the wheelchair.

02-07-2014 20:53

"Making a hand gesture of someone with a severe disability, the police officer mocked the activist. It reminded me of a sketch from the worst of a Bernard Manning show. The other officers greeted the impression with chilling laughter, nothing more than a reflection of the thoughts, gestures and actions of this government to the most vulnerable in our society." – ACAB

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Trying to bring Rebekah Brooks to book in 2003

27-06-2014 11:42

In 2003 Rebekah Wade (now Brooks) admitted before the CMS select committee that she had paid police officers for information. I referred the matter both to the Met Police and the PCC but both refused to investigate despite having cast iron evidence of the offence

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R.I.P. Gerry Conlon. Just released - video of Gerry speaking in Dublin at event for Chelsea Manning

23-06-2014 21:30

Chelsea Manning's mum Susan with Gerry Conlon at Trinity College

Gerard (Gerry) Conlon, framed for the Guildford pub bombings in 1974, illegally rendered from Ireland and tortured by the British state and who served nearly 15 years in English jails, died in his native Belfast at the weekend, aged 60.

"On the 29 November 2013, an event was held in Trinity College Dublin to mark the visit of the family of Chelsea Manning to Dublin. During the evening Gerard Conlon gave a speech that nobody who was there is ever likely to forget. It was Gerard Conlon at his best: fiery, courageous and compassionate. May he rest in peace." Dave Donnellan.

Watch Dave's video of the speech by following this link to full article or on Vimeo.

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