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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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' Corruption revealed of.Frack giant ('Rathlin') Director 'Dermot Nesbitt

18-05-2014 11:58

Ex Northern Ireland Environment Minister, Dermot Nesbitt, (now a 'Rathlin Energy' director,) requires the police to arrest two anti fracking, objectors for Meditating at well site.

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50 Years to Destruction

05-05-2014 23:49

Gathering of people to call for serious investment into and research of renewable energies and sources in light of the UN climate report giving just 50 years for world co2 emissions to be reduced by 40% and the call for the end to all fossil fuel use.

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Council Asked to Act over Breach of Contract

30-04-2014 09:24

Leicestershire County Council (LCC) has been asked to take action over the late payment of £266,000 by UK Coal. Coal extraction at the Minorca site is continuing despite UK Coal being late in making payments due under a Section 106 Agreement. LCC is being asked to take action either to get the money owed or to stop coal from being extracted and shipped out from the site

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Going Forward with Permaculture

27-04-2014 21:14

We're going to use the magic of radio to fly around to garden roof tops in Brooklyn USA, a permaculture fruit farm in Quebec, Canada, and small acres restored in Nottingham UK. Buckle up.

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A Request to Eric, Stop the Planning Process for new UK Coal sites

07-04-2014 07:03

The Loose Anti Opencast Network (LAON) has written to Eric Pickles asking him to impose a moratorium on processing new planning applications submitted by UK Coal. This is because there is a major risk of environmental damage being caused it these planning applications are approved, because of the financial state of UK Coal. the article contains both the letter to Eric Pickles and the Press Release, which was released at the same time as the letter.

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Vegan And Vegetarian Champions Ask LeBron James To Join Them

01-04-2014 21:41

Roger Bannister British vegetarian 1st to run 4 minute mile
champion vegan and vegetarian athletes of the world ask LeBron James to cancel his fast food ad

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Eco-Warriors Accuse Enfield Council of Corruption at Middlesex University

30-03-2014 17:16

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. - Lord Acton.
As if to symbolise the destruction of the earth itself, day by day the 400-year-old oak trees in the ancient woodlands at Middlesex university at Cat Hill Cockfosters Enfield north London, have been cut down while the eco-warriors support the blockade at the front gates by elderly local residents to protest against the blatant theft of their educational and environmental heritage by the crooked property developers London and Quadrant and the equally corrupt Enfield council.

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The External Cost of Spying

28-03-2014 14:35

Not only is the spying perpetrated by the failing nation states of the so-called "West" and their accomplices the worst crime in Earth history, a collective suicide of all its perpetrators and a monstrous waste of indispensable resources and possibilities, it also is a stain on the record of the planetary biogenesis as the following will elaborate. Even if no external observer is systematically paying attention, and even when that attention is not penetrative but respectful to all limits of internal affairs, the diagnosis whether a technologically significant biogenesis is plagued by this pest can reliably be made from its intentionally visible emissions alone. Since the external attention is unknown by definition, it cannot be appeased by any propaganda, and the full integrity of the scientific method is assured. This analysis shows what an external perception of Earthly life would have to expect as the result of spying, and what these findings were to result in for its decisions about its handling of our planet.

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“Fracked Future Carnival” at London Shale Gas Forum on Wednesday

22-03-2014 16:59

The Shale Gas Forum changed venue at the last minute to avoid protests. Protected by police and soldiers in a London barracks, it was still hounded at its gates by a large, noisy and lively crowd, and one protestor managed to defy all the security and sat in on a keynote speech by Cuadrilla boss Francis Egan before being ejected.

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The Great Yorkshire Vegan Festival

21-03-2014 18:39

The Great Yorkshire Vegan Festival will be the first major vegan festival ever to be held in Yorkshire with over 100 stalls and will attract thousands of people from all over the UK! The festival will take place in The Queens Hotel the heart of Leeds city centre on Saturday 10th May 2014 from 10am - 6pm.

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Climate Dark Age

18-03-2014 16:12

Dr. Michael Jennings says Earth's climate is already beyond the worst scenarios. Could a new Dark Age save us? Dr. Sing C. Chew says we are due. Edutainment for troubled times. Radio Ecoshock

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Rising Tide blockaded Shell garage last night in memory of fellow activist

14-03-2014 17:45

London Rising Tide blockaded and shut down the Old Street Shell garage last night in memory of oil activist and sambaista Val Dazzle who lost her battle with Motor Neurone Disease in early 2010.
They were joined by Rhythms of Resistance samba band, with whom Val played for many years, even in a wheelchair just a few months before she passed away.

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American Fukushima

09-03-2014 18:13

On 3rd anniversary of Fukushima, two authors report American reactors are unsafe at any speed. Shocking risk. Plus audio from March 2 XL Pipeline dissent protest in D.C. & letter from youth. Radio Ecoshock 140312

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Wave of UK protests to mark anniversary of Fukuhima disaster

09-03-2014 10:28

Protester calling for an end to nuclear power
Opponents of nuclear power will be converging all over the UK to mark the third anniversary of the ongoing Fukushima disaster - and to highlight the precarious state of Britain’s own nuclear reactors.

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The California Drought - Climate Case Study?

04-03-2014 23:57

Despite recent rains, California's reservoirs are near empty, snow-pack light, and groundwater depleted. Four experts on a drought that really started in 2006, impacts on economy, food, farming, and nature. Dr. Peter Gleick, Dr. Jay Famiglietti, David Schroeder, Dr. Reagan Waskom

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Vote for the Biggest Biomass Baddie! Take part in the Biomess Awards ceremony!

03-03-2014 12:37

On the 9th and 10th of April a conference bringing together the biggest corporate names in biomass will take place in London. Representatives from key organisations in the global biomass industry will be attending to discuss how to further increase their profits from environmental destruction and social injustice.

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Biomess Awards: Vote and Alternative Awards Ceremony

25-02-2014 11:46

On 9th/10th April, the biggest corporates in the European biomass industry will be meeting for a conference in London. On the evening of the 9th, they will be treating themselves to a gala dinner and awards ceremony. Join us in showing contempt for this celebration of the profits of a few at the expense of many, by participating in our Alternative Awards Ceremony - and vote for the Biggest Biomass Baddie beforehand.

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North West Vegan Festival

20-02-2014 17:06

Until the 150+ stalls Northern Vegan Festival in Blackpool on September 13, 2014, the North West Vegan Festival in Lancaster on Saturday June 7, 2014 will be the biggest ever vegan festival in the North.

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Frackers being offered drilling licences on flooded Somerset Levels

17-02-2014 13:55

Was the deliberate flooding of the Somerset Levels by EU Policy partly a way of letting the frackers in?

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Earth First! Winter Moot 7-9 March 2014

16-02-2014 19:30

A weekend gathering for people involved or want to know more about ecological direct action around the UK including fighting opencast coal, fracking, GM, nuclear power, new road building and quarries with discussions and campaign planning - emphasis on the tactics and strategies, community solidarity and sustainable activism.
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