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UK Culture Newswire Archive

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Imminent eviction of Gypsies and Travellers from Dale Farm- Info night, Brighton

02-01-2011 14:13

Talk, film and discussion about practical solidarity action to support the Dale Farm Community- Brighton, 8pm, Cowley Club, London Road.
Wednesday 5th January 2011

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Download! Dissident Island 17 December 2010

23-12-2010 11:15

Ready for Download now!!!

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The 'Foxification' of British News

22-12-2010 15:12

Rupert Murdoch - CEO of News Corp
The tale of a large media congolmerate and its bid to take over the British media. Why does one man need to control this much?

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In reaction to recent articles surrounding the student protests

17-12-2010 10:14

Protest is a right of ours, but with a highly distorted understanding of democracy and resistance engrained throughout the UK, what are the most effective methods for getting heard... or better still, achieving change?

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Slum N Bass - RiotStep Round 2

16-12-2010 20:24

Audio Slum N Bass
More Free agit-prop-bass for your demo/action/riot soundsystem...

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Pro student letter in todays Northern Echo

16-12-2010 13:51

In response to the right and far right polutting newspaper letters pages and message boards with anti student crap its time we took them on.

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How to hide your identity

14-12-2010 12:29

How to become a ninja
How to hide your identity from the surveillance machine. Please add further suggestions / amendments as I do not profess to be an expert.

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Censorship Forced on London's Gay Art Festival GFEST in 2010

13-12-2010 16:20

GFEST - Gaywise FESTival organisers in London faced a tricky censorship stipulation from GFEST 2010 venue Hampstead Town Hall - where the visual arts exhibition was held in Nov 2010 - to cover a few queer art works post exhibition closing time. They have written to the Town Hall Trustees / board of management to seek their official clarification but haven’t heard anything as yet.

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12-12-2010 00:44

we are a community group looking for active members wishing to set up a community supported agricultural scheme in Shirehampton Bristol or work an individual allotment.

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UG#529 - Unite and Conquer 1 (The Realisation of Unity)

11-12-2010 23:27

This week we question the reductionist science of the discrete and separate self. Our opening talk, by Paul Bloom, looks at research into the human moral sense, and presents findings which suggests that children even only a few months old are possessed of some kind of moral sense. We follow this up with a heartfelt talk from peace activist Brian Willson, on the need for US culture to break out of its self-imposed box and relate healthily with the world at large. Our major talk, by evolutionary biologist and gift economy activist, Elisabet Sahtouris, is a wide ranging one. She directly challenges reductionist models of evolution, preferring a holistic view, concluding that humanity is undergoing a change akin to the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly.

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Incognito (Oxford)

11-12-2010 00:07

'If you've got nothing to hide then you've got nothing to fear!'

This is a commonly-heard argument against anonymity. It is based on several false assumptions...

Article taken from Issue 2 of The Ox-Fly - Oxford's radical newsletter:

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Nobel Peace Prize Petiton: Julian Assange

10-12-2010 13:19

Assagnes Haftbefehl wurde Aufgehoben !
Please sign online petition: Nobel Peace Prize for Julian Assange ....... HUMAN RIGHTS - Background (Preamble): Julian Assange is the public face of Wikileaks, the organization that has done so much to expose the evil actions of the US and other governments - actions which those governments would rather keep secret.
He is currently under lock and key in the UK, on trumped-up charges widely seen as an excuse to get him into captivity with the aim of discouraging further disclosures of information which it is so evidently in the public interest to disclose. An award of a Nobel Peace Prize to this courageous man would recognize his contribution to justice and would encourage further leaks of information from those who are considering revealing facts but who might otherwise decide not to. An online petition has been launched, urging the Norwegian Nobel Committee to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Julian Assange. .......... ........... OK this idea comes from the Kremlin, but never mind that. Ditto the fact that Kissinger, Peres, and Obama also got given this prize. And the hacking is brilliant. But let's fight on more than one front.

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World's smallest solar powered cinema wins award

10-12-2010 10:23

The Sol Cinema
A micro cinema has won the Network Wales Award for best communication project of any organisation from across the country.

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SchNEWS 751: Hacktion Stations

09-12-2010 23:39

A real (but largely virtual) war is being fought over control of information and your right to hear the truth - especially any truth unpalatable as far as the ruling elites are concerned. In their guise of 'The Authorities', the nod for a full on assault on WikiLeaks was given sometime ago; a not-so-covert campaign to shut the website shut down and trace and punish those responsible is well underway.

On the Newswire: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

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How British higher education became corrupted

09-12-2010 17:14

The rot set in when money began to follow the student rather than a block grant to a university being disbursed by the University Grants Committee. The comercialisation of the student was completed with the withdrawal of maintenance grants and the imposition of tuition fees. Students were transformed into customers.

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"A Rivista Anarchica" is available online in English

08-12-2010 21:14

"A Rivista Anarchica" is now available online in English and in Italian

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OKASIONAL CAFE is back in Manchester!

08-12-2010 12:33

After a 8 year absence the OKasional Cafe is back in Manchester!
The squatted space will hold a daily café, regular vegan meals and function as a radical space for meetings, organising, actions, workshops and events.

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The WikiLeaks Case: Is ‘Freedom Of The Press’ Another U.S. Catch phrase for totaliniarisn with a democratic facade?

08-12-2010 09:49

Whistleblower Julian Assange has been dubbed ‘the world’s most dangerous man’ not because he has revealed U.S. secret documents and war crimes but his WikiLeaks website has exposed the arrogance and prepotency of a U.S. system that shoots first, asks questions later and treats its allies with imperial disdain.

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Music to for the masses - fight the cuts then an now

07-12-2010 00:30

Audio CNT Records - No Pasaran
Tunes to play loud at your occupation, tax dodge demo, demo or riot

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The Animal Rights of Shakespeare: On Hunters, Vivisectors, Carnivores etc.

06-12-2010 17:43

Shakespeare on calves, deer, wild pigs,horses, rabbits, etc

You are welcome to send these to teachers of English literature and poetry.
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