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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Climate Emergency Copenhagen London Public Forum @ South Camden Community School

28-10-2009 18:01

There will be a Climate Emergency Copenhagen London Public Forum meeting at South Camden Community School, Charrington Street, Camden, London N1 on 7th November 2009 12 noon - 6pm. The meeting is held by Campaign Against Climate Change There will be break out workshops with Biofuelwatch, CCC Trade Union Group and more.

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Climate Business conference blockaded, Brussels. Arrests etc.

28-10-2009 15:23

For over one and a half hours, hundreds of corporate lobbyists wishing
to attend the annual Business Europe conference were prevented from
entering the Charlemagne building in Brussels this morning.

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Didcot protest over - 20 arrested

28-10-2009 09:44

At 4.30 am, the nine occupiers of the chimney stack at Didcot power station came down and were immediately arrested. That brings the total arrests to 20, after the 11 locked on to the coal conveyors were arrested in the first 24 hours.

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Go-ahead to Farnborough Airport to double the number of flights

27-10-2009 16:40

The Rotten Borough of Rushmoor is minded to approve a doubling of flights at Farnborough Airport!

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UK Police Spying Began With Animal Rights Activists

27-10-2009 15:02

There has been a slew of incredible, and disturbing, reporting by the UK Guardian recently on how police have rebranded activism as “domestic extremism” and “domestic terrorism.” [1] Environmental activists, antiwar activists, animal rights activists and many more groups have been targeted. Specifically, police have gathered personal information on thousands of activists who simply attend protests or political meetings, and created massive national databases.

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Prison Officers, Police and the Oil Industry

27-10-2009 13:35

"I take it there is no love lost between Moira Harrington and the police?
"No, but in prison they are different. I think there is no love lost between the police on the oustide and the police on the inside."

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Machines locked-on to at Mainshill again in two days of continuous action

27-10-2009 10:25

At 7.30am this morning, two people locked-on to harvesting machinery attempting to make its way into Mainshill Wood, in an ongoing struggle to stop work at the site and stop Scottish Coal's attempts to turn the site into an opencast coal mine.

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IATA to cut CO2 emission by 50% by 2050!

26-10-2009 14:15

The international aviation body IATA has agreed to cut aviation emissions by 2050.

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The happiest people in the world?

26-10-2009 14:12

In a Oprah show regarding Denmark and the Danish society from October 2009, the Danes is presented as the “the most happy people in the world”! In the 20 minutes show reel the Danish society is presented as an almost paradise on earth.

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Two big barricades, two lock-ons and work stopped again at Mainshill Wood

26-10-2009 12:16

This morning at around 7am the access road being used by loggers and other contractors to gain access to Mainshill Wood was blockaded by residents at the Mainshill Solidarity Camp.

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Activists Interrupt Coal Supply Destined for Ratcliffe-on-Soar

26-10-2009 11:08

Today 20 activists from Earth First! (1) stopped work at UK Coal's opencast coal mine near Shipley (2), Derbyshire. The protesters entered the site at 9.20am and climbed on top of machinery, intending to stay as long as possible they are currently occupying 6 vehicles. This protest is part of a campaign to stop new coal mines and coal power stations in the UK. It follows hot on the heels of last week's Climate Swoop at Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station, where coal from Shipley is burnt.

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N Power's Didcot coal powered station under siege

26-10-2009 09:39

Didcot Power Station
Climate campaigners have this morning shut down N-Power’s flagship coal plant at Didcot in Oxforshire.

The twenty peaceful protesters rode their push-bikes past security guards at 4.30am this morning before splitting into two groups. One team has shut down the giant coal conveyors which feed the boilers at the plant, while a second group of nine men and women has climbed the inside of the iconic 200m-high chimney and reached the top. They say they have enough food and water to stay in place for ‘weeks, not days’ - during which time the plant will be unable to operate. Already the activists in the chimney are securing the route behind them to ensure they can’t be reached by police and security guards.

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How to deal with climate change grief

25-10-2009 22:49

We’ve had the scientific debate and the economics and politics have been discussed endlessly. Yet, Yet, as Sophie Black’s comment on “Oh, sh*t” moments attests, beneath the surface, unexplored, run powerful emotional currents. The climate predictions are frightening. Those who listen to them feel anxiety, fear, rage, guilt, anguish, helplessness, hope and apathy. The prognosis makes them worry about the well-being and survival of children and grandchildren. It destabilises the unquestioned belief in a continuously peaceful and prosperous societies. The health of the planet and its natural marvels is at stake.

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Parkwood Springs Steering Group Thursday 12th Nov 2009

25-10-2009 16:14

Images from the annual Beacons event that took place on Saturday 24th October 20
There,s definitely some feeling of loss somewhere in us, the lack off free, un commercial space that people can use to congregate socially creativity & politically in this city is absolutely deadening.

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350 and 10:10 action in Sheffield

24-10-2009 16:42

Activists from the Sheffield Campaign against Climate Change, created the numbers 350, and 10:10, with their bodies on a damp Saturday afternoon in Sheffield on 24th October 2009 - International Day of Climate Action.

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October 24, the International Day of Climate Action

23-10-2009 12:18
Saturday's the day -- October 24, the International Day of Climate Action. So join the nearest 350 action knowing you'll be part of something big [or scroll down for central London details].

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Earth First! Wintermoot: 5th - 7th February 2010

23-10-2009 09:44

Earth First! bunny
6pm Fri 5th - Sun 7th Feb 2010
North-east England

"A weekend of networking, reflection, strategic discussions & campaign planning for anyone involved in ecological direct action who believes in non-hierarchical organisation and directly confronting the forces responsible for the destruction of the Earth and its inhabitants"

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Packed with Direct Action - the new Earth First! Action Up

23-10-2009 09:31

AU front page
Rebellion, a spark in search of a powder keg - the new Action Update is out, the quarterly round-up of ecological direct action from the UK and beyond.

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'the Age of Stupid'

23-10-2009 09:01

details for event, screening of film

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Climate Change Disinformation

22-10-2009 19:43

Regular readers of Indymedia will be well aware of the concerted disinformation campaigns that this site has been subjected to and which the site admins struggle to keep on top of. One of the issues which has been targeted with disinformation is climate change and with a few days to go before the 24th October 2009 International Day of Climate Action the following article on the matter of climate change disinformation from the scientists at is worth a read.

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