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UK Culture Newswire Archive

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Bisexual Snogin

28-01-2006 16:46

In response to the refusal of the mainstream media to recognise the existance of bisexuality during the excitement over Simon Hughes sexuality, there will be a bisexual snog-in tomorrow (29th January)

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the long road

28-01-2006 07:00

the journey home

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Interview with an ex-sex text worker

27-01-2006 00:17

In the aftermath of the first ever unfair dismissal case for a sex worker in the UK, interview a former 'sex text' worker.

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Season of Palestinian films

26-01-2006 17:32

Palestinian film series being held at Oxford Brookes University, starting from Wednesday the 8th of February

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Latest rampART newsletter - with what's on guide to this week

26-01-2006 12:38

Latest newsletter of the rampART social centre
15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (near Whitechapel, off Commercial Rd)
see map
see for more info about the project and events.
You can subscribe/unsubscribe to this list via

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Social Centres, Where Next? - your experiences and views sought

26-01-2006 12:17

The Social Centres movement has moved forward considerably in the last few years but is still very much an embryonic movement compared to Italy or some parts of Spain.

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Birmingham students launch underground press

26-01-2006 12:09

Free Press
Students at the University of Birmingham have launched an alternative newspaper in response to recent expulsions at Matthew Boulton College and censorship of the existing newspaper.

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Serious Organised Crime? Ha Ha Ha!

25-01-2006 20:13

Serious Organised Crime? Ha Ha Ha!
Four Rebel Clowns took to Parliament Square on Monday, 23rd of
January 2006 to address the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act
section 132.

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Brisbane Brothel Gives Thumbs up to US Sailors

24-01-2006 18:28

According to an article in the Australian Courier Mail, workers at the Purely Blue brothel in Brisbane have been looking forward to the arrival a US aircraft carrier carrying around 6000 crew

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So Far and Yet So Near - show 3

24-01-2006 17:04

In So Far and Yet So Near this week:
- South African director Gavin Hood describes his new film, Tsotsi
- Making business more ethical and accountable: Craig Bennett, from Friends of the Earth, talks about a new campaign
- Hannah learns about West African drumming and South African singing
- How the 'resurrection fern' inspired Cambridge scientists to improve vaccines

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Parklife Occupy Government Office

23-01-2006 20:41

Latest from 'Camp Bling' , Southend on Sea's anti-road widening protest camp

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Muslim Festival bans gay Muslims

23-01-2006 14:49

Festival of Muslim Cultures says gay Muslims “give offence” and bans gay Muslim exibits or participation in festival.

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Reclaim Bristol Pool

22-01-2006 17:52

Bristol North Swimming Pool has been closed for three months, likely to be sold off to a private developer. On Friday, activists entered the building and are currently occupying it in protest of the loss of public space.
check for updates

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Year of the Tree

22-01-2006 10:56

The UK Permaculture Association are appealing for people to get involved in the year of the tree activities

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anangu people of ularu flag launching

21-01-2006 22:37

anangu flag launch.january 26th invasion day

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mass walk out of first nations peoples of australia to ularu in 2007

21-01-2006 22:12

first nations peoples have had enough of this man made rule of law system that is killing our people.we are calling on all 500 nations of our people to come together at ularu and unite under the one law creators law this is the law we are bound by as aboriginal people, we lived by this law before the bible and this man made rule of law system came to our shores and this thing aclled the crown or commonwealth of australia

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Oxford Remembers Holocaust

20-01-2006 17:20

Hotel Rwanda Film showing & Rwanda survivor, Monday 23rd Jan 7pm, Magdalen Film Auditorium.
Holocaust Survivor: Renee Salt
Holywell Music Room, 4.30pm, Sunday 29th January
Holocaust Memorial Concert,Holywell Music Rooms,29/1,8pm

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Newcastle art exhibit

20-01-2006 14:36


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BNP in (yet another) own goal

20-01-2006 13:25

BNP inciting criminal damage shock horror etc

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The missing Mural

19-01-2006 23:22

the wall wot went!
heres the photos of the main wall at the weekends graff jam
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