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Alternative Currencies

11-10-2012 11:15

This article discusses the introduction of another currency system called TEM, in Volos, Greece. Considering the financial instability of the euro, I feel that we should explain this possibility to everyone and, more importantly, it should be of interest to your readers.

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Protests end National Gallery's arms trade links

11-10-2012 07:18

Arms dealers schmooze with National Gallery
The National Gallery's long-standing sponsorship arrangement with weapons manufacturer Finmeccanica has ended, following a campaign by Campaign Against Arms Trade to 'Disarm the Gallery.' The arrangement has been terminated one year early and just weeks before the next protest event was planned.

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Three days for Peace in Wrexham: report and photos

01-10-2012 18:25

The marquee is put up just in time [photo: Holly Cooper]

Peace Days in Wrexham have been marked for a number of years and have steadily grown, from the occasional 'peace picnics' that Wrexham Peace & Justice Forum and Wrexham Women for Peace held in Wrexham's Peace Garden (on the site of the old Quaker Meeting House) and in 2010 on the library green with local band Heal the Last Stand, to last year's collaborative effort with the additional involvement of Wrexham Diocese Faith, Justice & Peace Network, local music promoter Brendan Griffiths, Freeconomy Wrexham, Give and Take, the Yum Yum Project and others. [Reports 1 | 2 ]

This year, we organised three days for peace, the first in St. Christopher's school on Thursday 20 September with nine other schools represented and well over 300 children in total taking part – big thanks to St. Christopher's for inviting us - and then Friday 21 and Saturday 22 September on the library green. Brendan put on free gigs at Saith Seren cultural centre both evenings too.

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20-22 September: Three days for peace in Wrexham

19-09-2012 10:53

Last year, people in Wrexham came together for an inclusive day of music, celebration, information and sharing for International Peace Day on 21 September. Read about it here:

This year, we're going to be back, for three days.

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EDL + Innocence of Muslims film - Walthamstow Oct 27

18-09-2012 01:32

EDL and NF support each other in Newcastle
Having messed-up almost every aspect of their protest in Walthamstow on Sept 1st, the EDL are threatening to show career-criminal Nakoula Basseley Nakoula's film Innocence of Muslims when the EDL return to Walthamstow, 27 Oct 2012. Here are some suggestions....

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A Poem By Ken Saro-Wiwa, Poet, Writer, Hanged For Environmental Activism

15-09-2012 19:43

Ken Saro-Wiwa
(Nigeria's Ken Saro-Wiwa was a poet, writer and nonviolent environmental activist. Shell Oil pressured the Nigerian government to hang him and his fellow activists, those who worked to end the pollution of the Niger Delta and to keep Nigeria's resources for Nigeria.)

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Sheffield Queer Fringe Event First Meeting

29-08-2012 19:49

6pm Wednesday 5th September, Kelham Island Tavern

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WWW: World Wild Web

29-08-2012 15:51

Acquitaine from Borders series
Featuring: Paula Crutchlow & Helen Varley Jamieson, Andy Deck, Mary Flanagan, Genetic Moo, Dominic Smith, and Sarah Waterson

To be alive is to be wild. And we humans have a will that shapes the world with language, song, lust, labour and play. The artists in this exhibition work and play with living organisms and technical things, systems and language, to explore how our relation to the natural world is changing.

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London Anthropology Talks every Tuesday evening

26-08-2012 18:05

Researchers into the origins of human language, mythic narrative and ritual have recently made exciting new discoveries. It is now known that symbolic culture began emerging in Africa some 100,000 years ago, in a social revolution whose echoes can still be heard in mythic narratives and ritual traditions from around the world.

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Worldwide Declaration in support of the Zapatistas

24-08-2012 15:48


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Neuroliberation - challenging the gambling act 2005

18-08-2012 00:35

Neuroliberation is a new campaign which aims to challenge the gambling act 2005 and raise awareness of social manifestations caused by the deregulating of the gambling industry in the UK.

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ECF declared Institutionally Racist by father of Junior England Chess Player

13-08-2012 22:35

Yousuf reveals injuries following attack (09/08/12) by Brigitte Weaver. Mureck
Junior England Chess Player Yousuf, returned home to England on Friday 10th August from Austria. He was visibly injured and traumatised following an alleged 'racist' attack upon him by Brigitte Weaver. As a result of events which led to Yousuf's injuries, his father Sohale declares the English Chess Federation institutionally racist.

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Child Chess Player for England Attacked at EU Championship

10-08-2012 22:43

from right to left, brothers Ibraheem, Yousuf & Ieyssa,
13 year old Yousuf currently representing England at the European Union Youth Championships in Austria was attacked today during a chess tournament by an Adult female, Brigitte Weaver, a member of the England chess delegation.

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Racism Rife Against A Muslim Family Playing Chess For England

08-08-2012 01:26

From Right to left - Ibrahim, Yousuf & Ieysaa Bin-Suhayl pictured at their home
The father of 3 children playing chess for England in Austria has made an appeal for support due to racism encountered by his family at the hands of England's chess delegation team. ‘I would be grateful if you could find the time to email the Director of Junior Chess & Education of the ECF, ( Phil Ehr and support my contention that the Watleys & Weavers should be sent home.'

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Free film @ The Cowley Club - Working Slowly

03-08-2012 17:44

On Wednesday, August 8th we will be screening Working Slowly (Radio Alice). This drama from 2004, set during the student uprisings of 1977, is part of our "Radical History Film Nights" series. The title of the film (the original Italian title is "Lavorare Con Lentezza") is taken from the notion of "refusal of work" (rifiuto del lavoro), as proposed by Italian autonomists during the 1960s and 1970s.

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Peer 2 Peer Production as the Alternative to Capitalism: A New Communist Horizon

02-08-2012 09:15

The current crisis of capitalism has provoked protests, revolts and revolutions in major parts of the planet that include 3 billions of inhabitants. Even the mainstream Time Magazine made “The Protester” the person of the year. The caption on Time’s cover reads: From the Arab Spring To Athens, from Occupy Wall Street to Moscow. China, Chile, Spain, England, Italy, India, Israel, Iran and France, among many other places, can be added to Time’s hotbeds of recent social protests.

The protest movements have put alternatives to capitalism on the historical agenda (Hardt and Negri, 2011). This article argues that a section of knowledge workers have already created a new mode of production termed Peer to Peer Production (P2P) which is a viable alternative to capitalism. Although still in its emerging phase and dominated by capitalism, P2P clearly displays the main contours of an egalitarian society. The very fact that sections of P2P activists and ICT workers are also actively involved in the current protests may work as a good catalyst in connecting P2P to these movements.

In P2P production, producers collectively produce goods through voluntary participation in a de-centered, network-based production system. Volunteers choose the tasks they perform; the amount of time they spend on collective production; the place and time of their productive activity. In term of distribution, anyone in the world can use the products for free according to their own needs, regardless of their contribution (Benkler, 2006). This mode of production is very similar to what Marx (1978 a, 1978b) described as advanced communism. Therefore, it has also been called cyber communism (Kleiner, 2010; Barbrook, 2007; Moglen, 2003).

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suka war

02-08-2012 08:41

Art exhibition . collaberation with john bowden . @ old street 6-9 pm
tonight 2/08/2012

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The EDL's Latest Fear: Communistic Ray Guns

30-07-2012 13:57

You've all heard of Muslamic Ray Guns, the inter-Stella weapons that gave EDL thickoes the willies, making them spontaneously piss themselves in public, giving rise to the incredibly-fashionable "Damp Denim Look". Since then, the paranoid losers are calling everybody who opposes them, from anarchists to liberal democrats and even Tories, "communists!".

Meet the brand new anti-fascist weapon that is far more effective at stopping EDLers sleep at night than a family-size nosebag of cocaine.....

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Counter-olympic demo: games without borders

30-07-2012 11:29

unofficial procession
Migrants in Calais have been under increased attack as border security has been stepped up and the town has been "cleansed" for the arrival of tourists and athlete training camps. In the games without borders demo on Saturday 28 July migrants and supporters defied the clampdown to enjoy some unofficial games of our own.

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LaDIYfest Sheffield presents... Hair Today! Hair Tomorrow? Workshop

24-07-2012 20:41

We will explore the hairy politics of how women's bodies are being patrolled and controlled by societal expectations to shave and groom in a discussion workshop and zine-making session about body hair.
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