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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Anti M1 widening banner drop in Nottinghamshire

30-10-2006 14:37

Activists in Nottinghamshire dropped banners off several M1 bridges as part of a co-ordinated banner drop along the length of the M1 to object to plans to widen it.

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M1 action from Luton to Sheffield

30-10-2006 14:37

Banners were unfurled across M1 motorway bridges from Luton to Sheffield today as the Stern report on climate change was published. The M1 is due to be widened from Luton to Leeds, at a cost to the tax payer of £3.74 billion. The widening will allow traffic to grow and cause more CO2 emissions. Road transport is currently 21 per cent of UK emissions and rises every year.

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Banner Protest at Motorway Widening

30-10-2006 14:32

M1 Banner Drop
Protestors from Luton, Nottingham, Luton, Derby and Sheffield today dropped banners with slogans such as "Stop Climate Change" and "More Cars = More CO2" from bridges over the M1 motorway today in protest at the governments plans to widen 115 miles of the road to 4 lanes in both direction.

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Rossport Solidarity Meeting 2nd Nov and Pics from demo 26th Oct

29-10-2006 20:35

Shell to Hell Banner Drop
Two speakers from Rossport will be in Manchester on 2nd November. Also here are pictures from the solidarity demo on 26th October at Manchester University.

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Day of Action against Short Haul Flights - Locations of Public Events

29-10-2006 14:36

Plane Stupid is calling for a day of action against short haul flights and short haul operators on November 6th, during the UN International Climate Talks in Nairobi. The day of action is two days after the mass event for climate action in London on November 4th, organised by Stop Climate Chaos and the Campaign Against Climate Change.

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Worldwide Children's Revolution To Try to Save the Human Race From Extinction?

28-10-2006 21:31

The Children's Revolution Kids' Bloc at the Camp for Climate Action
“A worldwide Children's Revolution to try to save the human race from extinction caused by global warming and climate change could start in London, England, on 4 November 2006.”
This is the introduction to a short news item posted by the Earth Aid Environmental Campaign with the Washington, DC Independent Media Center, on 28 October, 2006.

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Northern Eco-Action gathering 11th November, Bradford

27-10-2006 10:48

You are cordially invited to the NORTHERN ECO-ACTION GATHERING taking place on
Saturday 11 November from 10.30-6pm in the BRADFORD RESOURCE CENTRE followed by
food and socialising in the 1 in 12 social centre. For practical details see below and check our website
Please pass this invite on!

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Leeds/Yorkshire Climate Action group

27-10-2006 08:55

Meeting this Sunday Oct 29th 2pm-4pm

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Swansea Climate change activists target housing development

25-10-2006 23:12

A new action group the Swansea SA1 Snorkellers has used graffiti to highlight the fact that part of Swansea’s prestigious SA1 development on Trawler Road is being built on land that will flood unless Climate Change can be averted.

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Nuclear Protest - Charges dropped

24-10-2006 14:22

All charges have been dropped.

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Bristol Chapter of Westside Neighbourhood Occupy Shell Garage

24-10-2006 14:15

Against Shell and in Solidarity with Rossport

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Children's Revolution Kids' Bloc May Lead the March for Climate Justice...

18-10-2006 20:03

The Children's Revolution at the Camp for Climate Action
Plans for the Children's Revolution kids' bloc to lead the march for Global Climate Justice in London on 4 November are being considered by environmental activists in Britain.
The young eco warriors who started the youth revolt against global warming and climate change at the G8 summit protest in Scotland, 2005, will possibly once again be seen leading the way with their famous banner, “The Kids Are Revolting!”

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Hummer Dealership shut down by protesters against urban 4 x 4's in Manchester

17-10-2006 11:39

Inspired by the camp for climate action, 40 people protested outside a Hummer dealership in Manchester about the environmental impact of SUV emissions which are contributing to climate chaos.

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13-10-2006 11:16

we are currently facing eviction from the theatre we have been occupying to protest against its demolition to make way for luxury flats and offices.
profit profit profit Vs people people people

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Lost and Found social centre Manchester opening this Wednesday!

09-10-2006 09:34

So we have a beautiful building where lots of us have been busy beavering away to create a beautiful space.

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Camp for Climate Action Follow Up Meeting 14+15/10

03-10-2006 14:04

Open Gathering Invite, Weekend 14-15th Oct, Manchester

Climate Change isn’t just going to disappear – and
neither are we. The Camp for Climate Action was a
turning point, but it was never going to be enough in
itself. Come and take the next steps forward at the
upcoming UK-wide meeting in Manchester from October
14th to 15th and be part of a newly energised movement
in the fight against climate chaos. Everybody is
welcome, whether you came to the Camp or not.

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Indymedia at the Camp for Climate Action 2006: Report & Personal View

02-10-2006 18:12

Front view of the IMC Public Access Point

During the Climate Camp, the field IMC media centre was open for a minimum of five hours each day (two and a half each morning and evening), with these limited opening hours primarily aimed to conserve power. Some days it was open longer, and it ran fully all day for two days until about midnight during the main day of action.

Mostly the imc ran on bio-diesel, but there was also a renewables power feed and some battery capacity. Twelve P1 laptops running via an LTSP server from Bristol Wireless provided the core public access, plus varying at different times up to five more modern laptops were running.

Two tents provided the main structures, one for the main imc / Public Access Point and one more as storage and kitchen. Chairs came from a social centre in Manchester, and table tops were donated by TRIM timber recycling of Manchester. 6 tables were set up balanced on top of hay bales (looking very rustic) while another 6 table tops had very sturdy legs masterfully constructed from scrap timber. The satellite dish providing connectivity from Psand was similarly balanced on top of four hay bales, but was in fact rock solid once ratcheted down - again a nice mix of rustic charm with hi tech.

Around 145 pictures were published direct from the field IMC, including two mobile phone pics (non-automated). Dispatch had over 50 phone reports on the main day of action. Several audio interviews and video clips were published. One freelance videographer was arrested and had their footage seized by cops. There was lots of good filming going on, and on the Friday night, over one hour of rushes were screened in two different tents to an appreciative audience! Several different sections of these are now fully published in IMC UK's Climate Camp page.

A big well done to all involved in setting up, running, participating and taking down the centre!

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Saints Arrested - Christian Witness and Climate Change

30-09-2006 12:31

The Reverend Malcolm Carroll, Baptist Minister, has been "doing a Saint Paul" this week, getting himself arrested to give his Christian witness to the atrocious rise in Carbon Dioxide emissions from air travel in the United Kingdom.

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An open letter to motorists who dislike cyclists.

29-09-2006 08:24

Thank you for all the little ways that you cooperate.
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