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UK Culture Newswire Archive

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Pedal Powered Social Shimmy

30-06-2006 13:09

Oxford gets its own Critical Mass

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UK - India relations sour up because of Aamir Khan act in Bollywood

30-06-2006 07:35

Bollywood star Aamir Khan in film Mangal Pandey was a paid reel hero not a real hero. Mangal Pandey must have headed in revolt against British Empire for a genuine rational reasons, So history acknowledges him as he was instrumental for freedom of India.

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Documenting Matilda

29-06-2006 23:48

Acoustic night
A near complete listing of all the events hosted at Matilda. In addition lots of campaign meetings were held, regular socialising and eating together and artists did art on the top floor! A range of photos that don't capture fully the broad range of stuff that went on, but hope gives a flavour.

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Anarchism in Outer Space (book review)

29-06-2006 09:16

Ursula Le Guin's 1974 book "The Dispossessed" has been re-released as part of a series of "Science Fiction Masterworks." And thank goodness for that, or I might never have picked it up. Thank goodness too for my mate Manos whose recommendation was sufficient to over-rule my instinctive aversion to all things Sci-Fi.

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Art of War : War

29-06-2006 04:40


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28-06-2006 22:23

Dressed down and dragged up, in pink mirrors and out of closets, they’'re all here at Kaffequeeria’s very first film festival, a weekend packed with queer-themed classics, shorts and documentaries from both new and established filmmakers.

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The USA pushes Australia into the arms of China

28-06-2006 14:33

The Zionists in Washington (Perle, Wolfowitz etc) have the entire Bush regime distracted. While America fights all of Israel’s major wars in the Middle East – to no advantage whatsoever for America – the most strategically important regions in the world are left to other nations. As world power shifts inexorably eastward, to China, America is at a loss to meet the challenges of the future.

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Sheffield Street Piano faces Eviction

27-06-2006 22:37

Grass roots autonomous bottom up initiatives such as this should be encouraged, not cracked down on.
The following is local coverage (text taken from the Sheffield Star) of the impending doom of Sheffield's first free community street piano. Visit

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John Howard in Asia

27-06-2006 14:35

John Howard was ‘surprised’ when he encountered the President of Indonesia, while taking his early morning walk in Jakarta, reported News Radio Australia. The report stated that Howard was “visibly shocked” by the unexpected encounter, which obviously was intended to deliver a clear message; the Indonesian President is not known for taking early morning walks, we can therefore conclude that his gesture was calculated.

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Rebel Clowning in Albania

27-06-2006 11:49

The following article is written by Johan (Belgium) one of the rebel clown trainers in the caravan and reports on the visit of the caravan and some of the events that took place in Tirana (Albania) between June 21 and 26.

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RIP Matilda

26-06-2006 22:27

A few folk have written about MATILDA and what it meant to them so here are my thoughts.

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Art Not Oil at The Foundry, London, June 29-July 1

26-06-2006 21:56

'Brian in a Traffic Jam' - Eva Ronnevig
* for creativity, climate justice and an end to
oil industry sponsorship of the arts *

Art Not Oil at The Foundry, 84-86 Great Eastern St, London EC2A 3JL, (Old Street tube)

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Sunrise Summer Solstice Festie Pics + Report

26-06-2006 17:32

sunrise sword salute
A few site pics from the Sunrise Summer Solstice Celebration Festival

The Sunrise festival was held for five main days over the summer solstice period. This was a massive undertaking, pulling off the first 24hr music license for such a long festie here in the uk and setting out to have the site served entirely by compost loos (more on that later...)

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Absurdist Manchester Comedy Writers Wanted

26-06-2006 15:36

Not-for-profit political satire comedy musical theatre specialists Komedy Kollective, (, are seeking enthusiastic comedy writers to get involved in the creation and development of their Pythonesque satirical absurdist musical drama Restart.

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OCTOPUS CAUGHT AGAIN - - - - CACK - TENTACLED . . . . it unravels

26-06-2006 13:59

With the publication, this month, in the main mid-american cultural magazine of ROBERT F KENNEDY (JR)s ( - yes .... some relation! ) piece "WAS THE 2004 ELECTION STOLEN?"
- from "outside" into the mainstream - breaking "perception management " barriers - certain awkward facts are surfacing.

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Tunes dedicated to MATILDA from ONION & 2percent

26-06-2006 12:40

Tunes for Matilda

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Channel 4's Dispatches: Young, nazi and proud - Mark Collett

26-06-2006 01:42

If you haven't already seen this, take the opportunity to watch it now. It's well worth it.

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Voices Of The People Of Sharrow [save the sheffield street piano!!]

25-06-2006 10:26

Following the council's sellotaping of an eviction order on Sheffield's very own Free Community Street Piano in Sharrow Vale Road, people have been attaching their own little messages of support, written on scraps of paper. These have been typed up below.

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MATILDA R.I.P.: A Poem For Eviction Day

25-06-2006 01:52

A Poem For Eviction Day, Matilda Social Centre, 111 Matilda Street. Final Eviction for Us will be Tuesday 27th June at 9am. Please be there for Funeral Ceremony

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Matilda in Court: some feedback from the case

23-06-2006 23:24

On Thursday 22nd June Yorkshire Forward took 30 persons unknown who had established a social centre in 111 Matilda Street to the County Court for Trespass. In hearing the case you actually dared to hope at one point that there might be some kind of outcome in Matilda's favour. But as ever the judge sided with the property owners regardless of the arguments put forward and legal technicalities raised. I wasn't able to get notes down of all the arguments made, but hopefully the bits I can recall will give you a small flavour of the case.

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