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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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BAA Injunction: Second Day In Court

03-08-2007 10:43

Photo by qk_monga:
Just a short update from a second day at the BAA injunction hearing at the High Court in London.

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West Midlands Climate Camp Neighbourhood Wish List

02-08-2007 15:10

Wish list of stuff to beg/borrow/skip/etc for the West Midlands neighbourhood at the Camp for Climate Action 2007

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Rossport Activist slams new Irish government announcment as a "Sad Spectacle"

01-08-2007 20:30

Eamon Ryan, minister for Natural Resources, when he supported the Rossport Five
One of the main arguments against the Shell scheme in Mayo has always been that the people of Ireland would see little or no benefit from the exploitation of their resources. Today the new Green Party Minister announced that new terms will apply to licences for the oil and gas of the west coast. However the natural resources are still, in effect, being given away to Shell and other companies...

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Farms Destroyed by Global Warming

01-08-2007 18:44

Global warming is the most serious threat facing planet.

We have an opportunity, and an obligation, to lead in solving this global crisis by investing in clean and safe electricity, efficient buildings and a less polluting transportation system.

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Crops destroyed by Global Warming

01-08-2007 18:12

Global warming is the most serious threat facing planet.

We have an opportunity, and an obligation, to lead in solving this global crisis by investing in clean and safe electricity, efficient buildings and a less polluting transportation system.

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Global Warming Destroys Maple Sugar Industry

01-08-2007 17:59

Global warming is the most serious threat facing planet.

We have an opportunity, and an obligation, to lead in solving this global crisis by investing in clean and safe electricity, efficient buildings and a less polluting transportation system.

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BAA injunction judge is also a potential defendant

01-08-2007 17:48

John Stewart and Leo Murray outside the High Court today
BAA added a new own goal to its string of recent cock ups, when it emerged the judge hearing their case today was not only a member of the RSPB but also a benefactor of both The Campaign for the Protection of Rural England and The National Trust. She declared her interest as part of the opening session.

All three organisations' members risk criminal prosecution if they breach terms of an injunction being sought by BAA in court today.

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UK Greens Back British Environmental Activist Imprisoned in Iceland

31-07-2007 18:17

31 July 2007

Twenty three year old British Saving Iceland activist Miriam R. has been arrested by the Icelandic police. She was protesting against the Icelandic government's support for heavy industry, in particular Rio Tinto Alcan's Straumsvik smelter in South-West Iceland. Reports suggest she is still being held by the police. (1)

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State Harassment of Saving Iceland Activists

31-07-2007 18:02

Gi'uncle as kiss!
Saving Iceland demands that:
*The activist currently in prison is either moved to a womens prison with a full apology or released immediately for lack of state resources.
*All stolen passports must be released immediately, according to international law.
*An end to the criminalisation and state harassment of environmental activists.

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Icelandic Media Lie that No SI Prisoner is Being Held!

31-07-2007 17:56

Arrests at the Rio Tinto Alcan smelter in Iceland
Both National Broadcaster RUV and TV station Stod 2 claim that no SI
prisoner is being held. Both news departments quote the police as a
source for this.

This is typical of the kind of massaging of the truth that both the
Icelandic police and media are used to getting away with.

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Chem-trails NOT Contrails!

31-07-2007 10:08

This image shows that it is not from the exaust of the engine but from the wings that the spray lines are being sprayed from. look closely and you can see the lines from the wings:

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March in Brum to Save the Planet!!

29-07-2007 22:46

If you`re veggie or vegan, please join us for this march and rally in Birmingham. Help us to inform masses of people of the devastating impact that meat/dairy production has on the planet.

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Fortis est veritas: Oxford Climate Campers Take Over Carfax Tower!

28-07-2007 14:43

The bull is dropped
Activists who will be taking part in the Camp for Climate Action today unfurled a massive banner from one of the oldest and most iconic buildings in Oxford.

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Another London Critical Mass police hassle.

28-07-2007 07:14

Police routinely interfere with Critical Mass, holding up the front of the ride, targeting sound systems and sometimes ticketing riders. They also video and photograph riders at the start of every event. It is odd though that they never turn up for the December ride, which is close to the New year celebrations.

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Piccadilly line party, Tuesday 31st July 7pm, everybody welcome.

27-07-2007 21:22

There will be a party on the Piccadilly line on Tuesday 31st July. Meet 7pm at Piccadilly Circus and catch the Southbound train. Everyone welcome

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Cove Brook floods

27-07-2007 17:18

flooded golf course winter 2001/2002
The recent flooding of properties alongside Cove Brook was inexcusable and avoidable. That they did flood was thanks to the arrogance of the ruling cabal at the Rotten Borough of Rushmoor.

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Are you a member of the National Trust?

27-07-2007 17:01

Worried that the BAA injunction will mean you won't be able to travel on the Picadilly Line? Why not call Heathrow's community relations line on 020 8745 5791 and ask them what the injunction means for you... ;)

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BAA Heathrow Injunction Targets NGOs and Climate Camp! Huge Implications...

27-07-2007 09:27

BAA is seeking to gain an unwarrented injunction against environmental campaigners to prevent them protesting against climate change and the expansion of heathrow airport.

The story featured two days ago in the Uxbridge Gazette:

Since then, the scale of the injunction BAA is seeking has become clear. They have targeted not only groups related to the forthcoming Camp for Climate Action, but also several campaign groups composed of local people opposing the airport's expansion, and even mass membership organisations like The National Trust, FOE, RSPB, Greenpeace, as well as the Campaign to Protect Rural England and others!

The injunction hearing which could see millions of people liable for arrest if they approach heathrow, will be heard next wednesday.

The Independent newspaper put the story frontpage today, and it's now been featured by BBC, Guardian, and other news sources. More details below:

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Activists Attack "Clean Coal"

26-07-2007 16:00

Performance Activists hit Oxford, one of the worst hit areas in the recent floods, in a bid to highlight that "Clean Coal" is not a genuine solution to Climate Change.

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Out Now! Toolkit for Climate Action

26-07-2007 11:27

Toolkit for Climate Action

Just in time for the 2007 Climate Camp - the Toolkit for Climate Action is now
ready. With this toolkit we hope to inspire you to take action - at home, at
school, at work, in your community. The toolkit has been put together by the Network for
Climate Action, which is has grown out of and is associated with the Climate Camp.
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